If you look in the mirror and think you look fat, describe what being fat means as it pertains to you.
Pay attention to the bodies of the people around you this week. What are you thinking when you look at them? How would you compare your body to theirs?
If you are trying to lose weight, write an entry in your journal and leave your link in the comments section below so I can find you. If you are not trying to lose weight, you can play along if you want to or not. (You can write your answers to both questions in one entry.)
Tag by Debbie
I would love to lose these 20 lbs. When I look in the mirror, my clothes are too tight and are uncomfortable. My boobs are falling, and I no longer have a waist.
I know I am only a size 10 (on a good day) a 12 on a regular day. And I have friends dying to be my size. Big problem...my boobs hurt. My bra size was always a 34, barely B. Now its a 34 C, almost D. I don't know what to do with these things.
Sandy is a size 22, but I don't see that when I look at her. I don't see that at all. I see my best friend!
I don't look in the mirror anymore.I just ask others how I look .It's less painful,because they usually give you a complement,which make sme feel good lol!!Have a great day Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Eh! But, I would like to get back into better shape again. Had so much on my mind the past few months, eating healthily has not always been a big priority. And, have to admit, I HAVE noticed some bodies lately:) Dag, you aren't referring to specific male bodies, are you? Okay, okay, it's a start............ hehe.
Good ideas here, Win.
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