Wednesday is dedicated to the Greek god Hermes~ Mercury, as he is known by the Romans. The Spanish word for Wednesday is Miercoles.
Most people know Mercury by his winged hat and his winged sandals, but he also carries a money bag or coins and a staff. Mercury's staff is used as an icon by the medical profession, and he is the icon for FTD, a company that delivers flowers, because he is as fast as the wind.

Mercury had a very impressive resume! The Greek word for an interpreter or translator is Hermêneus, which is derived from the name of Hermes. Besides being employed by Zeus as the messenger to the gods, Mercury is also known as the god of trade and commerce, the protector of the home, the god of language, the god of dreams and sleep, the guide of the souls of the dead into the other world, the god of gymnasiums and athletic games, the god of astronomy and astrology, the god of goat herders and guard dogs, a god of employment and prosperity, and because he invented the lyre, he is also known as the god of inventors and rustic music.
Wednesday is symbolized by the element of air, which is not surprising because Mercury is as swift as the wind. The color for Wednesday is yellow, although orange is also considered. Wednesday is a day for communications and business transactions.
The color yellow also deals with the intellect. It is a good color for students, interviews, and public speaking. It is the color to wear when you want to be heard.

Speaking of communications, there was a man on television yesterday who was very good looking~ until he opened his mouth. This week, I will pay more attention to how I communicate with others through words and through my body language.
Well if Wednesday is the day for communiacations and business transactions.I think I best go next Wednesday (too late this evening now) and communicate with the lady in the store across the road,and buy a lottery ticket for next Wednesdays Lottery draw.Then when I win I can do some transactions with the bank LOL!!Thankyou for this very interesting post once more .Take Care God Blesss Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Wow you are a walking book of knowledge....LOL....I love learning from you....June:)
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