Monday is ruled by the moon. The moon goddess was the twin sister of the sun god. During the day, it was the sun god's job to ride his chariot across the sky, and at night, it was the moon goddess' job to ride her chariot across the sky. That way, the gods could tell if it was night or day.
It is said that while the sun god was doing his job during the day, the moon goddess was a skilled archer on earth who loved to hunt in the woods and she would bathe in the sea to enhance her beauty. This goddess was named Diana. I do not know if Diana and Selene were one in the same, but the moon goddess is known by many names, including Artemis and Diana.
One evening, the moon goddess Selene caught a glimpse of a handsome young shepherd. He was sleeping on a hillside with his sheep scattered over the gentle slope. Selene was so attracted to his beauty that she stepped out of her chariot to get a closer look. She just stood there in awe, gazing at the beauty of his face. Then she bent down and kissed him softly on the lips...
The sleeping shepherd was half-awakened by her kiss. He rose quickly and rubbed his eyes, but he only caught a fleeting vision of her chariot flying quickly across the sky. Was it real or was it but a dream?
Selene kept thinking about Endymion. The following night, she could not stay away. She had to see him again, but she always left before Endymion could catch a glimpse of her.
Selene was so drawn to Endymion's beauty, that she kept coming to Earth, and she started to neglect her goddess duties of driving her chariot across the sky at night. This angered Zeus, so they had a little talk.
Selene told Zeus that she kept coming to earth because she was afraid that Endymion would lose his beauty as he aged, because Endymion was a mortal. Selene wanted Endymoin to be immortal so that she could be with him forever. She was hoping that Endymion would want to be immortal, too, so that he could be with her.
Selene pleaded with Zeus to grant Endymion whatever he wished for, but Endymion did not ask to be immortal. He was a vain mortal who just wanted to retain his good looks.
Zeus wanted Selene to return to her goddess duties, so he granted Endymion's wish. He cast a spell on Endymion to retain his good looks but with one catch... eternal sleep.
Selene carried Endymoin to a cave in a mountain-side known only to herself. Each night, as she drove her chariot across the sky, she would come to earth to stop by the cave and visit the sleeping Endymion.
The legend is that Selene gave the sleeping Endymion fifty daughters, which represent the moons of the year. This is why Selene is also known as the goddess of fertility.
The color for Monday is blue but also grays and white. The element of Monday is water. Monday deals with the emotions, with dreams, and illusions.
Realy interesting I have so enjoyed reading and I love th egraphics.Thanx for sharing.Hope you are well.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
What an awesome story....June:)
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