My Answers to last Monday's Question and Observation of the Week...
When some people look in the mirror they only see the negative. Look at yourself in the mirror and describe something about your body that is beautiful and positive.
I am not sure what to write about here. Most people notice my hair first... the little girl with the big hair... the lady with the mermaid hair... some people think it is a perm but it's not. One woman saw me standing from the back and thought it was a wig. She said she was going to buy it, but when she got closer, she noticed that there was a person behind it. LOL... Whenever kids draw pictures of me, my hair a very dominant feature. Some of the kids that I worked with used to call me Shakira. I think I might be... before she lost weight. LOL...
My daughter says my best feature is my smile. I am proud that I have never had a cavity in my life. When I was in a car accident in 1980, I broke my jaw on both sides and I could have lost all of my teeth, but thanks to a surgeon who took my wisdom teeth out to put my mouth back together and wired my teeth shut so that my teeth would not fall out, I still have my smile and my dimples. I also have a beauty mark on the left side above my upper lip. That is why I always sign off with this smile... =.)
I think a smile is very important. If you see a person without a smile, give them yours. =.)
Pay special attention to the foods you eat this week. Use your five senses to analyze what you are eating: look at it, touch it, smell it, taste it, listen to it as you are cooking it or eating it. Which was your favorite? Write about it.
There are different foods that I could write about here, but not one of them included all five senses. The one that came the closest was the cornbread that I made for my mother and my brother. It was fun to prepare it from scratch and put it into the oven. When it was almost done, the smell came through the oven door. When I took it out, the smell was even more intense. It rose perfectly and the color was just right. I cut it with a knife in small and big sections, carefully separating it from the edge and the bottom of the glass pie dish. The dish felt warm in my hands when I packed it to take it to Mother's. The only thing is that I didn't taste it. I wanted to leave it all for them to enjoy.
I will have to carry this observation over into this week.
I couldn't resist this Quiz. LOL...
Do You Scare Off Men?
***You Are 32% Scary***You scare men off ocassionaly, but only very weak men. You're a normal woman. You're not perfect, but you're pretty darn close.
Cheers to your beautiful smile and mermaid hair !! I had seven cavities last year (I got them filled, of course), and I have a missing tooth. I would love to have a smile like yours and keeping up a mouth like yours is no easy feat. You deserve a medal for that.
Many women have thinning hair or bald spots, so you are fortunate. Luckily I am fortunate in the hair department to that ::raises glass to make a toast::
Oh yeah, and cheers to scaring off all the weak men !!
Do I scare off men, ha, well, guess I'll go look.
I love cornbread:) Even had some yesterday!
Cute tink graphic!!
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