If you look in the mirror and think you look fat, describe what being fat means as it pertains to you.
When I look in the mirror, I see "a person I don't recognize." It is not hard to see the difference when you remember your body being at a different weight and a different size. The problem is that I was too busy to notice what was happening to my body. If I had caught the problem in time, I wouldn't have to be stressed out over having to lose the weight, but life continues to happen and so the cycle has continued for the past four years. I hope this journal will help me to stop recycling the same pounds that I keep losing over and over again.
For me, being fat means being wider than I am tall. It means gaining double what I used to weigh. It means that instead of me, the closet is wearing my prettiest clothes. It means that I am too embarrassed to even think about intimacy. It means that people do not respond to me as well as when I am fit. It means that it takes me longer to get dressed, especially if I am wearing pantyhose or shoes that have to be buckled or tied. It means that I have lost my energy and everything and anything gets me tired and exhausted. It means not being able to go up a flight of stairs without getting short-winded. It means that it is harder to find comfortable shoes that fit right. It means that I was so used to dressing the "The Woman in The Glass Box" that I do not know how to dress the person who is now staring back at me from inside the mirror. It means that I have failed myself.
I do not know this stranger, but I need to take time to get to know her and I need to stop putting her last. She might not be what I want to look like, but she is still a person who needs to be loved and I am the only one who can set her free from The Glass Box.
(I will not add my Observations of the Week until the end of the week.)
beautiful and inspiring entry...
Gem :-)
Oh, darlin'....I hope you can feel better soon! I don't know you as someone by looks alone only as a comfort to have as a friend. ~: )
It's whats on the inside that counts,and I find the inside of you to be perfect.So let go and break that Glass Box OPEN step outside right away. I do not judge a book by it's cover.So let me be the first to welcome you from that Galss Box.You Take Care Have a lovely Tuesday if possible know you are in my prayers OK!!God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
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