I think it is funny that some people say that if you are beautiful on the inside, you can forget about being fat on the outside. Hello! Even though I do write about my life and things that I have discovered, this IS a weight-loss journal! =.)
You might say, "Well, what is she thinking?! What do all of these gods she is writing about have to do with her weight-loss journey?!"
Don't be so impatient! Let's just say that I have three projects that I am working on, and I am trying to get in tune to the Universe. You will find out soon enough. As they say with all those 12-step programs, take it one day at a time! Or in my case~ one meal at a time!
It has been hard to write in my journal everyday, but so far, it seems to be helping. I have been a really good girl with my eating plan this week. I have not written about what I am eating, because I am still playing the guinea pig, but when I get a little closer to following it, I will write about it.
Some people do not understand the numbers of the scale. I suppose the fact that I cannot find a new battery for my scale is that subconsciously I would rather just throw the da*n thing away! Personally, I prefer the tape measure.
Although I am still in the "danger" zone, I have lost a total of ten inches off my waist, but I still cannot fit into my skirts. Must presevere.
YEAH 10 inches! :) That's a lot! Yes, stay perservering........... you can do this:)
I have said It is whats on the inside that counts,in previous comments.Anything else I have said,I hope I havn't offended.I hav'nt said them with intention to offend.I do understand how you feel and what you must be going through.I merely made these statements trying to explain.To me if I like a person,it doesn't matter what size they are.So I am sorry if I am one of those funny people you mention.in your posting.It sounds to me as though you have done realy well with your diet.Keep up the good work.Clap Clap.Well done.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand.
10 inches....Ten Terrific Inches!! I had no idea, I really didn't...you are amazing!
You know I have no idea what you look like..doesn't matter...you're my new "Bud" ~: )
I've heard it said, "Don't say you are oging to start a diet tomorrow or monday". It starts with the next meal..and if you screw up, then the next meal.
I admire your endeavours. Keep it up you are an inspiration.
You go girl.....LOL....June:)
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