I was getting dressed for church this morning and the button from my biggest pants flew to the other side of the room! OMGGG... I hope I can find that button so that I can sew it back on. (lol)
My best clothes are falling apart... The material is worn and faded... The styles are outdated... but what is worse is that most of them are too tight for my body...
Abba, have mercy on me! I look like a stuffed tamale!... My reflection in the glass scares me...

Once was a time when I was at the XS side of the sizing chart... I was wearing a size 4 or a size 6 about three years ago...
Why?! Why?! Why?!!! Why am I way on the other side of the sizing chart now?!!#
I received a fashion catalog in the mail yesterday... I already marked about six pages! LOL @ there is no money to buy and I missed out on the jacket that I could have bought at 40% off last month...
Lord, you know that I need clothes, but I really do not want to buy bigger clothes... and they have to be comfortable enough when I sit down, which means that they need to have a little bit of stretch...
And my shoes... my feet are so swollen and full of water that it is sooooo difficult to walk in heels... I had to say "goodbye" to the wiggle in my walk... My "sexy Marilyn walk" is no more...

And why do they make shoes so high? ... My goodness! It seems as if every year, they just keep getting higher and higher!!!... It is so hard to find a comfortable pair of shoes with a decent-sized heel...
Lord, you know that flats and tennis shoes are not permitted at work... and you know that I need to find work, so please help me to find a pretty pair of shoes that are only about two-inches high!!!... Come on, PayLess! Get it together! LOL
Abba, help me to make a change!!!... My body demands it!!!!!!... All this stress has me eating more than I should... and later than I should!
I have to continue to look for work, but I also need to re-program my conscience again... I have to force myself to stop eating by 7:00 p.m... I need to get back to walking with God in the moonlight... even if my body will only allow me to walk for 10 minutes... Yes... this is the plan for this week... Lord, please allow me to make it so...
A special Thank-You goes out to the people who have requested some of my tags... I am so flattered that you think my designs are good enough to be in your journals...
On Saturday, I learned how to make water... I will add the tag I made to the next entry, because there is already too much animation in this entry...
Win =.)
I hear ya on the clothes, Wini. Ugh, my stuff got so tight when I quit smoking. I just ended up buying some bigger things, only a few though. I really can't afford to. I love your tags. I can't wait to see the water one. Where did you get the Marilyn at. I'm looking for those movie type ones. Anyway, I'm doing the meme thingie tomorrrow. I didn't realize I hadn't been in my journal for 2 weeks. Yikes. Love ya, Chris
I love your tags...the flower one is really cool...
Tom Jones is a sexy man...
Hi Win,
I didn't know you make tags...all this graphic/tag in this entry is pretty.
Take care,
Gem :-)
Not good enough? Your tags are beautiful....I just didn't know you were making them for others!!!! You are very talented my friend :)
I understand your feelings about the clothes, trust me, I do. But you are a woman of amazing character & strength, and I have no doubt that you can get to a place where you are comfortable with yourself. Personally, I think it should be now, because I think you're beautiful....as is :)
Prayers continue for your job hunt...
Love & Pooh Hugs,
Still praying for you to find work. I fight the battle of the bulge (but not hard enough) too so I understand your pain.
Hugs, Joyce
ok which ones can i get? they all are wonderful
Hi dear Win...I think our heavenly Father wouuld be answering..."My dear Win,, please help me..stop eating after 7pm. get out there and have a walk. forget about jobs, I will send you one when I want. Always rememeber it is MY WILL BE DONE...not yours however much you plead with me...sometomes I turn a deaf ear! Love from your Heavenly Father. and of course your daft freind Sybil xx
Great entry Win ...love Jan xx
you are much better than me if you don't mind heels ;) I can't stand them and am always wearing trainers but here's a hint don't smell my socks lol I brought a pair of trousers on Saturday in a sale and within a few hours of wearing them the main button had come off :(
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