OMGGG @ what time is it?!#... Have I truly been on the computer all day?! We had our graphic lesson by IM today, but I got so lost in class... The graphic above was made by Debbie (our leader)... It is what our graphic was supposed to look like when we got finished...
Debbie was following a tutorial from the Internet, but I became so confused at all the layers, etc. She says she is going to re-do the instructions to include some shortcuts, because whoever wrote the tutorial was making a lot of extra steps... I don't need extra steps... I need easy steps. lol...
Because I got lost in the tutorial and do not remember what we learned today by memory, I redid it my way,,, This is what I came up with. lol...

I think I like mine better...
Plans for today were to finish cleaning the Living Room and look for stuff to donate to Charity... I have no idea why I have to move furniture or change the stuff on the wall in order to clean... For some unknown reason, it is the only way I can clean a room when I am in a slump about housework. I don't usually move the furniture, because my sofa is huge, but I am wondering why I had never thought of moving my furniture like this before!
It is so much more spacious...I love space...
and I put Tidbit by the window... I am taking a chance that she will not make too much noise there. Birds are not supposed to be near the TV... They don't like it... but unlike most people, I do not put the TV on very loud... Tidbit likes the little song to Married With Children. lol... I am just afraid that she might make too much noise when she hears the birds singing in the balcony or in the trees outside...
The birds meet in the trees in the evening and they have their little talks and go to sleep in the trees... In the morning, they have another little meeting before they go off for the day and then they return later in the evening... It's so funny... It is as if they are going off to work...
I called the man who wanted to give me a dove but he has already given the dove away... Oh, well... it happens... at least I found my old birdcage at my mother's home...
Parts of the room are clean, but I still have boxes to sort through to decide what to donate to Charity... My biggest problem is paper and stuff from previous jobs... My shredder is a joke... I am always afraid of Identity Theft, because it happened to a friend of mine and her life was a mess for years! She had to practically re-invent herself on paper...
I hope I can stay away from the computer tomorrow, so I can finish cleaning the living room. lol...
I like your graphic, it came out cute!!
I love moving around furtniture Winivere.I get so bored if it stays in the same place for a long time.Guess I havn't much to de-clutter right now or move around in my life only my head LOL!!!I like your story of the birds it's funny LOL!!I love the graphic too,but photo bucket will only give me red crosses in my journal since my break away from J/land Grrr and AOL pictures are stopping the animations and I am saving them as gifs.So I am very upset I cannot request or put graphics in now.I will have to try and sort it out.I love graphics and I have no interest in doing postings in my blog without them.I hope you get all the work done in your home and think of how much better you will feel afterwards.Then you can stay on your computer NIGHT and DAY LOL!! Take Care In my prayers always.God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I to love sitting here at the computer but it really is a tiem waster !! Every evening I sit here and play around and usually sit playing a game to myself LOL then wonder wher ethe evening has gone. the TV is playing away in teh corner and when Mary comes over she will say did you watch such and such ? I have to say well yes it was on but I can't say that I actually heard much of it !! I am not on during the day though as Mary is always here ..if she wern't I suppose I would be sitting here playing away the day and tehn nothing would get done ! Love Sybil xx
Hi Win, sorry I haven't been around much lately. But with school and running errands and letting my daughter use my van I'm never home during the week. I like the tag you made also. Sorry you didn't get the dove. They are such beautiful birds. I use to raise white fan tailed doves when in my teens. I cleaned my livingroom yesterday, and everytime I sat for a break I checked email, lol. I hope you have a nice day today. ((((((((hugs)))))))))
LOL, Wini, I hate tutorials, especially the ones on the internet for the exact reason you stated. Most times, I end up doing it different anyway. I like yours better than the tut also. I usually just get some ideas from a tutorial and go from there. Besides that, yours is totally unique and your own now. Ugh, I need to start moving and cleaning things. I wish I could change my family room around but it's configured so weird. Have a good Sunday! Love ya, Chris
Wini dear,
I agree with you about the time just goes by when you're having so much fun infront of the computer. I used to sit for hours and nothing gets done at home.
In fact, I've been on the computer almost everyday lately that nothing is getting done around the house again..so I'm staying away for a while until my house is in tip top shape again.
I won't be online for a while (well, that's my hope!) lol...
Gem :-)
Your graphic looks great Wini and you have made it your own. Very, very nice.
Hugs, Joyce
The tag is so cute Win....and even better since you ended up foing it yourself! It shows us how talented you are :)
I know what you mean about sitting in front of the computer....I have been doing it all morning and I need to be at my Mom's like an hour ago!! It just sucks you in :)
I agree with you about the identy theft....scary suff! We shredd everything too!
Praying for you.....
Love & Pooh Hugs,
You've done well with the graphic, Win. I'm useless with PSP lol
You did a reat job with the graphic/ani! I was working on the Tube Challenge until micnight last night. hugs, Bethe
I think your tag looks great :o)
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