Oh, dear God, let the next prospective employer be just a little bit blind but with good hearing, so that I will look and sound like the perfect candidate for the job!
Is there such a thing as "bad hair" discrimination?! Can you sue if you believe you have been discriminated against because your hair is not having a good day?
And how do you keep up with the gray?! Ahhh... once was a time when coloring my hair was just for fun... Those days are gone... Gray, all by myself... Don't wanna be gray anymore!
So I took the recommended hair color and applied it to my hair, all the while crossing my fingers at what the outcome will be... OMGG! It looked dark while it was on, but I think I may have left it on too long... One thing about hair color, you really don't know what it looks like until you go into direct sunlight... I hope I will like it but I think it came out too light... I just hope I do not shock the people at church tomorrow... or the Interviewer on Monday.
Last week and this week, I have spent a lot of time looking for this new wallet, but I couldn't find one anywhere... Of course, I wanted it to be one that I liked, but I also wanted to find one at a reasonable price...
So here it was Friday already... and still no wallet... I went to church and left my parked car at the church parking lot while I took a little walk downtown... I wasn't wearing the right shoes to walk very far, but I told myself that I would only go up a few streets and come back if I didn't find anything...
The shops downtown are always packed with people from Mexico... and even though they have parking meters, it is always hard to find a parking space, so I never go there...
I walked a couple of blocks and discovered that it has been a good while since I knew how to walk like a pedestrian. (lol) Oops @ you need to wait for the little walking man on the light before you cross the street or they will run right over you!...
I went to two shops. At the first one, I found a checkbook wallet that looked like a cigarette case... It is modern, but I didn't like the color and it was $10... I asked the clerk to hold it for me (just in case I didn't find something else).
I crossed the street to a little shop that looked as if they might have wallets... They had a variety to choose from... I was immediately drawn to a gold checkbook wallet... It stood out among all of the boring and imitation brand name ones... It was gold on the inside, too, and it looked perfect on the inside, but I wasn't sure...
I asked the clerk if she had any other recommendations... She pulled out a silver checkbook wallet that was very soft... The material shimmered a bit because of the imprinted design, which looked like fish scales or snakeskin... The inside had lots and lots of little inserts for credit cards... Where am I going to get all those credit cards?! lol @ you never know!...
The gold one had a fold in the coin section that allowed easy access to the coins you put inside; the silver wallet did not... Both were slim (not bulky) and both had a place for checks and credit cards, but the silver wallet had three clear view places to insert pictures or drivers license or ID... and it was the material that it was made of that made it look so pretty and elegant...
I asked the sales clerk for the price of the wallet, and it turned out that the silver wallet was only $5.99... so I bought it... To my surprise, I had the exact amount that I needed for the new wallet in my old wallet!
So I walked away, all happy about my new wallet, feeling good, not only about finding a wallet that I liked, but that I found it at a good price, too! I walked back to the church and got it blessed...
When I got to the apartment, I was very excited about filling up my wallet with things that I would need... It felt strange to emptythe old checkbook cover and take stuff out of my card holder to place them in the new wallet... You would have sworn that I had been given a million dollars at how excited I was to buy a new wallet. It seemed to validate the fact that God is going to send me a great job to earn money to put into my new wallet.
An unexpected surprise is that I had forgotten that I already had a small silver coin purse that matches the checkbook wallet perfectly, so in the coin section of the wallet, I placed a sixpence coin (from England) and a groom coin... I have had those coins since my daughters got married... Now I will always know where they are...
My new wallet is an act of Faith that God will provide... I am very happy with my new wallet, and now, I am thinking about what I can add to my coin purse... It has a key ring, so I would like to get a metal or two to put on it.
Just like this little kitty, I hope my new wallet will bring me new found money. =.) It's been such a long time since I have found money on the street... Don't people lose coins from their pockets anymore? I used to always find pennies... I like to find little coins, because for me, it is a sign from God that some money is coming.
I had never heard of getting a wallet blessed. Is that a local thing or is it Catholic?
hugs, Bethe
have a good week:)
I hope that you finding your new wallet is symbolic of you finding the perfect job to fill it with money. I pray that you will find a new job soon.
Oh you are a one Win !! you and always looking for money...aint you learnt yet that it always comes when you least expect it not when you are looking for it or think we are desperate !!! Your new wallet sounds really lovely and I am praying that you will always have a little something in it and that it will never be empty. As for your dyed hair...hope that it turned out looking ok. It is not something I have ever done believe it or not...it is juts my natural colour...now a definate silvery gray !! but looks ok to me if it's ok with God it's ok with me. Love Sybil xx
glad to hear you found a wallet you like. i'm sure your hair looks fine. (((((hugs))))))
I've had terrible hair days but I don't think employers hold that against you. I think the perfect job is there. I used to color my hair myself all the time but there's too much gray now. I get streaky weird colors so I have to have it done which kills me. You new wallet sounds neat. I hate changing wallets and purses. LOL...it's traumatic because I'm a packrat and have to move all that stuff. Hang in there, Wini...I told you God has the perfect job for you. Hugs Chris
I'll bet your hair looks great. We are our own worst critics you know. Good luck on Monday.
Hugs, Joyce
I'm sure you'll look quite distinguished, Win - good luck with your job interview!
It sounds very pretty, and I like that it's also soft.
Oh, just to add -- how do I handle my grey? I have too little money to be certain I can keep up with any coloring, and have never colored my hair in my life. So, about a year ago, I decided to just accept the grey for now. I'm starting ot rather like it. Grey hair, silver wallet, hmmm.
I'm sure the color you chose is lovely!
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