I am on my last egg...
I tried to economize the last time that I went to the store by buying the big box of eggs...
Unfortunately, when I got the box home, I discovered that they put the bigger eggs on the edges and the ones in the middle were REALLY small... It is not economical at all to buy small eggs, because most recipes call for large eggs, and if the eggs are too small, you have to use two... so make sure you check your eggs before you buy them!
It would have been nice to have had eggs for breakfast today, but I had beans instead. (sigh)

Today is Friday... It is the start of a seven Friday fast... At church, today, we talked about liberation and about FEAR...
It is amazing how fear affects us...
Fear makes us imagine thoughts that aren't true...
Fear makes us tell lies...
Fear makes us feel restless, depressed, and anxious...
Fear makes it difficult to state our opinions...
Fear makes it difficult to move forward...
Fear attacks us from all sides...

My favorite scripture about fear is when Peter walked on the water with Jesus... Peter became fearful when he walked on the water... It was fear that caused him to sink...
Peace is what I leave with you;
it is my own Peace that I give you.
I do not give it as the world does.
Do not be worried and upset;
do not be afraid.
~ John 14:27
Very nice entry Wini. I hate to buy eggs at all...food has gotten so high.
Hugs, Joyce
I do not like fear!!! I must admit I always check my eggs before I buy them coz I don't want to pick up a box of broken ones ;)
I remember how it was leaving in fear...it was so lonely and dark in there.
Faith, instead of fear.
What power that holds!
God, the powerful, having faith in Him.
May all your eggs hold out:)
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