I told her that I am having problems fitting into my clothes, because I am back to eating rice and pastas to make my groceries stretch...
"What do you like to eat?" she asked...
"You know what I have been really craving lately?" I replied... "strawberries!"
so we got on the subject of Strawberries and we had a pretty lengthy discussion about strawberries and strawberries with chocolate... You would have sworn we were just like Forrest Gump and Bubba talking about shrimp...
After I got my blessing for the interview tomorrow, I walked to my car and Nelly ran after me with something in her hand... The church was selling fruit cups to raise money for the church expenses...
Inside the fruit cup was a strawberry! =.)
Make your petitions unto the Lord!
No request is too small for God. =.)
God bless all the farmers who bring us this delicious fruit...

Very nice entry...made me hungry.
Hugs, Joyce
What a wonderful story.....and she was a very sweet friend with a generous heart. I love hearing when people do little things for people to make them smile....it gives me hope for the world.
Have a good week Wyn, I'll be praying for good things to happen for you :)
Pooh Hugs,
I think you should perhaps come over here for a while Win...where I live is only about 20 miles from the heart of the growing area for the VERY BEST strawberries to be found ANYWHERE cheddar strawberries...the very thought of them has my juices running...pity I will have to wait another few months before they are ready for picking !! Love Sybil Good luck today
Oh yes strawberry fields forever........... you reminded me that I splurged and bought some nice looking on sale ones this weekend. I'm saving them for when my daughter comes home tonight. Yum!
I've not seen this memorial previously, and I was quite fond of John Lennon.
A lovely posting as usual so many lovely graphics and what a subject I love them Mmmmm.I have picked my own strawberries lots of times.Never had them in choclate though.Prayers for you Winivere always .Good luck with your future interveiws.Take Care my friend.I am just trying a few comments but not back regular as yet.Far too much to do and so tired still.Thinking of you.God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
How lovely is Nelly :o) I hope you were able to dip those strawberries in chocolate xx
what a great person...she's the type who really listens and notice the little things.
Gem :)
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