OMGG @ I forgot that I had made this tag for the Challenge... I have a couple of more tags that I did, but I will add them later (maybe).
Seems as if they changed the rules about how many you can enter this week. I made four, but I only submitted two... I may be wrong, but I don't think we get rewarded for submitting entries... except that it goes into the group journal...
I don't know if it was the Rain Tag that I put into my journal yesterday that brought on the rain, but we were under a Flood Watch pretty early last night... I say pretty early, because we only got a few sprinkles when the Flood Watch went into affect... I have no idea why they would say we were under a Flood Watch when there was hardly any rain coming down, but LOL @ God's tummy sounded as if He was a bit hungry... That was about SupperTime, so I prepared myself something to eat...
Rewinding in thought to reader's comments about the gizzards I found at the market... First you remove the tough part that joins the gizzards so that you only have the meat... This will ensure that the meat you are eating will be soft... Then you prepare the gizzards like you would prepare Carne Guisada... with serrano peppers, onion, green pepper, gravy, fresh comino and garlic ground and crushed in a molcajete, and a bit of tomato sauce for color... It is delicious and more economical than carne guisada. You can serve it with rice and beans or eat it as a taco on a flour tortilla, but I have only been eating corn tortillas lately...
Anyways... so back to the rain... All I know is that my television looked as if it was raining inside the box... The reception was really bad, and I was very disappointed that I was not able to watch "Desperate Housewives," because it looked as if it was going to be a good episode... I used to be like Bree's domestic goddess character... I guess things change, especially after the computer age... LOL
The rain stopped for a little while, and then, it rained all night... I love going to sleep when it is raining... Something about the rain just seems to calm and comfort my soul...
I woke up to the sound of the water trinkling down the drainage pipes from the roof of the building... It was so loud that it felt as if it was raining in the bathroom... I ran to the bathroom to see if the roof of the bathroom was leaking, but it was not... And I laughed to myself for a moment...
I don't know if the dream that I dreamed last night was the result of the calming sounds of the rain... Actually, I have been dreaming the past couple of nights... which is quite unusual for me... Usually, it is my worries that keep rambling through my mind in my sleep... Must be the reason why I always wake up so tired...
For some time now, I keep running into scripture that tells me that I need a bigger place... I know I need a bigger place so that I can stop paying for both rent and storage... but last night, I had another dream...
I dreamed that I was conversing with an angel... She lead me to a place where we were standing at the top of the stairs. The angel extended her right arm and pointed her finger to a place below the stairs...
She said:
Do not worry. God is going to promote you.
My eyes widened with surprise... The place was much better than the one-bedroom apartment that I have now and it was perfect!
I turned to her and asked her: Are you telling me that this is where I am going to be?
She smiled at me and she said: Yes...

A dream is a wish your heart makes
when you're fast asleep.
In dreams you will lose your heartaches,
whatever you wish for you keep.
Have faith in your dreams and someday,
your rainbow will come smiling through.
No matter how your heart is grieving,
if you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true.
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're feeling small,
Alone in the night you'll whisper,
thinking no one can hear you at all.
You wake with the morning sunlight
to find fortune that is smiling on you.
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow,
for all you know, tomorrow
the dream that you wished will come true.
(A dream is a wish your heart makes)
Oh, when you're fast asleep.
(In dreams you will lose your heartaches)
Oh, whatever you wish for you keep.
Oh, you wake with the morning sunlight
to find fortune that is smiling on you.
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow,
for all you know, tomorrow
the dream that you wished will come true.
Oh, no matter how your heart is grieving,
if you'll keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true.