Oh, what a night! I have a To-Do list that is probably as long as my arm. (Thank God my arms are short.) But I woke up at 11:30 p.m. and I had trouble going to back to sleep after that! I took a couple of sleeping pills and read a book, hoping that it would help me to fall asleep, but nothing... Hours later, I was still wide awake...
My throat felt as sore as if I had eaten glass... I made myself into the kitchen, put some lemon juice and water into a cup and heated it up in the microwave, grabbed the honey bear, and squeezed some honey in it... I sat there, drinking my little home-make potion, praying for it to do the trick... and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep!
I woke up just in time to get ready for church... The message today was about Jacob's ladder...Love it... Then, we walked through the Prosperity door...

I haven't been able to do much today... I am still feeling sick ~ headache, dizzy, my ears hurt, my throat hurts, I vomited twice, and my voice is squeeky... I have to get better by Wednesday, because I have an interview to go to...

When we get tangled up in our problems,
God wants us to stay still so He can untangle the knot.
Get well soon, Win
Hope you get to feeling better soon! -Missy
I just got over that mess Wini. Your honey and lemon juice drink will help a little but you need to REST, REST, REST and rest some more. I'm praying for you and for Wednesday. Remember, we claim that interview together.
Hugs & Luv, Joyce
Win, what is the Prosperity Door you mentioned? I do hope you feel better for your job interview! sounds like a nasty viral bug got a hold of you and your body! rest, lots of fluids, pump vitamin C
I'll pray for you to get better before the interview!!
oh, you need to be better quickly before the interview!! I'm praying for that....and also for the interview itself. Just be yourself....you rock!
Pooh Hugs,
I love that saying!!! I need to be still more often than I do..but boy how much easier it is when he does the work..wishing you a great week..I so hope things are going okay for you..you are in my prayers!!!! Hugs,TerryAnn
I hope you feel better soon. I caught a cold & realized it last Tues night but I'm much better already without doing much. I do think the menthyl cough drops & that school teacher stuff helped a bit but I didn't go for the over the counter stuff my doc wanted to yet. I have been getting better each day so...The top of my roof of my mouth was bad but never went to my throat. We'll see.
I LOVE your last quote. I never heard that before! I'll have to use that one! And I think he does that but helping you come up with the solution when you are still & quiet your mind to think better.
2nd time i am trying to add a comment I was switched off last time !! Anyway hope that by now you are feeling a lot better. I was glad to see that you were able to get to church, I always think it is good to be amongst friends and get their supposrt as well. Will have you in my prayers especially in Wednesday. Love Sybil xx
I am so sorry to learn you have been feeling so unwell.I wish you get a job and I knew you were going tot be there for good.I wold then write you.I cannot do so not knowing if you are going to be living there if you do not find a kob.Please know you are in my thought s and prayers and I do hope today you feel much better.Thankoyu for th emessgaes you sent yestarday.I appreciate every one of them.You are an angel and deserve more in life.I love the last two sentences of your posting today about God.I will remmeber that for a long time..Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Take some high strength Vitamin C 1000 mg strength. That will boost your imune system. I take the kind that disolves in water and makes a fizzy drink..not unlike Alka Seltzer. It comes in different flavours at the chemists but I like the orange one.
I will pray that this leaves your system in time for your interview on Wednesday.
As it says above...stand still and let God untangle the knot.
He will be there for you.
Jeanie xx
Hope you are feeling better xx
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