Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Story Behind The Blog

Sharing an entry that I shared with my graphic group...
 The story behind my Blog...
"Winivere" stands for "she who wins," although I have had a bit of difficulty winning at my job search these past few months...  I consider myself a woman of "strength, honor, survival, and courage"... This is why you will always find women of strength in my journal...
Being a product of "damaged goods," it has always been hard for me to see myself as "pretty" or "beautiful." It wasn't until I left my family and was on my own that I began to work at shaping my body to what I wanted it to look like...
Marilyn Monroe has always been my image of real "beauty." I have no intention of looking like a stick... I believe that the curves of a woman are the "imperfections" that make her "perfect."
When I was in college and when I lived my life as a single parent, I worked out and jogged at least five to six days a week. My body was strong and I was in great shape...
But then, I had a bad car accident and I broke a lot of bones. I died and I came back to life... The doctors said that if I survived that I would be in a wheelchair the rest of my life...
I was a single parent with two kids... There was no way that I was going to live the rest of my life in a wheelchair! It was the power of the mind that brought me back to life and back to health... but it was a hard struggle and I have had many health problems ever since...
"The Glass Box" comes from a recurring dream that I have always had of myself in a glass box... In my blog, I refer back to the Glass Box as the place to keep that special treasure... the Venus of myself that is within... My quest is to break free from the Glass Box and become the slim, strong self that I used to be...
My "home" was in Corpus Christi but we moved to Rockport because of a new job... After my baby left to college and after eight years of no vacation, I paid my mother and my brother a visit...
My mother and my brother have property in the Valley...  Although my brother is the favorite, my mother and my brother had not talked in 15 years... so I decided to leave my job and I came to look for work in the Valley... It took me two years to convince my brother to forgive my mother and it took a lot of work to make my mother see that she had to change the way she talked to my brother... 
I hate the Valley. It is like living in Mexico... It is hard to believe that I have been here almost a decade already... Since I have been here, I have fallen at least four times... and with each fall, the strength of my body has diminished, especially the power in my legs, and I have herniated disks in my lower back... Even putting on clothes, doing housework, and going up and down the stairs is difficult... I feel as if the Valley has pushed me deeper into the Glass Box...
The Woman in the Glass Box began as documentation of my journey towards weightloss... The picture you see on the side of my journal is the picture of me after I lost 50 lbs... But then life happened...
and I gained the weight back... Will I ever be able to rescue the Woman in the Glass Box... or will she be but a memory of what could have been?!#... My story continues...
Since then, my journal has transformed itself into a Pandora's Box as I struggle for self... a place of refuge... a place of shared emotions, encouragement, wisdom, and helpful hints for myself that has somehow found its way into the lives of strangers...
It has become a placeof new friendships and of more emotional support than I have ever had in my entire life... Sure, readers come and go, but while they are there, it helps to endure the struggles of everyday life...
A loyal friend is like a safe shelter;
find one, and you have found a treasure.
Nothing else is as valuable;
there is no way of putting a price on it.
~ Sirach 6:14-16
Friends are God's way
 of apologizing for family.

The Interview


So a lot of you are wondering... How did it go?!
Well, for one thing, my nervousness declared itself with two new pimples on my face... I hate when that happens... (lol)
God went before me... I didn't have any trouble getting dressed, and I didn't have any trouble finding the place or finding a place to park... 
I myself will prepare your way, leveling mountains and hills
I will break down bronze gates and smash their iron bars.
I will give you treasures from dark, secret places;
Then you will know that I am the Lord
and that the God of Israel has called you by name.
~ Isaiah 45: 2-3.
I fell in love with the round shape of the building... The front doors were made of glass... I liked that... The people in the building just go round and round... That was cool...
The room looked as if they were in the process of moving in...  The room was somewhat small... I would say maybe 15 x 15 with a high ceiling. There was a small desk and a large desk ~ both with shelves instead of drawers. All the furniture in the room was black, as were the organizer accessories. There was a copy machine and a fax machine and a phone... The woman was working from a laptop... All of the desk accessories were in plain view... The only drawers in the room were in the filing cabinet... Everything was black... Even the interviewer was wearing black... The boxes held what looked like a scanner and a web camera... There was a scale and forms to mail things... The room was well-equipped with supplies... but there was absolutely nothing on the walls... Well, at least the "interrogation room" had no bright light swinging in front of me. (lol)... Besides, the room will be occupied by the person who is hired, so it didn't matter that the walls were bare...
My appointment was at 3:30 p.m.  I arrived a little before 3 p.m., which was good, because the woman had me fill out a very lengthy application and to provide a sample of my writing skills...
The Hispanic woman was a little overweight with straight reddish brown hair. That put me at ease that the shape and weight of my own body was not a threat to her...  especially since women interviewers are more difficult to interview with than men... Her accent made it clear that she was from somewhere other than the Valley... She had me speak some Spanish to rate my Spanish skills, although she shared that her Spanish is not good enough to make presentations...
The interviewer seemed pleasant... She noticed me taking a few notes... There was a little bit of laughter shared... I would say there was some connection made... The interview was completed at about 5 p.m... I don't know if that was good or bad, but I would say the interview was about an hour and a half...  I would say the interview went fairly well, although you never know what they are thinking or if someone else will grab their attention more than you did... 
The job sounds interesting and exciting... and it has marvelous benefits and good pay... These people had me at "hello"... when they first contacted me by telephone to schedule my interview appointment... I just hope that I was able to convince her of my qualifications...
When I got home, I was exhausted... somewhat relieved that it was over... I told God that I had done my part... and I lifted up the job in prayer... Oh, Lord, I hope this is the one!
I took my "interview" clothes off and I took a nap... But then, I woke up and I thought... you didn't take your rock! I forgot to carry my rock with me to the interview... (refer to Jacob's Ladder entry.)
Then, I thought... the resume that she had was one that I sent over the Internet. It is not as thorough as the one that I have... I am thinking of returning to the scene today to give her my updated resume... That will give me an excuse to carry my rock to the place where I want to work and to leave her a Thank You note as well...
Is it OK to deliver a Thank You note in person or should I mail it instead?
What will I wear?!# ... LOL @ the never-ending question of women everywhere...
   Of course, the rule of thumb is that when you go look for a job, you should wear red undergarments, so I did that... Yesterday, I wore a black top and a black skirt with a brown jacket and an animal print scarf... Today, I think I will wear my black jacket and pant with a brown top and Oscar de la Renta leopard scarf to show that my "wardrobe" is "coordinated" with what I wore yesterday and that I am good at "planning" and being "organized."
Do you think she will notice?! Does this sound like a good plan?!  I think we, as women, notice things like that... You never know... they say the first impression is the most important... but perhaps the second impression will help to make the first impression more solid...
Nothing is real to you until you experience it...
Otherwise, it's just hearsay...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tomorrow Is

Tomorrow is my interview...
I am as nervous as a young bride preparing for her wedding... I need to lay out my clothes. Everything must be ironed and pressed. Everything must be all together so that I do not busy myself looking for things that I cannot find... 
Dear God:
Please don't allow me to mess things up looking like this...

Help me not be so rushed that I lose my glasses or my keys...

Allow me to find the place with ease and to arrive early for my interview...

Bless my body language and don't let them see how nervous I am.

Bless my mouth and help me to say all the right things.

Bless me, Lord, and grant me favor.

Help them know and help them see that I am the one they seek...


Prosperity Door


I didn't plan on giving a Bible Lesson, but in order to answer your question about the Prosperity Door, I have to start with scripture...

The message at church yesterday was about Jacob's Ladder... Jacob went into the desert with only his staff and the clothes on his back... He laid down to rest and he lay his head on a rock. (Jesus is the rock.)

Jacob fell asleep and he dreamed that he saw a stairway (ladder) reaching from earth to heaven, with angels walking up and down the steps of the staircase (ladder). (Some readings say a staircase; some say a ladder.) And there was the Lord, standing beside him, and God made His promises to Jacob... to bless him and protect him and to favor him with prosperity...

So why were the angels walking up and down the ladder? The Bible says that the angels can fly (Isaiah 6:6). In Jacob's dream, the angels walked up and down the ladder to demonstrate to Jacob that prosperity will not come all at once... that prosperity will come step by step...

And why was God standing there? God was standing there because when God is in our lives, all things are possible... When we go through life all alone, life is harder. We have to do everything by ourselves. It is like living the life of a stray dog who gives his life to luck. Sometimes he eats; sometimes he doesnt. Sometimes he is cold; sometime he's not... But when we belong to God and we face the problems and troubles of life, God walks before us to help us to clear away the obstacles that are before us...

Jacob took the rock that he had been sleeping on and he set it up as a memorial. He poured olive oil on it, and he dedicated it to God. And then he told God that if God will keep his promises to bless him and to protect him and to grant him prosperity, then he will worship God in this place, and he will give him a tenth of everything that God gives him...

So why did Jacob promise to give God a tenth of his earnings? Jacob was the son of Isacc and he was the grandson of Abraham. The Bible says that we are to give a tenth to God and a tenth to Caesar (government taxes). Jacob made this promise, because this is the promise that his father Isacc and his grandfather Abraham made to God. He knew that God kept His promises to Abraham and Isacc, because his father and his grandfather were very rich men. 

Jacob kept his promise to God, and God saw that Jacob was a man that He could trust to keep his promises to Him, and so God made Jacob a very rich man. 

In the church, there is a door. The door has no walls... The door has hinges and it has a knob and it opens and it closes... 

The people who walk through the Prosperity Door walk through the door in faith. They make the same pact with God that Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob did.

Every time we walk through the Prosperity Door, it is a reminder of the promise that we made to God...

Prosperity comes in all forms... Health, Work, Money...

If God gives us prosperity,

He watches to see what we will do with it.

The government automatically takes their 10th through taxes, but will we give our 10th to the Lord?  Will we respect the prosperity that God has given to us and use it for our greatest good and for the good of others... Or will we throw our prosperity to the wind?...

He who dies with the most toys

is still dead.

Monday, January 28, 2008



Oh, what a night! I have a To-Do list that is probably as long as my arm. (Thank God my arms are short.) But I woke up at 11:30 p.m. and I had trouble going to back to sleep after that! I took a couple of sleeping pills and read a book, hoping that it would help me to fall asleep, but nothing... Hours later, I was still wide awake...
My throat felt as sore as if I had eaten glass... I made myself into the kitchen, put some lemon juice and water into a cup and heated it up in the microwave, grabbed the honey bear, and squeezed some honey in it... I sat there, drinking my little home-make potion, praying for it to do the trick... and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep!
I woke up just in time to get ready for church... The message today was about Jacob's ladder...Love it... Then, we walked through the Prosperity door...
I haven't been able to do much today... I am still feeling sick ~ headache, dizzy, my ears hurt, my throat hurts, I vomited twice, and my voice is squeeky... I have to get better by Wednesday, because I have an interview to go to...
When we get tangled up in our problems,
God wants us to stay still so He can untangle the knot.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Free Day

Last week, I got an invitation in the mail to attend a free lecture to learn about selling stuff on the internet... Because I was sick of eating pasta all week, I was actually more excited about the free meal and the free planner... but I had an open mind about the prospect of making money on the internet...
I owed Laura a meal, so I called her up and asked her if she wanted to go. She said "yes," so I made the reservations...
The lecture was yesterday... I got dressed and got into my car and proceeded to drive to the hotel. When I came to the first light from my home, the light turned red...
Some women were by the side of the road, handing out free cokes. The woman said that it was a promotion to get people to come to their church on Sunday. I took the free coca-cola can and put it in the soda holder of my car...
Laura and I met at the hotel. The "suit" (Jared) kept asking everybody lots of questions. He said that this would require an investment ($$$) and a full workshop day at a later date, so Laura and I decided not to go in...
Jared liked my personality, so he gave each of us the free meal and the free planner anyway... Guess what the meal was... Guess... I know you are going to guess...
Yep, you guessed it... a sandwich and pasta! OMGGG... I could have been comfy in my home and eaten the pasta I had at home... (lol)
The hotel staff didn't even bring us a drink... I guess that is why God sent me the woman at the red light who was handing out free cokes... God knew the people at the hotel were not going to give us a drink...
Laura didn't like the food, so she treated me to a local "hole in the wall" restaurant...
See how God takes care of me... 
If God is this good to me...
surely, He will give me a job soon!
OMGG... now, I owe Laura TWO meals!
God wants spiritual fruit... not religious nuts...

U Did Wh4t?

Oh my God, Ms. Winivere! What did you do?! I went to the mailbox today, only to discover that I had sent my Income Tax to my own address!
We ALL make mistakes! (LOL)
I guess I was blown away, because when I was preparing my taxes, a high school kid tried to hit on me and asked me for my phone number...
I can only imagine what his parents would say if they should discover that their son's girlfriend is older than his parents!
I can only imagine his punk friends on the left and my rest home friends on the right at our wedding...
I can only imagine dancing with him at the prom. (lol)
I can only imagine...
I thank God that I have a youthful spirit...
Laugh everyday. It's like inner jogging! 

Friday, January 25, 2008

Let HOPE Ring

O.K... so what's the deal?! Why do Cancers always get elimiated in 12 Corazones?! What does our body language say about us that we repel the opposite sex?!!! What makes the other signs more desirable?!#
   The phone finally rang yesterday... I have another interview scheduled for next week...
I submitted the application for this job in December... Good grief! It's almost February... Why do these people take so long to respond?! ... And then, they take so long to make up their minds!... I have applied for so many jobs that I have lost count...
So what was the job all about?! I had forgotten all about it, so I had to ask...  The girl explained that it would involve case management, investigations, research, dealing with the media, recruiting and coordinating volunteers, and some travel... Sounds perfect!!! Is this the one, Lord?!#...
Dear God: Please open the door to employment... and if any of my applications have been overlooked or lost in the shuffle, please put them on top!!!
Silence is often misinterpreted but never misquoted.
About my tags... I don't have a sweetheart, but it's fun to imagine. (lol) If you should like any of my tags, all you have to do is ask.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Power of 3


In the local news, a three-year-old little girl survived in her home for three days, feeding herself from the refrigerator. When a neighbor came by to check in on them, the little girl said that her mommy was sick. The little girl's mother had been dead for three days.

It is amazing how God prepares us with everything that we need to meet live's challenges... The innocent little girl had no idea what death is... She only knew that her mother was not responding... but her natural instincts told her what she had to do to survive...

As sad is this story is, it proves that God will take care of us until help arrives...

Faith is the ability not to panic.

As a child of God, prayer is kinda like calling home every day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GlassBox Update


Someone that I trusted told the landlady that I do not have a job. It really is none of her business, as long as I pay the rent. It is upsetting, because she left me a nasty note on the door.

I know that in the first weeks of the month, I said that I was not going to put in anymore applications until I knew that I would have an address... BUT I have continued to put in applications anyway, and now I have too many applications in the fire... I need to figure out how I am going to stay in my apartment in February...

I tried to play my "wild card"... a retirement savings that I had when I worked at my last job. There is only $1000 in the account, but because I am not 60 years old, I would lose at least 40% of the money, and I would have to leave at least $500 in the account. That means that I would only get about $300 or less from it after all the penalties and taxes that I would have to pay the company to take the money out plus I will have to pay extra taxes on it on next year's income tax. I hate to admit that I made this stupid mistake. For me, it doesn't make sense to keep this account if I am not able to contribute to it, and it keeps on going down because the market is down. It doesn't make sense to try to get any money out of this "investment" ~ and I use the term loosely, so I will have to figure out another way to get through this... It was a waste of time and money to even consider going into this investment idea, because I need the money now.

I have not asked anyone for money, because I do not know when I will find a job and I want to make sure that I would be able to pay that person back...

I did my income tax yesterday. I hope I did it right and I hope it gets here fast.

I am happy that Monday was Martin Luther King day, because it is a reminder to hold on to my dream...

Monday, January 21, 2008

The King Dreams...

What would life be like today if Martin Luther King had failed to share his dream with the world? His boldness cost him his life, because some people wanted things to remain as they were, but it was his voice that changed the course of history in America...

Today, his dream lives... a dream of vision and hope for all races and equality for both men and women... Today, little white children and little black children can walk together... Today, children of different races can attend the same school... Today, people of different races can share the same bus... Today, people of different races can eat in the same restaurant... Today, men and women have the right to vote...

Dr. Martin Luther King... It took but one voice to make a difference...

When I was a little girl, the kids at school would laugh at me, because I tried to learn... "Why are you trying so hard? You're a girl. Girls don't wear pants. Girls don't play sports. Girls don't go to college. Girls aren't allowed to work. This is a man's world. A girl's life is just to get married and to make sure that her husband is taken care of."  

Those words continue to ring in my ears... It made me angry. It made me rebel, but I gave in to their negativity... If I had listened to my gut, I would have completed school as validictorian... I still regret that to this day...

I was a little girl who wanted more... When I went to college, I wanted to study art... I wanted to become an artist. I had visions of the paintings that I would make, but my teacher discouraged me, because I was a girl... It's not unusual that I completed college with a degree in Criminal Justice, because that is the kind of degree that a man would get but it is also a far cry from becoming an artist...

I am so grateful that I was able to witness this little piece of history, but even more important than that is that I am a part of this history... I was not only the first person in my family to graduate from college, but I was also the first woman in my family to graduate from college, and my daughter was the second... I was a single-parent who achieved what people kept telling me was impossible...

So where do you find the most dreams? The place where you will find the most dreams is in the cemetery... People with so many dreams... so many dreams that were destroyed... so many dreams that never came to be...

There are so many people in the world who live to destroy your dreams... They work almost like magic to put doubt into your thoughts... "What you thinking?! That's impossible! What makes you think you can do it? What makes you think God can do it?! What does faith have to do with it?!" 

Doubt brings about fear and fears can paralyze and put an end to your dreams... We go through life thinking we cannot do it... We go through life giving in to their thoughts that our dreams are impossible... We doubt ... We lose faith... We stop working towards our dreams... We stop believing in the beauty of our dreams... and in the process, we lose ourselves...

Life is too short to hang around negative, critical, synical, skeptical, judgmental, small-minded, jealous people...

I am a dreamer... I am alone, because I have yet to find someone who is a dreamer like me... I look for people who have something to say... I look for people of wisdom... I look for people who will build me up... I look for people who will celebrate my victories and not be critical or jealous if I should succeed...

Dare to Believe... Dare to Dream...

With God, all things are possible...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Others

I had to make a few minor adjustments to yesterday's entry... Someone thought I was a size 12. Ha! I wish... If I was, I could fit into some of the clothes in my closet...

My last job made me fat, because I had to wear "uniforms" instead of my own clothes... but I know that God knows that I am going to need clothes for the new job that He is going to give me, so it just makes sense that He is going to help me to fit into my size 12 clothes. At my height, I would still look fat, but it will be a big improvement from the way I look now...

"Sometimes a woman needs to decide between her face and her fanny." ~ Marilyn Monroe

Brrrr... It is so very cold in my apartment... I have Tidbit covered with one of my own blankies... My poor bird... She is too cold to sing... When I have a job, I must remember to buy her some baby blankies to cover her cage when it gets cold... Thank you, Tidbit, for reminding me that God will always take care of me...

The Valley finally got a little taste of winter... I got caught in the rain on Thursday... God poured a little of His blessing on me... Hopefully, it is what I needed to wash away troubles and worries and make my life clean again and restore my soul... It has continued to rain... I guess there is a lot of bad luck to wash away. =.)

Poor Jones (my car) looked so pretty and white on the last day of the year, but now, he is dusty and dirty from my having to drive in the rain... When I get a job, I promise to give you another spa treatment, my friend. =.)

I am trying to cut costs by wearing clothes according to the weather... I am wearing layers and socks, but it is still cold in my apartment... It is time to bake a little something to warm up the apartment...


I think I will bake some cornbread... one for me and one for my brother and one for my mother... I hope I have enough cornmeal to make them and I hope the milk is still good... I love cornbread... It is so quick and easy to prepare...

There isn't much that I can do for my mother and my brother, because I am out of a job, but cornbread will be a good treat for them... I hope I have enough gas in my car to take it to them tomorrow...

There are only 12 days left in the month, but instead of worrying about my troubles, I will think about others today...

I will bake that cornbread for my mother and my brother, and I will continue to look for things to donate to charity to bring joy to the lives of others... little trinkets, a bottle of nailpolish...

It's the little things that bring us so much joy...

I thank God for these hard moments in my life... When you do not have money, it helps you to respect money more, to see that it is foolish to waste your hard earned money on things that you do not need, to be grateful for what you have, and to see that there are some things that are too important to ignore...

Friday, January 18, 2008

get EXCITED!!!


I'm trying, Dr. Phil! I am trying to get EXCITED about my life... I must have an EXCITING life if someone is jealous of me and my current situation! LOL @ that is still so unbelievable! ... BUT it would be even more EXCITING if I already had a job... 

LOL @ I love this tag... I think it is funny...

One EXCITING thing that happened recently is that I got some papers in the mail over an application that I sent previously... It needs some supplement papers and copies of my transcript, driver's license, and social security card... I say it is EXCITING news, because it looks as if my application was NOT over-LQQKED and I still have a chance on that job! Now that's GOOD news! I will work on those papers over the weekend and fax them or mail them on Monday... (Thank you to the reader who warned me against sending my DL and SS card in the mail... I knew that... Where is my head these days?! I will try to get a phone number to follow up on this on Monday...)

One plus about staying at home is that I had the opportunity to watch TV...

When I was a little girl, all the shows on television made you believe in "happily ever after." If I had watched what is on TV now, it would've kept me from being so naiive about men and about the evil people in the world... I wonder why today's youth can't see that... I guess they are too busy texting...

Thank you, God, for not making me like my cousins... They worked so hard at making themselves  beautiful to find a husband. They didn't want to be smart, because they were told that men do not like girls who are smart... I guess I was lucky that no one ever told me that I was pretty... and that I always felt intimidated to be around them... It made me work harderat being smart...

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...

Hate me because I am beautiful AND smart! =.)

  Another EXCITING thing is that Mario Cimarro is coming to a new telenovela next week! He is so HOT!

Also, yesterday one of the men on the telenovela had on a black jacket, white shirt, black tie, and red pants... OMGGG.... Do guys actually dress like that in PUBLIC?!

Watching the "experts" on TV explain how to choose more flattering styles for your body has been EXCITING, fun, and informative... Now, I know which fashion mistakes don't work for my "current body," and those clothes are going to charity, because they may be more flattering on someone else...

  God loves a cheerful giver who gives from the heart. =.)

I found myself looking at the size on the tags of all my clothes... Most of the skirts and pants are a size 12. What size waist is that?! I hate for the closet to wear my clothes... I should be wearing my clothes! How much weight will I need to lose to wear my own clothes?!

If I didn't have such a thick waist, I could put together a small wardrobe from some of the clothes that are already in my closet, and then, I would only need to replace the ones that are wornout... That's EXCITING...

"TO FIT INTO MY OWN CLOTHES"... Oh, that sounds so sad... but it's not as if I am trying to fit into a size 3... All I need is to get down to a size 12... Now that's EXCITING, too!

Darn carbs! (lol) ~~ No... I cannot curse those carbs... If it were not for those carbs, I would be without anything to eat... It is the extra pounds on my body that help to keep my body warm when I have no one to cuddle with and it has been cold and rainy for the past few days!

"Give us this day our daily bread..."

"And He sent them manna (bread) from heaven..."

"Take this bread and eat of it for it is my body..."

YES! Bread is good... Carbs are good... I thank God that I love carbs. =.) Now, that's EXCITING!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Green-Eyed Monster


My friend says that I have a "friend" who is jealous of me... I am still trying to digest that...  Why would anyone be jealous of me, knowing the situation that I find myself in now?!!

It is true that no matter what I am going through... I still try to remain positive...

It is true that I try to keep a smile on my face...

It is true that I try to keep my chin up...

It is true that I continue to stand on my Faith in God that He is going to help me through this...

It is true that even though my clothes are old and wornout, I do not dress like a slob...

It is true that I have not given up...

Ah ha! Now I get it...

Her jealousy is a compliment...

No wonder she is jealous...

Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful...

It takes a lot of calories to look this good...


Bad Luck & Curses


I need to document that yesterday I broke another glass. This is the second glass I have broken in 2008. The first time I broke a glass this year was on January 5... Before last year, I used to say that bad luck only happened from broken mirrors, but last year, I didn't break any mirrors... I broke one glass after another... I am worried, because this is how my bad luck began in 2007... glass, glass, and more broken glass... I hope this doesn't mean that there is still more bad luck to come... 

      I went to sleep early last night, on purpose, because it was raining and I wanted to lie down in my bed to enjoy the sound of the rain against the windowpane... I must admit that I was a bit frightened, because it was raining so hard that I was afraid that it would break the glass on the window...

But there is something about the rain that always makes me feel comfort... Unlike most people, I can sleep through the worst of storms, including hurricanes and tornadoes, and if I had been Dorothy, I probably would have slept through that storm into Oz...

Some people hate the rain. It makes me wonder why the weatherman always wants the sun to shine. If there were no rain, what would become of us?!!

I think it is so beautiful to watch the rain making love to the earth... The rain cleanses and nourishes and rejuvenates... and so nature responds with it's wonderfully refreshed scents of flowers and nourished earth... the rainbow comes out from hiding... and the birds rejoice with their beautiful tunes of happiness for all the world to hear... It's all so beau-ti-ful...

My friend cannot believe my bad luck... He says that I am probably cursed... Some people say that the rain washes away bad luck...

For me, the rain brings growth and new life... It washes all of the earth and makes it new again... The rain can do such marveious things for the earth and for everything and everyone on the planet... 

Yes, I truly believe that the rain washes away all of the bad and brings an unexpected surprise called "hope."

Call it bad luck or call it a curse... or curses... 

It doesn't matter how dry the ground-work of my life on earth is or was... It doesn't matter what my parents gave me or failed to give me... It doesn't matter what my enemies try to do to me... 

What matters is that before I even existed in my mother's womb, God blessed my existance with His powerful hand and He gave me all the seeds of greatness that I would need to make it on this earth...

I may have come into the world through my mother... but I came from the hand of almighty God... and God's DNA, in me, over-rides any curse...

Before there were any curses, I was blessed by God. ~Joel Osteen
