What is your favorite food? Why do you think it is your favorite food? Is there a story connected to it?! Describe your favorite food as if I had never heard of it or tasted it before.
My favorite food is the avocado. I think the reason why I love it so much is because my dad introduced me to it before I could speak. Sometimes I wonder if it was my first baby word. My mother says I referred to it as "canga." I assume I called it that because I was trying to say aguacate which is the Spanish word for avocado.
I look at how excited my grandson gets when he sees a banana. I have the same expression on my face whenever I see an avocado now, so I can imagine how thrilled my dad was to see the look at my face whenever he offered me an avocado as a child. For my daughter, it was the boiled egg! What food puts that expression on your face?! My next favorite food is seafood, but for this entry, I will stick to the avocado.
The avocado is a green fruit in the shape of an egg or a pear. It has a green skin that may turn black (depending on the type of avocado). When you take a knife to slice it open, you will find a large seed surrounded by a fleshy green substance.
The seed can be used to make a seedling to make an avocado tree but it takes the tree about ten years to produce good fruit.
The fleshy green part is the part that is edible. To remove the fleshy part, remove the seed, and use a spoon to remove the fleshy part, or you can slice it to form slices.
The fruit of a ripe avocado will be rich, sweet, creamy, and may taste a little bit cold in your mouth. Avocado is best to be used right away; otherwise, it may lose its pretty green color and turn black. Some people add lemon juice or lime juice to help it to hold its color for awhile... but if avocadoes and I are in the same place at the same time and they are ripe enough to eat, I will attack them all! I have tried to freeze them, but it is too hard for me to control myself from them, so that doesn't work for me... I guess if I had to choose between chocolate and avocadoes, avocadoes would win by a landslide!
Avocadoes used to be considered a sexual stimulant, so it developed a bad reputation in the past. I guess that explains why I also love oysters. LOL...
Avocadoes contain about 35 grams of good fat, have 60% more potassium than bananas, are rich in vitamins B, E, and K and have the highest fiber content of any fruit. It has also been tested for anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used to cure a number of ailments such as diarrhea, high blood pressure, and abdominal pains.
The avocado has also been known to be good for successful weight-loss because of its high fat content. This good fat speeds up metabolism, gives the feeling of fullness to reduce overeating, is rich in vitamins and minerals, and reduces the temptation to binge on foods high in sugars and bad fat.
(Wow @ so happy my favorite food has so many benefits!)
This week, pay attention to other foods that you may be eating with similiar qualities of your favorite food. Is there a pattern? Do you reach for foods of the same texture, smell, or taste as your favorite food? Compare and write about it.
Yes, much like the avocado, my favorite foods are rich, creamy, sweet, and most of them will feel cold in my mouth... refried beans, ice cream, frozen watermelon, potato soup, whipped potatoes, a cold peach, kiwi, cheesecake, chocolate... I will continue to pay attention to other foods with this texture...
P.S. This week I am taking a free income tax course. Today was my first day. The girl gave us a lot of examples to work on the tax software and pretty much let us figure things out by ourselves. She would help us out when we would get stuck. Some of them were pretty tough. Two weeks of this? OMGG... I guess it will take a lot of practice. At the end of the course, we will take a test. I wish I was getting paid for this, but at least, I am getting the training for free.
I love avocados! That was a nice description by the way. Hey good luck on your tax course. I need to do something like that instead of paying H&R Block half of my return lol. Have a great night! -Missy
Your avacado graphics are cute too :)
Avocados are wonderful. I love them too.
Take care, Chrissie
Avacadoes are my favorite also!! There is a tree next to DoBs house that produces fruit the size of Eggplants, BIG Eggplants!! I almost live on avacadoes especially in the summer when the weather is so hot and all I want to eat is something cool! I have 4 fruit in my refrigerator right now!
IV'e never eaten avacado ,as I don't think I would like it at all.Many people love melons but I hate it .I am a very poor fruit eater.Your posting is very interesting reading today Winivere.The income tax course will keep you from being bored,and yes it would be nice if you were getting paid for it.You Take Care Have a lovely day.God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
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