
Doce Corazones (12 hearts) is a game show that plays matchmaker. The 12 hearts are contestants that symbolize the signs of the zodiac. There are four men at the beginning of the show and the women have to eliminate one. There are about eight women and the men have to eliminate three. The goal of the host is to get three couples to like each other at the end of the show so they can date. Sometimes, there is a prize for the couple that the audience likes most.
I have probably been seeing this show since it first began. What is puzzling to me is that in just about every show, the zodiac sign of Cancer gets eliminated before they even have a chance to play. (I am cancer.) The usual excuse the guys give is that they are too quiet or boring. Dang! I guess they haven't met me! LOL... But it is sad to see my sign eliminated all the time.
Today, one of the contestants had her skirt so short that you could tell she was wearing a thong. Oh, that is so wrong!

I was going to go out to look for a job this morning, but I wanted to clean some beans and put them to soak before I left. The bag of beans that my mother gave me was really old and it had a total of 22 stones in them! Dang, where does she buy her beans?! When I put them in water, the water came out really black. You would think that I was preparing black beans! Still, I rinsed them out several times until the water ran clear and let them soak.
I was just about to get into the shower when I noticed that the water was cut off. The maintenance man showed up next door, hammering and shooting the snake up and down the sink. I am not sure but I think he was in the neighbor's bathroom also. Unfortunately, I was without water to take a shower, brush my teeth, cook, wash dishes or clean, so I guess you could say that I had a day off. Thank God I had something to drink in the refrigerator!
They left a note on my door that the water will be turned off tomorrow, too. I guess they didn't finish, so if I want to go out tomorrow, I will have to leave before they get here. The thing is that I do not trust them when they are in the building, so I may have to do job search on the net tomorrow.
My telenovela ended yesterday. I thought it was never going to end, because they kept dragging a "Who Dunnit" for weeks. I was disappointed in the ending, though, because they didn't do it justice. They just said what happened instead of showing what happened... bad story writer... bad!

Oops @ I am still behind in my entries. I hope to get to them this week.
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I like the last graphic, "Dear Santa" would you tag one for me? : )
Stopped by to give you a holla! :)
Hey, Thanks for stopping by my journal! I will add you to my alerts :) You mentioned that you sent an e-mail, I never recieved one. Please send it agin. Thanks -Missy http://journals.aol.com/ma24179/MISSYZSTUFF
Sorry about the water DAMN! I would have been miserable!...As for Cancer's, I always thought they were considered the noisy ones lol, no offense ;) Have a great night. -Missy
Oh thats a bit much not letting you know the water was going off.Grrrrr.You need Motherhen round there to cluck at them Haaaa.They would soon get a move on.We have a TV show similar to yours,which used to be on .The winner out of the ladies ended up marrying the host of the show who was famous.LOL.Fancy having to choose a contestant and she ends up on the quiet dating the celebrity host of the show marrying him and having a baby and now they are divorced Haaaaaaaa.Ah well.My Daughter is a Cancer.I hope you find something interesting to do today and also promising results in searching for work .I do wish I could help you find work.It's so hard when one is unemplyed.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Could be an interesting show! well, except I do agree, if a skirt is so short one can tell you're wearing a thong? It'd BETTER be in private, such as a nightgown. That is wrong.
My DD has the sign of cancer, and my brother. I can't imagine them kicking off my daughter, first, either. Hmmm, would you consider applying to the show?
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