In India, people believe that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is large enough to fill your bed.
First of all, let me say that Kat has changed her colors. Yay! Now I can read her journal again. If you dont want me to read your journal, dont put it in private. Just make the colors so dark that it hurts my eyes to see it. LOL... Thanks, Kat.
I wasnt satisfied with yesterday's diet. Will experiment again today. Love this picture of Marilyn Monroe weighing herself. Check out her thighs! Great muscle tone.
Today's Menu:
B: (generic) Special K cereal in fat-free milk, 1/2 banana sliced in tiny pieces.
Snack: 1/2 apple sliced
L: Lean Pockets: Chicken, Broccoli & Cheese; Veggie-Lover's Salad with Zesty Italian Kraft Free dressing, Tea.
Snack: 1/2 apple sliced.
D: Lean Cuisine: Cheese Lasagna with Chicken Breast Scaloppini; Baby Spinach Salad with Kraft Free Zesty Italian dressing; Tea.
The following was taken from geocities. I am not into BMI but the rest of it sounds ok.
Your perfect weight really, really depends on you.
Weight can be affected by lots of things. Be very aware of your personal bone structure. If you've got a large frame and you're 5'6"'re going to be heavier than someone with a small frame at 5'6". The most trusted methods I use are these...
1. Measure your Body Mass Index (BMI). Use this easy calculator . A healthy BMI is between 21 and 24. 19 or less is consideredunderweight. 25 or more is considered overweight.
2. LOOK AT YOURSELF! If you like what you see, and you're in your healthy BMI range then STOP! Don't lose anymore!
3. Look at how clothes fit! It's not all about measurements and's also about the feel of those clothes you've been dying to get into.
4. Weigh yourself once a week and keep constant track of it. Don't be dissapointed if there's no weight loss one week, or even weight gain. Water weight (which is basically just that...water in your body) can easily trick you. I don't weigh myself when it's that time of month because your period can make you gain up to 8 lbs of water!! But don't worry, it's just leaves when you use the bathroom.
5. I also keep track of my measurements to see exactly how many inches I've lost. Even if there's not a difference in your weight, you're still losing fat and inches. This will help to keep you motivated.
Never try to be exactly like someone else's body. Whenever I've done this, I've been really depressed. Someone's tummy may be smaller than yours, but they're still the same height and weight. Problem areas are different. That person you might be envying for their tummy, might have horrendous thighs that they desperately try to hide!!!
1 comment:
Hi Win,
I am glad that you can read my journal again. I like my new spring colors and will try and change with each season. Love the picture of Marilyn.
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