Friday, March 18, 2005

               Marilyn Monroe

OMGGG.... check her out! Marilyn is putting eggs in her milk. She's making a protein drink!

And so I thought that there were no Irish people in the Valley! Yesterday, I helped a husband and wife from Pennsylvania, and they were Irish! That was very unusual that they would show up on St Patty's Day. Will helping them bring me the good luck of the Irish?!!# People are always telling me that I am their lucky charm. For some reason, people always seem to believe that I bring them luck, but I like to believe that I bring people "hope" and "faith."

This week, I havent done very well with my weight-loss journey. Could it be that the thyroid medication is keeping me fat?!

Today is Friday. I'm thinking of fish sandwich @ McDonald's. Next week is Holy Week. Cant believe how behind I am on my weight-loss journey. Next week will be even harder because I am Catholic and real Catholics do not eat meat on Holy Week. Will need to figure out what I can eat......



Anonymous said...

It may very well be your medication. I know that my mom is on thyroid medication and she gained a good bit of weight after being put on it.

Anonymous said...

Hey lady,
I use thyroid too--maybe ya just need to see a doctor and have it adjusted--even a little off makes a big difference.

Happy no meat time--I like shrimp, fish, and big plates of the frozen brccoli, and couliflower florets with lots of fresh garlic ( all cooked together) and Kraft grated parmesan cheese that comes dry in the shaker.----Love, Mary