LOL @ pics above. No, no, no... I'm not doing this kind of profiling today! I am doing worker profiles for people who have filed for unemployment, although I did find it interesting that Charles Manson only killed 8 and the Boston Strangler only killed 13. With all that publicity about them, you would have thought they killed more than that!
I have 40 people coming in to see me today. It is my first Profiling Day (new job duty). The people from the office where I used to work were supposed to get a packet together, but I havent received anything yet. Doesnt surprise me. LOL...
I will be doing two presentations today, so I will need to go in early to prepare, pull the Labor Market Information, see what jobs I can announce, make copies of info they will need, and make out a draft about what I need to tell them. May also need to check my English-Spanish dictionary to ensure that I am using the correct Spanish words.
Sounds important! Hope your day goes well.
I hope your day went well.
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