Sunday, November 21, 2004

Do What You CAN do...

I am happy to report that I survived yesterday's JUMP START fast. As usual, I do fine during the day but my problem is overeating at night. I was so tempted to eat something last night, but I had a V-8 instead, not on my plan, but only 35 calories, so that wasnt so bad. Just on yesterday alone, I lost 3 lbs. Granted, it was probably mostly water, but nonetheless, it is a 3 lb weight loss. Yay!

For me, overeating at night is not about hunger; it's just a bad habit that I must overcome. I know what it is to be hungry and I havent been there in a very long time! Get over it! Remember that limited income is good for the waistline. =.)

Ask not what your diet can do for you. Ask what YOU can do for your diet. ha! 

I know it is going to be difficult to survive all the wonderful smells of temptation during the holidays, but I can limit what I put on my plate and I can limit what I put into my mouth! A sliver of this and a morsel of that is not going to hurt my diet... If we make tamales, that will definitely be the hardest to survive, but I must focus on what I CAN do, not on what I CANT do..

There are only 40 days left in the year, but that's plenty of time to lose a few pounds! God is trying so hard to take away my sackcloth and clothe me in joy. I love the elegance of black, but I have been stuck in conservative clothing far too long. This is my favorite season for fashion. Time for a little fashion kick!

Wouldnt it be nice to wear red or a beautiful Christmas green in velvet?!

I do so miss my waistline waving at me and the curve of my hip. It will be nice to see my waistline again... I will see what I CAN do in 40 days. DARE to let the Venus in me out of the Glass Box!!! Must presevere!



Anonymous said...

Even though it may have been water, it is still great that you lost the 3 pounds!!
you go girl!!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that one of the old "diet" gang is back on track! Yay you! So what's the plan on this campaign in the battle of the bulge? I'm am REALLY impressed that you are trying to be good through the holidays. Double yay you!