Marilyn in Korea, entertaining the troops
An older veteran came into the center today. My coworkers seemed to be drawing straws as to who would see him. Because he had requested some faxed information and I had been the one to retrieve it, you can guess that I was the one who got to see him. My coworkers always try to avoid him, because he is too talkative. Spending too much time with one client will lower your productivity, because in the time you saw one person, you can see several. Let me just say that I took him into my office at about 8:15 am and I wasnt through with him until 9:30 am. Once you get that application correct, though, the next time is easier and faster. Unfortunately, some people are more concerned with getting rid of the client instead of reviewing the application and updating the information and/or listening to what they have to say. I reviewed and updated his information, referred him to a couple of federal jobs, and printed out the applications and forms he would need to complete. I made some recommendations about how to complete the forms and how to mail them off. Needless to say, the client walked away happy.
The Lord sent me a lost soul today. She was a victim of domestic violence with a big patch over her eye. She had started out her work experience correctly until 1997, but she became involved with drugs and now her skills are outdated, she has a very poor work history, and a prison record. "I dont mind starting from the very bottom," was her cry for help.
"Remember that nothing is permanent. What you are going through is temporary," I told her. "Self-esteem is the best cosmetic. It is even better than lipstick." And she laughed. "Start by believing in yourself again. You will see."
I referred her to three jobs, but she only wentto see one employer. She only went to one, because she returned to the center to thank me for helping her. She was hired on the spot.
A woman from my past also showed up. She had come in to see me yesterday, but I went to lunch late yesterday; remember?! She had signed in for me but the older lady told her that she would see her, because I had to cover for the receptionist while she was out to lunch. I quickly spoke up and told her that I would be taking care of her next. I referred her to three jobs and helped her to compose a resume.
Helping others helps us to forget about our own troubles.
This afternoon, I attended a Customer Service training. It was funny that after the training, a person I dont know (staff) commented that I didnt need the training, because she could see that I am a very positive, cheerful, and helpful person. Wow! Incredible to hear that from someone I have never met.
I always knew that I belonged to the world, because I never belonged anywhere else. ~ Marilyn Monroe
Like Marilyn, I have not found a place where I belong. Sometimes, I wonder if I will ever find that place where I belong. But what I do know is that God takes me to different places, and for right now, this is where He wants me to be. Sometimes, you are where you dont want to be, because He needs you to touch one person, but sometimes, He needs you to touch many. Like Marilyn, I am not here for me. I am here for the people God still wants me to touch. This journal started out to be a weight-loss journal, but God has used it to reach out across the miles to choose it's reader. Perhaps, today, that reader is you.
Hi Win,
Your last comment about being where you don't want to be is interesting. I am not where I want to be but not sure how to change it. Your journal has touched me in many different ways.Even before I started leaving comments I wanted to read your whole journal because I didn't want to miss anything of importance. After reading it I started leaving comments and then started my journal. Thank you for your uplifting journal.
Winn ya are a winner!!!!!!!!!!! I will take the words given to your client and build on them because I am starting to believe in myself again--I too "must belong to the world"--Thanks much and Love, Mary
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