Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Texas Bluebonnets

Whew! What a hard day. The receptionist and the older lady were at a training until 1:30 p.m. and the boss is still out sick, so Johnny and I had to do our best to take care of everybody all by ourselves. We were so busy that I didnt go to lunch until 1:30 p.m. It's funny how busy we get in life when we all have the same hours in a day. It would be so nice to just flop into a field of bluebonnets, but alas, I have to work!

Johnny was not accepted into medical school, but he has accepted an unexpected offer to work as a retail manager. He will be with us until the end of the month. The older lady will be going into knee surgery and will be out on sick leave for two months. I am wondering what will happen when they are out. Will I be left all alone or will my boss call in someone to help me out?! 

Several men made be blush at work today. I was surprised that one of them thought I was 28 years old. Blushhhhh... It is flattering to have so many people ask for me by name (both men and women), even just to ask the simplest of questions like they value my opinion. It is also flattering to have them refer other people to me. I must be doing something right.

One example is a veteran who has come in many times but has never talked to me. Today, after noticing his frustration, I took it upon myself to update his application during my lunch hour. He could not believe all of the matches that I found for him. It was over 5 pages. He just kept staring at me like it was such a miracle when he has come to this center and to the nearby center with no results. Today, I gave him hope. .

I am still having a difficult time, trying to put together a spring-summer wardrobe, because the clothes I have for this season are too small. I wish my metabolism would cooperate! Oh, what to wear?!

Fussing with my computer problems is so time consuming. Am I spending too much time in my journal? Need to spend more time working out. Duhhhh... Getting so behind in my house cleaning, too!

If you had a friend who was not very attractive, would you tell her she is ugly? No! So why would you tell yourself that you are ugly?!

Self-Esteem is the best cosmetic.




Anonymous said...

Hi Win,
Glad to hear that you were able to help so many people out today. I love the cat picture and the saying is so true.

Anonymous said...

WINN, THANKS FOR THE PRETTY FLOWERS AND THE POSITIVE WORDS.  They helped me to remember that I am beautiful no matter what is going on in my life and that God always loves me.  I can just see the spark of life in that guys eyes when he saw that list of possible jobs.  Wish ya could work that magic for me.  :)
Hugs and Love, Mary