My God is a God of second chances. ~ Joel Osteen
Florida has been struck by two hurricanes in one month: Hurricane Charly and Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Ivan is on it's way to Florida as well. Not only is the weather causing problems in Florida, it is also creating lots of rain in my area and giving me extra pains in my body. The more I hurt, the less exercise I do. Weight up to 163.0. Ughhh! Almost up to where I was in January.
Have to find some way to get some exercise into my bod. Ate too much yesterday, but today is the start of another chapter of trying to conquer this weight problem. My goal was not to eat past 6 p.m. and I was able to accomplish that. Yay! I had a cup of Tummy Mint hot herbal tea (camomile) at mid-evening. I loved that! Found it to be so comforting~ something special just for moi. My legs and my butt are so tight from all the walking I did earlier this year. Would be great to tighten up my upper body tight, too!
Discovery: I usually sleep on my side. Last night I noticed that my arms fall asleep when I am sleeping. I wonder if that is from the weight gain, as researching the internet, it appears that women who complain about it are pregnant women and I doubt if I am pregnant, because I have been told that you have to have sex first, or is that a rumor?! I wonder if my arms falling asleep contribute to whys of why they cant find my veins when they do bloodwork, the whys of why my arms are so bulky, the whys of why I have problems with my heart. I wonder how other people sleep. Where do you put your arms so your arms dont fall asleep?!!#@
Sorry to hear about your extra pains in your body. Hope you feel better soon.
My arms and hands fall asleep at night too, waking me up frequently. I think I have beginning carpul tunnel...I don't know if that causes it. I sleep with my arms above my head, with them across my torso, in all different positions. Not much works for me. You should ask your doc about it.
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