For those of us who have never seen one, this is a $1,000.00 bill...
If I offered you a crisp $1.000.00 bill like this one, would you want it?
If I crumbled it up and it came out all wrinkled, would you still want it?
If I took it outside and stomped all over it, and rubbed it in the ground with my foot,, would you still want it?
Yes, you would still want it. Why? Because it's value never changes. Whether it is crisp and clean... or whether it is soiled, stained or faded... it's value never changes.
Likewise, our value never changes. God knows our worth. God knows our value. We are like royalty because we are children of the King.
Never base your value on how bad other people mistreat you. Whether you are crisp and clean... soiled, stained or faded... your value never changes.
Progress... 09/07/2004: 163.0 lbs... 09/14/2004: 161.0 lbs.
Oh how true this is....
I am so glad that you wrote this entry. At different times in my life I have based my value on how others treat me. Seeing this entry is an eye opener that I needed to read. Thank you.
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