This is the man I have been drooling over for the past few months. His name is Mario Cimarro. I was fortunate to be able to find some pictures to make this tag. There were a few more pictures, but I think this is just enough to show the passion of his kiss...
What makes this look even more spectacular to me is that he gave her this passionate kiss in the rain...
I love kissing in the rain... especially if the kiss is so passionate that you can feel it in your knees. lol...
Why don't men kiss like that in real life?
The only one who ever kissed me like that was my first love... and yes, we kissed in the rain... We were so much into the kiss that he never noticed that his sweater was soaking wet...
I wonder if he kisses his current girlfriend the way he used to kiss me... I have never been kissed like that again... Is it possible to have that kind of kiss with someone else or is it the kind of sensation that you can only get from one person?!
I love Mario Cimarro's large manly body and his large hands... He is so beautiful... I could stare at him all day. lol @ I sound like a school girl... "I've got a crush on you!"
I love the way he picks her up as if she is as light as a feather... She is so petite that he always picks her up to kiss her... Men always used to pick me up to kiss me... I used to love that... to be swept off your feet... divine...
Her name is Danna Garcia, and their chemistry is wonderful, but then again... he would make any woman look good. lol...
Unfortunately, the telenovela ends tomorrow... It seems too soon for it to end, because there is still a lot going on... I can hardly wait to see what happens today. I will be sad to see it go...
The new telenovelas they will be showing have terrible actors and actresses, so I will probably be taking a good break from watching...
Well, except for one called "Without breasts, there is no heaven." LOL @ the title... it is about prostitution and drug dealers...
I am happy to report that I am in a new graphic group... Only one day and I am already wondering what I was doing wasting my time with the other group... There are many talented, well-known artists in the new group, and the tags that they make have such lovely colors... I cannot believe the difference after only one day... I hope I will be able to learn some new things about PSP.
My computer continues to be sick... I was having a lot of trouble with the PSP program yesterday... It kept kicking me out... and I was unable to write anything on anything... I hope it will work today...
eXcuse me but I still cannot believe how HOT that Mario Cimarro guy is... LOL @ how could one man be so well made?!# (drooling) At my age, the men do not look like that... OMG @ what the online dating drags in... I signed up for a temporary trial about a year ago and even though it is expired, they are still sending me pictures of what is probably the oldest and the worst of the entire batch...
I am no beauty, but OMGGG... Please don't tell me that is the only hope a girl like me has!
So here it is Tuesday. I have to go back to the employment center today... I dread having to get dressed to go out... I wish the temperatures were not so hot and humid...
I wish the only hot sizzle in my day was the unbelievably gorgeous Mario Cimarro. LOL... Well, at least I can look at him for two more days...
I am not being unfaithful, Richard Gere... Honest, I am not... LOL

Tags: !winivere-HugoYSoledad
Do you need a cold shower Wini? LOL at you drooling over an actor. Now if it were George Clooney...or Richard Gere...Now I need a cold shower. BTW, great tag. I'm loving the new group too.
Hugs, Joyce
OMG~ Your graphic is making me "weak in the knees" ..... I've been lucky enough to have a ocuple of men make me "feel like that". So yes, it CAN be more than one man. hugs, Bethe
vavavavoom, very nice eye candy indeed, lol. ok i gotta be good, got my baby granddaughter here next to me. she's spending the night. mommy and daddy needed a break. (((((((hugs))))))))
Ooh girl, he is muy CALIENTE !!! Some men can and do kiss like that. A couple of years ago I went out with a hottie and we made out for 3 hours straight.
You sure picked the right man to lust after. RAWR !!!
Great to hear your happy with the new group hon. The tag is awesome. Wonderful eye candy indeed. Sometime passion can be sweet and delicate too. Last Christmas while Doc and I were shopping in a old time neighborhood of small, older shops, the snow started falling we both looked up with delight. He reached down and kissed me tenderly in the snowfall. It was perfection at it's finest. (Hugs)Indigo
Yum yum..you got me drooling too!! LOL..
what a cool tag...u have had so many great experiences. Ive never been kissed in the rain but i think one day i will be. ive never been picked up by a man before...well, not in a romantic way anyway, lol..now I think im too big to be picked up, unless its a big burly man, lol.
You are human, and oh man oh man, kissing in the rain. Yummy, and Mario does appear hot. So who says you can't imagine Richard one moment, Mario the next?
Glad you're in a more challenging graphic group! YEAH!
Here's hoping you find another man with passion and romance, some day.
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