1. Get together with friends.
2. Watch a happy video.
3. Learn something new.
4. Read a good book.
5. Enjoy a hobby.
6. Go to a meeting.
7. Play a sport.
8. Meditate.
9. Listen to music.
10. Eat a great meal.
11. Go to the zoo.
12. Smell the flowers.
13. Take a bubble bath.
14. Look at photos.
15. Smile.
16. Make someone else smile.
17. Volunteer.
18. Watch the sunset.
19. Jump rope.
20. Exercise.
21. Gather seashells.
22. Whistle a tune.
23. Sing.
24. Fly a kite.
25. Do something nice for someone else.
26. Surprise someone.
27. Have a party - a sober one.
28. Join a club.
29. Give a hug.
30. Get a hug.
31. Talk to friends.
32. Wish on a star.
33. Run through a sprinkler.
34. Do a jigsaw puzzle.
35. Help a friend in need.
36. Build a sand castle.
37. Find a home for a stray animal.
38. Write.
39. Blow bubbles.
40. Run through a field.
41. Tickle a baby's tummy.
42. Play with your pet.
43. Roll in the grass - lawn that is.
44. Snuggle with someone.
45. Eat ice cream.
46. Walk barefoot in the sand.
47. Play with a little kid.
48. Go bird watching.
49. Give a gift.
50. Kiss a parent.
51. Watch the clouds.
52. Start a garden.
53. Learn a language.
54. Learn an instrument.
55. Go fishing.
56. Make a gift.
57. Go hiking.
58. Set your goals.
59. Have a picnic.
60. Think happy thoughts.
61. Ride a bike.
62. Watch the ocean.
63. Write to friends.
64. Count your blessings.
65. Make someone laugh.
66. Listen to the birds.
67. Learn to cook.
68. Skip rocks into a lake.
69. Swing on a swing.
70. Go swimming.
71. Take care of your plants.
72. Collect something.
73. Keep a promise.
74. Learn magic tricks.
75. Go bowling.
76. Keep a journal.
77. Take lots of pictures.
78. Do better than the last time.
79. Brighten someone's day.
80. Do an anonymous good deed.
81. Dance.
82. Call your friends.
83. Read / write poetry.
84. Pray.
85. Clean your house.
86. Organize a closet.
87. Do a grateful list.
89. Visit a stranger in the hospital.
90. Bring them a gift.
91. Raise funds for a good cause.
92. Surf the net.
93. Surf the ocean.
94. Go to your local library.
95. Get rid of all your extra "stuff".
96. Let things go.
97. Go for a drive.
98. Lick someone's face just for the hell of it.
99. Blog.
100. Try to be the master of your domain.
101. Go fishing
2. Watch a happy video.
3. Learn something new.
4. Read a good book.
5. Enjoy a hobby.
6. Go to a meeting.
7. Play a sport.
8. Meditate.
9. Listen to music.
10. Eat a great meal.
11. Go to the zoo.
12. Smell the flowers.
13. Take a bubble bath.
14. Look at photos.
15. Smile.
16. Make someone else smile.
17. Volunteer.
18. Watch the sunset.
19. Jump rope.
20. Exercise.
21. Gather seashells.
22. Whistle a tune.
23. Sing.
24. Fly a kite.
25. Do something nice for someone else.
26. Surprise someone.
27. Have a party - a sober one.
28. Join a club.
29. Give a hug.
30. Get a hug.
31. Talk to friends.
32. Wish on a star.
33. Run through a sprinkler.
34. Do a jigsaw puzzle.
35. Help a friend in need.
36. Build a sand castle.
37. Find a home for a stray animal.
38. Write.
39. Blow bubbles.
40. Run through a field.
41. Tickle a baby's tummy.
42. Play with your pet.
43. Roll in the grass - lawn that is.
44. Snuggle with someone.
45. Eat ice cream.
46. Walk barefoot in the sand.
47. Play with a little kid.
48. Go bird watching.
49. Give a gift.
50. Kiss a parent.
51. Watch the clouds.
52. Start a garden.
53. Learn a language.
54. Learn an instrument.
55. Go fishing.
56. Make a gift.
57. Go hiking.
58. Set your goals.
59. Have a picnic.
60. Think happy thoughts.
61. Ride a bike.
62. Watch the ocean.
63. Write to friends.
64. Count your blessings.
65. Make someone laugh.
66. Listen to the birds.
67. Learn to cook.
68. Skip rocks into a lake.
69. Swing on a swing.
70. Go swimming.
71. Take care of your plants.
72. Collect something.
73. Keep a promise.
74. Learn magic tricks.
75. Go bowling.
76. Keep a journal.
77. Take lots of pictures.
78. Do better than the last time.
79. Brighten someone's day.
80. Do an anonymous good deed.
81. Dance.
82. Call your friends.
83. Read / write poetry.
84. Pray.
85. Clean your house.
86. Organize a closet.
87. Do a grateful list.
89. Visit a stranger in the hospital.
90. Bring them a gift.
91. Raise funds for a good cause.
92. Surf the net.
93. Surf the ocean.
94. Go to your local library.
95. Get rid of all your extra "stuff".
96. Let things go.
97. Go for a drive.
98. Lick someone's face just for the hell of it.
99. Blog.
100. Try to be the master of your domain.
101. Go fishing
102. Visit your friends blogs
103. Make a snow angel
104. Visit a neighbor
105. Pay for an old person's meal~ anonymously
106. Mail a note to a random person in the phone book to wish them well~anonymously.
107. Take out your crayons and color.
108. Doodle with markers
109. Do some arts and crafts
110. Add some sparkly glitter to a favorite picture and frame it
111. Decorate the frame.
112. Go to the park.
112. Sketch.
113. Make a new friend.
114. Learn PSP.
115. Make some tags for your journal
116. Make some tags for your friends journal(s)
117. Savor the perfect peach.
118. Laugh
119. Play Twister
120. Play a board game.
121. Visit a landmark
122. Run in the meadow, chasing butterflies.
123. Give yourself a pedicure.
124. Try different ways to apply eye makeup.
125. Think of different ways to wear your clothing.
126. Redecorate by moving your favorite things from one room to another.
127. Try a new recipe.
128. Sit in the garden.
129. Take a walk in the moonlight.
130. Create a "happy" box for when you need a perk-me-up.
131. Go surfing on your ironing board.

(Self Portraits of people in recovery who have pledged to be drug-free.)
What is PSP? Great "that's your 4th milk" photo thingy:)
Hmmm, sleeping, or curled up on the couch under covers reading the newspaper with a glass of hot tea......... with a cat snuggling..... I could do either right now, well, if I was home!
Get in touch with an lost-touch with friend, or family member.......
Good ideas. Wonder how many others people could come up with?
How are YOU?!
Haaaaaaaa I love the ironing board one.I might try that tomorrow if the sea is rough enough LOL!! Thanx for sharing.Have a great week/end. Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I told you...there prescription!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........LOL...........June:)
I think I need to become a bigger drinker.LOL.I really don't drink much at all. I have thought though that maybe I should start. But I think I will give the ironing board a try! Ha Hope you enjoy your weekend! Phan
I could do all of that on rugs or alcohol and probably have a better time doing it
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