The crabby woman is out on sick leave after her knee surgery and will be out for two months. Magda has Vertigo and we dont know how long she will be out on sick leave. Romeo goes out everyday to encourage employers for On-The-Job training positions. John and I are the only ones doing employment services, so that means that I probably will not be able to take that exam next week, unless if my boss allows me some time to do it... We'll see.
When I got home, there was a Pest Control warning on my door. They are coming on Monday. I hate that. Werent they just here?! There are no bugs in my apartment. But... that means I have to clean up. Ughh... When I got in yesterday, I was too tired to clean. Not having two days off in a row makes you tired. Sighhh... I colored my roots instead. =.)
So today is Sunday... I was planning to study for my final today, but I need to clean house instead.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If I didnt have so much stuff, cleaning house would be a breeze and there would be less to organize. Why is so hard to just throw things away?! Guilt.....
Looked up house cleaning on the net and found this cute site: http://www.flylady.net/index.asp
Here is a testimonial sent to Fly Lady:
Dear Flylady,
Wanted to let you know about the wonderful Bed & Breakfast my husband and I stayed at this Memorial Day weekend. The small but simply furnished kitchen was well stocked with delicious healthy snacks and meals. Homemade waffles with blackberries were served from a beautiful clean kitchen. The living areas and bedrooms were furnished with fresh plumped pillows, lovely matching sheets and down comforter and scented candles everywhere. The bathroom - ah ...bubble bath, lotions and fresh white towels. The library was stocked with books, magazines and yoga videos. Best of all, my husband and I spent time together with no interruptions, chores or traffic. Okay - you guessed it ... thanks to you - this is my home. Thank you, thank you.
Fly Lady's site takes you through babysteps in organizing and cleaning your home. Sounds motivating; doesnt it?!
Everywhere I have lived, I have always tried to make my home my own private haven. What is it about the Valley that has me so miserable?
Cons: My mother is too critical and does not want me to have anything nice. The more I am around my mother, the more weight I gain. There are so many people coming in from Mexico that if I dont get out early, I have to forget about going anywhere. The men of the Valley are uneducated and do not know how to converse with a woman; they think women are only for sex and adventure.
Pros: I like my job and I have a boss who values my work. That is important. I dont live near the ocean, but my apartment has a good view of the pool. Things are not too bad if you get out of the house early enough. Corpus is not that far away. I need to invest in my sanity and my earnings by taking more trips up there.
I need to clean up my life as much as I need to clean up my apartment.
My success came from the help of God and from the sweat of my own brow. Just because my mother doesnt want me to have anything is NOT reason enough for me to self-destruct.
I am worthy.
1 comment:
hmm, the cons outweigh the pros in my eyes, but you are the only one that really knows what you want to do deep down.
I hope you have had a great sunday!
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