Imagine going to work, only to leave home sick twenty-six minutes later. That's what happened yesterday. My blood pressure was and remains extremely high. I tried to call my doctor, but his phone number didnt work. I went to his office, but he is out on vacation until next week. Could it be that taking synthroid and cardieum together is taboo? I usually take the cardieum at night, but I felt the strong, pounding palpitations of my heart and my head like a sledgehammer in a horror flick. My heart has had a chance to rest, but my head is still pounding into tomorrow.
I pretty much slept most of the day yesterday, which is probably the reason why I have been up since midnight, reading people's journals... not good, not good at all to still be up at this hour. More than probably, I will not be going in to work today, either.
I did do some research as to the do's and don'ts of High Blood Pressure diets. Of course, there is the limitation of salt and salt products, but foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium are a plus. Put the info on my refrigerator for next time I go grocery shopping.
I thought yesterday was Pest Control day, but today is the 24th! That's what happens when you move your desk into the living room and it just doesnt look right to put your private calendar in everybody's sight.
Could it be the extra curricular activity of cleaning up my apartment on Sunday that brought my blood pressure up? After all, I dont usually do that much cleaning in one day, because I get so tired and have to take frequent breaks, but the nurse says it's possible!
I started with the bathroom. I threw out a lot of stuff that I dont use which resulted in having enough space for the things I use on a regular basis. My bathroom was so sparkly and shiny that I was afraid to use the toilet, because everything looked and felt so clean. It happens. =.)
I couldnt find the placemats for the table, but I set the table anyway, watered the plant, and cleaned out the birdcage. Crazy bird makes such a mess. Unfortunately, I havent gotten to the bedroom yet, so my butt and thigh machine is still in the dining room. It takes up so much space; I plan to move it into the bedroom.
I didnt clean out the cabinets in the kitchen, but I cleaned the counter tops, washed the dishes, and mopped the floor. Everything was so sparkly. I felt like the fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty with a swoosh of my magic wand. Sparkle! Sparkle! Sparkle! It felt so good, that I started dancing in my kitchen, just like I used to when my daughter still lived at home. Unfortunately, I know I still have to put the cabinets in order at another time.
My kitchen was so clean that I didnt want to mess it up, but I did make a really yummy salad... I think I'm hooked on fresh basil...
Head of lettuce
Diced tomato (seeds discarded)
Diced red pepper
Sliced red onion
Diced white cheddar cheese
Can of tuna (drained)
Fresh basil
Light mayo
As for the living room, It looks fairly neat, but I still need to figure out where to put some of this stuff... perhaps after I clean the bedroom?!
Overall, my living quarters look pretty good, but I still havent rolled up my sleeves to tackle the bedroom. That will definitely take some skill and lots of brainpower to decipher what can find a new home through Goodwill, St Vincent de Paul or the Salvation Army. I doubt that task will happen anytime soon!
But I am anxious to change the bedding today. While looking in the closet, I remembered my purple sheets. Must put those on my bed today, and I recently bought an ivory matallase with matching shams at Tuesday Morning. I am dying to see how they will look on my bed. I'm pretty sure the new maltasse will clash with the curtains, but I havent found curtains that might work at a price that I am willing to pay. I thought about the leopard curtains they had at Wal-Mart. I wonder if they still have them.
Your body can fight stress better when it is fit. ~Ughhh... Another reminder... I know, I know... so many reasons/ benefits to exercise!!!
Stressed out... trying to de-stress is hard. Writing in my journal helps. Makes my brain think of something else.
I could also be stressed out from the thought of having to take my final. I am going to try to do that today. God help moi, porfe.
It's time like this when sex might not be a bad idea... Unfortunately, wasting time on bad sex is more frustrating than it's worth and training someone else to do it right is taking a risk that they might learn to do it right...
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. - Anonymous
LOVE the quote!!! LOL--HEY, take it easy your making me tired--love, Mary
I hope you are feeling better by now! I hate that you had to miss work. I love Tuesday Mornings. We have one about 30 minutes from here. I am always finding little odds and ends in there, I don't go unless I know I have a little bit of money to blow because I always see something that I like.
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