Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

bestrong.jpgRan into this graphic on the internet and I had to put it into my journal. It is especially appropriate for today, because it is one of the days that we set aside to honor the brave young men and women who have laid their life on the line to defend our country.

But it is also a reminder that we are all soldiers in the Army of God. Many choose to go through life sitting at the sidelines, but we all have the capacity to be a hero.

It only takes one person to change a life. 

Within me is a SUPERHERO who is swift and strong and comes to the rescue of those who need her. I prefer, however, not to wear a cape.

Sometimes in life, we have to fight for what we believe, no matter what it costs us.

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our own wings have forgotten how to fly.



It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way,
you always walked a step behind.

So I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name -- for so long,
a beautiful smile to hide the pain.

Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and ev'rything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want youto know I know the truth, of course I know it,
I would be nothing without you.


Fly, fly, fly away,
you let me fly so high.
Oh, fly, fly,
so high against the sky, so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you, thank God for you,
the wind beneath my wings.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Make Me Feel Inferior

Ram's friend came to see me so that I could register her for work, as required by unemployment. She looks like a teenager, this 40 something woman, who earns a great amount of money but only has a high school diploma and she cant even type. She was fired from her job. I dont know if she will get unemployment, because the unemployment needs to investigate both sides of the story. When someone gets fired, they usually take the employer's side. She is pending a lawsuit from her previous employer (before this job). Sounds like she is thinking of doing the same with this employer (?)

I always feel drained when I talk to her. She is very loud, as if she wants everybody to know her business. She commented that I have the perfect job and that I buy all of these expensive things with my money. I informed her that I make less than the money she is asking and that you dont have to have money to dress nice; you just have to know how to shop.

She asked me how old I was~ 40? 50?~ and commented: And you look it! (It's surprising how some people try to insult you when you try to help them.) Then she said that she needs to get paid well, because she cannot live on less money. She says she has a boyfriend who buys her clothes and a new car, etc etc. I wondered about the clothes, because she always comes in with the same outfit: a black T and overalls.

She asked me if I got alimony and child support or some other supplement from a boyfriend or a man. When I told her that I do not, she said, What's wrong with you?! She said that I should be making lots of money and that I could come work for her as her secretary, because she doesnt like to do paperwork.

Feeling drained...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I Can

 Can - Able (in Sign Language)

As expected, my blood pressure hasnt gone down, so instead of going in to work yesterday, I stayed in my apartment and studied and studied and studied all morning. The final was three hours long, and my brain hurts more than words can say, but I am happy to report that

I passed my final at 96.92%. =.)

I put my favorite sheets on the bed (purple) and I replaced that heavy comforter with the ivory maltasse coverlet and shams that I bought at Tuesday Morning. I wanted white, but the only white maltasse set they had was too big for my bed. The coverlet is embossed with feathers all over it. I dont like the shams, but they match the coverlet, and the crochet bedskirt from the comforter matches perfectly. I may need to look for some extra pillows to add a little color or texture. And I definitely need to change the curtains.

So, the two things I had planned to do have been accomplished and that was enough for such a hard day.

Diet going well. Eating more foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium for the high blood pressure. I ran out of fixings to make more salad, so I may need to go to the grocery store today. Love that fresh basil! I'm addicted now. =.)

Ever since I started drinking the diluted pineapple juice, I have been going to tinkle more than usual.  Yesterday, I didnt drink any juice, because I knew the final would be three hours long, but I still made lots of pit stops.

My blood pressure is still up, but I will be going in to work today.

No matter what your dreams are, God's dreams for you are bigger than you can ever imagine. ~ Oprah Winfrey


Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons for they are vexations to your spirit. If you compare yourself with others you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.


Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your career however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortune of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. Many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.


Never be cynical about love, for in the face of all avidity and disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nuture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.


And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be and whatever your labours and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its shame anddrudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

~Max Ehrmann @ 1927

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oops, I did it AGAIN?!


Imagine going to work, only to leave home sick twenty-six minutes later. That's what happened yesterday. My blood pressure was and remains extremely high. I tried to call my doctor, but his phone number didnt work. I went to his office, but he is out on vacation until next week. Could it be that taking synthroid and cardieum together is taboo? I usually take the cardieum at night, but I felt the strong, pounding palpitations of my heart and my head like a sledgehammer in a horror flick. My heart has had a chance to rest, but my head is still pounding into tomorrow.

I pretty much slept most of the day yesterday, which is probably the reason why I have been up since midnight, reading people's journals... not good, not good at all to still be up at this hour. More than probably, I will not be going in to work today, either.

I did do some research as to the do's and don'ts of High Blood Pressure diets. Of course, there is the limitation of salt and salt products, but foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium are a plus. Put the info on my refrigerator for next time I go grocery shopping.

I thought yesterday was Pest Control day, but today is the 24th! That's what happens when you move your desk into the living room and it just doesnt look right to put your private calendar in everybody's sight.

Could it be the extra curricular activity of cleaning up my apartment on Sunday that brought my blood pressure up? After all, I dont usually do that much cleaning in one day, because I get so tired and have to take frequent breaks, but the nurse says it's possible!

I started with the bathroom. I threw out a lot of stuff that I dont use which resulted in having enough space for the things I use on a regular basis. My bathroom was so sparkly and shiny that I was afraid to use the toilet, because everything looked and felt so clean. It happens. =.)

I couldnt find  the placemats for the table, but I set the table anyway, watered the plant, and cleaned out the birdcage. Crazy bird makes such a mess. Unfortunately, I havent gotten to the bedroom yet, so my butt and thigh machine is still in the dining room. It takes up so much space; I plan to move it into the bedroom.

I didnt clean out the cabinets in the kitchen, but I cleaned the counter tops, washed the dishes, and mopped the floor. Everything was so sparkly. I felt like the fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty with a swoosh of my magic wand. Sparkle! Sparkle! Sparkle! It felt so good, that I started dancing in my kitchen, just like I used to when my daughter still lived at home. Unfortunately, I know I still have to put the cabinets in order at another time.

My kitchen was so clean that I didnt want to mess it up, but I did make a really yummy salad... I think I'm hooked on fresh basil...

Head of lettuce
Diced tomato (seeds discarded)
Diced red pepper
Sliced red onion
Diced white cheddar cheese
Can of tuna (drained)
Fresh basil
Light mayo

As for the living room, It looks fairly neat, but I still need to figure out where to put some of this stuff... perhaps after I clean the bedroom?!

Overall, my living quarters look pretty good, but I still havent rolled up my sleeves to tackle the bedroom. That will definitely take some skill and lots of brainpower to decipher what can find a new home through Goodwill, St Vincent de Paul or the Salvation Army. I doubt that task will happen anytime soon!

But I am anxious to change the bedding today. While looking in the closet, I remembered my purple sheets. Must put those on my bed today, and I recently bought an ivory matallase with matching shams at Tuesday Morning. I am dying to see how they will look on my bed. I'm pretty sure the new maltasse will clash with the curtains, but I havent found curtains that might work at a price that I am willing to pay. I thought about the leopard curtains they had at Wal-Mart. I wonder if they still have them.

Your body can fight stress better when it is fit. ~Ughhh... Another reminder... I know, I know... so many reasons/ benefits to exercise!!!

Stressed out... trying to de-stress is hard. Writing in my journal helps. Makes my brain think of something else.

I could also be stressed out from the thought of having to take my final. I am going to try to do that today. God help moi, porfe.

It's time like this when sex might not be a bad idea... Unfortunately, wasting time on bad sex is more frustrating than it's worth and training someone else to do it right is taking a risk that they might learn to do it right...

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. - Anonymous

Monday, May 23, 2005

Is Norris a GlassBox fan?!

Check out this entry by Norris Chumley.... 

Your Love Song

What song(s) do you love? What is one of your favorite songs that makes you feel wonderful every time you hear it?

I suggest getting that song, and playing it every time you are about to overeat. You’ll feel full from the happy feelings. The song will touch your soul – going far deeper than your stomach.

Try this! It works, and feels like magic. Music is one of God’s great gifts – be a thankful recipient!

Some songs I love are "Sukiyaki," a song I played a million times when I was about six. Another one is "You and Me and Rain on the Roof," and "Mares Eat Oats" a song my mother used to sing to me, which I now sing to my kids. "My Girl" is one that my wife and I associate to the first time we met – and it makes me feel wonderful every time I hear it.

Saturday, I wrote about the song "I Will Survive." Yesterday, my title was "She Works Hard for the Money." I think he reads my journal daily, because his comments are always in sync with every entry I write...

Norris, dont be shy. I understand that there are probably more people that read your comments than there are people who read mine. My fans are few, and yet, I somehow find the courage to go on writing... =.)

By the way, yesterday, I danced in the kitchen while I was washing dishes. I havent danced in the kitchen since my daughter was still at home. We used to dance in the kitchen all the time. Of course, I had to call her to let her know! =.)

The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going beyond them to the impossible.~ Arthur C. Clarke 


Sunday, May 22, 2005

She Works Hard for the Money

   Wish we didnt have to work on Saturday. I was alone at work for most of the day, which meant that I had interrupted time. I tried to study for my final between phone calls and clients, but the receptionist didnt show up until about 2pm. I think I know most of it, but two of the thirteen courses have too much information and are more complicated than the rest. Looks like the final will take about three hours to complete, and as you guessed it, I did not take my final on Saturday.

The crabby woman is out on sick leave after her knee surgery and will be out for two months. Magda has Vertigo and we dont know how long she will be out on sick leave. Romeo goes out everyday to encourage employers for On-The-Job training positions. John and I are the only ones doing employment services, so that means that I probably will not be able to take that exam next week, unless if my boss allows me some time to do it... We'll see.

When I got home, there was a Pest Control warning on my door. They are coming on Monday. I hate that. Werent they just here?! There are no bugs in my apartment. But... that means I have to clean up. Ughh... When I got in yesterday, I was too tired to clean. Not having two days off in a row makes you tired. Sighhh... I colored my roots instead. =.)

So today is Sunday... I was planning to study for my final today, but I need to clean house instead.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If I didnt have so much stuff, cleaning house would be a breeze and there would be less to organize. Why is so hard to just throw things away?! Guilt.....

Looked up house cleaning on the net and found this cute site: 

Here is a testimonial sent to Fly Lady:

Dear Flylady,
Wanted to let you know about the wonderful Bed & Breakfast my husband and I stayed at this Memorial Day weekend. The small but simply furnished kitchen was well stocked with delicious healthy snacks and meals. Homemade waffles with blackberries were served from a beautiful clean kitchen. The living areas and bedrooms were furnished with fresh plumped pillows, lovely matching sheets and down comforter and scented candles everywhere. The bathroom - ah ...bubble bath, lotions and fresh white towels. The library was stocked with books, magazines and yoga videos. 
Best of all, my husband and I spent time together with no interruptions, chores or traffic. Okay - you guessed it ... thanks to you - this is my home. Thank you, thank you.

Fly Lady's site takes you through babysteps in organizing and cleaning your home. Sounds motivating; doesnt it?!

Everywhere I have lived, I have always tried to make my home my own private haven. What is it about the Valley that has me so miserable?

Cons:  My mother is too critical and does not want me to have anything nice. The more I am around my mother, the more weight I gain. There are so many people coming in from Mexico that if I dont get out early, I have to forget about going anywhere. The men of the Valley are uneducated and do not know how to converse with a woman; they think women are only for sex and adventure.

Pros:  I like my job and I have a boss who values my work. That is important. I dont live near the ocean, but my apartment has a good view of the pool. Things are not too bad if you get out of the house early enough. Corpus is not that far away. I need to invest in my sanity and my earnings by taking more trips up there.

I need to clean up my life as much as I need to clean up my apartment.

My success came from the help of God and from the sweat of my own brow. Just because my mother doesnt want me to have anything is NOT reason enough for me to self-destruct.

I am worthy. 

French Maids

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Another Blushing Episode

Check out this book! The single girl's guide to hooking her man through cooking. Wonder if it is still available. =.)


My morning began listening to "I Will Survive." I always like to remember the first song I hear on the radio, because the song usually brings a message or a memory. Every time I have fallen flat on my face, I return to this song. Why am I allowing what happened with "that man" last year to rob me of what is rightfully mine?! I lost so much weight last year, so why did I punish myself by gaining 30 lbs of it back? One good thing is that the scale has not budged in months. At least, I continue to have enough sense to maintain myself at this weight instead of gaining more weight. 

These past few months, I have been paying extra attention to how skinny people eat or dont eat. My friend Johnny loves chocolate and he eats a lot of it, but he always limits his portions at every meal. My boss eats breakfast and supper but he goes without lunch and he plays golf on the weekends. My friend Magda eats sweet bread with coffee in the morning, eats a simple sandwich for lunch and spends the rest of her lunch hour doing something else~ exploring the area or visiting stores, invests in snacks to get her through the day (granola bars and bit o' honey candy) and she eats a good supper. 

In the wee hours of the morning (way before the people of the Valley wake up), I drove into the rich part of town to shop for groceries. I was disappointed that I didnt find what I went for in the first place, but I decided that perhaps it was better to get a few things anyway. I was dressed in a cut up black sweatshirt (very Flashdance; huh?!), a long denim skirt with a slit in the back, and black sabrina heeled mules. A woman ran up to me to ask me where I had bought my skirt. Unfortunately, it is not a skirt that she could just go and buy because it is about six years old.

A friend of mine has lost a great deal of weight. You must drink a whole can of pineapple juice throughout the day. Breakfast is a banana for potassium. Lunch is 1-2 cans of tuna with a smidgen of light mayo to hold it together and a few crackers. Supper is a light balanced supper. I tried his diet in the past but too much of the pineappe juice doesnt agree with my tummy. I didnt lose much weight on his diet, but he has been on it since January, and I suppose this is a "youve got to stick to it" kind of diet; otherwise, it doesnt work. Personally, I think the juice has too much sugar. Still, I thought I would try it again, but this time, I planned to dilute the juice with water to see if that helps.

As I went to pick up some pineapple juice and a few cans of tuna, this cute Italian walks up to me with a bag of rice. He was wearing a chef's hat, a chef's shirt with a thermometer in the pocket and striped pants. He did a quick double take when he saw me, and we started to talk. He said he was going to make a salad and he invited me over to the other side of the store to watch him cook.

I cant believe I spent the whole morning with the chef. We talked a lot! He made several appetizers as he cooked the rice and waited for it to cool, and he made me sample everything. Then he took a bowl, added some "chilies and lime marinade", diced red pepper, diced tomato, fresh basil, diced white cheddar cheese, and some olive oil. He mixed the mixture with the rice and added canned crab meat. He said it is a salad that you can eat all day. The recipe was so simple, but the flavors blended so well together, that I had to go buy everything it took to make it, and I bought a bottle of wine, too.

He made comments about my skirt, adding that he liked imagining what was underneath it. ::: BLUSH:::  (The back of my skirt does show a lot of leg, but the rest of the skirt is modest.) He said some girls wear really short skirts, but he doesnt like that, because it better to imagine what is under a skirt.  ::: BLUSH::: 

Unfortunately, the chef is married... sighhhh

The chef was in pretty good shape. He eats well; good flavorful meals but limits his portions. Being on a diet for so long makes me not want to be on a diet. Being on a diet makes me feel so deprived of the foods I love. Like the chef, I want to eat well, but I will try to limit my portions.


Still, IF I can lose at least 10 lbs, that will help me to look better in my clothes; right?!

Speaking of looking better, I caught a glimpse of the makeovers on Oprah yesterday. Looks like millions of women are wearing the wrong size bra. Talk about proof at what a difference the right size bra can make! Wow! Those women looked like they had lost weight just by wearing the right bra and the right clothes to flatter their figure. Must go shopping for a new bra!                     

I Will Survive

At first I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive (hey-hey)

It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
But now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
and now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me

Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
Oh as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

              ~ sung by Gloria Gaynor   

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Ocean DriveAs I drove into Corpus Christi, the first place I wanted to see was the house where I used to live. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I drove the all too familiar streets. There was Lexington Elementary and South Park Jr High, and then there it was. As I made the turn, the heart in my earring flew to the floor of the passenger side of the car~ not the whole earring, just the heart. Could that have been symbolic? As I drove by the house, I could not believe the ugly turquoise color that the new owners had painted it, and in the driveway was a barrio car. The house looked so ghetto. It made me realize that the house I lost might not have been that great after all, but it was the only place I have ever been able to call home... Perhaps, someday God will give me another place where I can call home?

As I continued to drive around my old neighborhood, I couldnt believe how overcrowded the area was with so many new businesses. I can only imagine what my life would have been like if I had stayed. My tears continued to flow, but I wanted to see the place where I almost died. I kept on driving and as I kept on driving, God kept speaking to me with one sign after another:

Expect a Miracle.
Child of God, Come Home.
It's a Small World After All.
A Future with Hope.

I love it when God talks to me. God talks to all of us. It's a shame that we dont always stop to listen.

I know it sounds odd, but I went to visit the employment office, wondering what it would be like to return to work there. It would be nice if I could just transfer, but who knows what the future will bring... The bad part is that if I return there, I will need to accept entry-level pay.

Of course, I had to go to Half-Price bookstore to get an Iced Mocha with whipped cream, chocolate chips, cinnamon and nutmeg. Yummm...

I visited Selena's grave. They put white silk roses everywhere. I spent some time with her and we had a little talk.

And I drove up to the ocean and just sat there, absorbing all it's serenity. Oh, how I miss living by the sea.

It was after five when I pulled into my best friend's driveway. Her home was so orderly, as always. I helped her to stuff envelopes for an event for her work. Then we went out to dinner, and she invited a coworker to join us. We ordered an appetizer and I was pretty full with the appetizer and all of the glasses of Iced Tea, so I wasnt able to eat the food I ordered, but it wasnt very good anyway. I drank so much tea, though, that I was practically in the bathroom most of the night!

The next day, we drove up to Houston. I felt so honored to be a part of such an important event in her life. I do not know why her family wasnt there, but I didnt want to ask, because I didnt want to make her feel bad on her special day. Perhaps her family is as bad as mine?

She had purchased a disposable camera, and of course, she assigned me as "head photographer."  It might not mean much to be head photographer with only a disposable camera, but this was such an important event that I hope her pictures came out nice. My friend received her Master's in Social Work from the University of Houston. I was surprised that the ceremony was so simple. Supermodel Emma was the speaker, but my friend said she was not very impressed with her. Actually, I wasnt very impressed, either. She is a plus model, but this was such a special event, that she should have dressed nicer.

After the graduation, there was a reception with Mariachi. We had cake and snacks, and then, we went shopping in Sugar Land and ate at Red Lobster's. I had a margarita, but the price of the margarita was incredibly high compared to the small size of the drink. We shared with the bartender that my friend had received her Master's at the University and he gave us a free appetizer, so that made up for it. =.)

My friend lost the extra weight she had gained since the last time that I saw her. She looked great. As for what we did, well, mostely, we ate a lot and talked a lot and we ate some more! Not a good weekend for dieting! I felt so chubs.

On Sunday, I went to my old church and I visited with the statue of Jesus of Nazareth that changed my life. He wears a crown of thorns and a purple robe. His wounds are so life like that the first time I saw him, my eyes filled with tears at the thought of all that he suffered for me.

As I was walking to the parish hall, a black homeless man approached me, asking me if I had some work for him to do. As he shared his troubles, I shared with him that he was on holy ground, suggesting that he pay a visit with God. I told him that I could help him to find a job but I live very far away. I gave him a few referrals in town, but suggested he visit the employment office the following day. I told him that they were selling breakfast at the parish hall, and that perhaps, he could buy a taco there, but the man didnt go to the parish hall. Because he didnt look like he was an alcoholic or a drug addict, I gave him a dollar to buy something to eat.

I was going to go have a bean taco at one of my favorite restaurants, but I decided to eat at the parish hall instead. The bean taco there was not as good as the one I coud have had at the restaurant, but it was for a good cause. An old woman gave me her blessing and she complimented my eyes. It is said that it is always good to have an old woman give you her blessing.                                             

My heart continues to be by the ocean. My greatest sadness is not being near the sea, but I have not lost hope, for with God, all things are possible.


It takes a lot of strength to show your dreams to someone else. ~ Erma Bombeck

If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. ~ Jim Rohn

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dead or Alive

A child saw a worm labori­ously crawling along the floor. It had somehow been in­jured. The back part of the worm was dead and dried up, but the front part was a living part, attached by a thin thread.  The poor worm was pulling its dead half across the floor. The little girl ran in and and picked it up, and she said, "Oh, Oscar, when are you going to lose that dead part so you can really live?" ~ from Mary's journal. Thanks, Mary.

Did wellness exercise video before leaving for work this morning. Doing good.

I have been trying to get ready for my trip. I got my car inspected during my lunch hour yesterday and I got the oil changed after work today. I bought some earrings for Belle for her graduation and I found her a really nice card. I hope she likes them. 

I dont have any casual clothes to take on my trip. I would like something that looks nice but is not expensive. I looked around Wal-Mart while I was getting the oil changed, but I didnt find anything that matched. Tomorrow,  I will try K-Mart during my lunch hour. I hope I can find something.

One half of life is luck; the other half is discipline-- and that's the important half for without discipline, you wouldnt know what to do with luck. ~ Carl Zuckmeyer


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bridget Jones Finds Her Prince

Kenny ChesneyActress Renee Zellweger. (AP Photo/Louis Lanzano)

Surprised to hear that on May 9, 2005, actress Renee Zellweger married country music star Kenny Chesney. Zellweger wore a Carolina Herra dress for the fifteen minute ceremony on the beach at the Virgin Islands.      

Yesterday, I had to wait for the plumber to fix the plumbing, but I was able to make it to work by noon. When I called in, I asked my boss if he took off points if we came in without taking a bath and he laughed, stating that we are not on a points system. The receptionist was surprised that I had made it to work. She stared at my curly hair, but her expression made me feel that my hair looked ok that way. My boss joked that he knew that I hadnt straightened my hair,  because I hadnt taken a bath. For some unknown reason, he seemed really happy to see me, and extended his hand out as if to motion me into his office. I didnt take his hand, but I follow him into his office. My boss has never done that before. He seemed kind of flirty, actually. He looked at me as if I was there to save him. He seems to pay attention to my production and how I do things, especially since I always seem to have the most hires. So I had to give him a list of the dislocated workers and I provided him with a copy of the letter that I created to verify employment. My boss jokes with us, but he has never acted like that before. It's funny how he always questions if I have a boyfriend. Of course, I always correct him that I have "friends." Sometimes he makes me wonder if he is jealous or if he is just curious. He is married, after all.

Today, we got a new worker and Mr D showed up, too. Mr D jokes a lot with me. We have the same last name. When we worked together on 20th Street, they used to call us Mr and Mrs and we would laugh, but he looks old enough to be my father. Naturally, I thought he was joking when he asked me if I was going to give him my office. What he was trying to tell me is that he is going to be working with us. I thought the new worker was going to be around only until the older lady came back from sick leave, but it looks like he is going to be permanent. I wonder why they are moving people around. Something's up.

No weight loss... I continue to maintain at same weight. I seem to be eating less, though. The last time I saw my younger daughter, she gave me a video with Denise Austin. I had forgotten all about it. I took it out after work today and did the exercises and stretches before I had supper. That was good.

In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail. ~ Anonymous

Monday, May 9, 2005

Received e-Card

Aww... thanks for the cute card, Suzy. How did you know I needed a hug?! Everybody needs a hug every once in awhile. Even moi. =.)

Morning news features an Afro-American woman who had 23 children~ all single births.

Colored me happy to hear from my daughters yesterday. My older daughter is having plumbing problems, too. How weird is that?! She is having lots of health problems. She says the doctor is putting her on the South Beach diet and she starts it today. I am glad that she will be taking better care of her diet. A lot of illnesses are the result of poor eating habits.

My best friend's graduation is only a few days away. I am still trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me. Actually, I have worked hard to just maintain at this heavy weight. =.) Thank God that I havent gained any weight. Must keep on trying.

The best way to raise positive children in a negative world is to have parent(s) who love them unconditionally and serve as excellent role models. ~ Zig Ziglar

Never bend your head. Hold it high. Always look the world right in the eye. ~ Helen Keller

It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. ~ Erma Bombeck


Sunday, May 8, 2005

Mother's Day 2005

 ~ art by Mary Engelbreit

My only happy recollections of my mother were on Easter Sunday. My brother and I would get new clothes and she would take us to the park. My brother and I would run and play and crack confetti-filled eggshells on our heads. Those few days of my life were the only days I can remember as days of a real childhood without cruelty and without criticism and without physical abuse. In spite of everything that she did and didnt do, her words that I was and will always be nothing cut my life like a knife. My mother never hugged me and she never told me that she loved me. 

When I grew up, I realized that growing up was not a good enough reason to make her change. And so, I consoled myself with scripture, accepted that I had lived the life of an orphan in my own house, but most important, I recognized that I am a child of the King, and if that is so, then life gave me the best of parents: God.

My children were not conceived in love, but I have tried extra hard not to give my children the kind of life that my mother gave me.

Children are a gift. Take time to hug your children today and to tell them they are loved, for that means more than any gift that money can buy.

I have beautiful memories of my children. I hope my children will always have beautiful memories of me.

Psalms 27:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.

Isaiah 49:15 Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!

Isaiah 66:13 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you


Saturday, May 7, 2005

Romance in the Afternoon?!

He walked up to my door, dressed in beige khaki pants and a white T-shirt. No one in sight, this total stranger found his way into my apartment in the middle of what started out to be such a quiet Saturday afternoon. There he was, this hot and sweaty latino with fire in his eyes, moaning, huffing and puffing and pounding harder and harder into the wall. 

Well, actually, he was an older little man, not a big hunk, and he was trying to fix the plumbing in my bathtub... again. Unfortunately, he didnt finish the work and there is still a hole in the wall. Just like a man not to finish the job; isnt it?!

The landlady told me that one of the neighbors told her that I am cute. She told me that she told him that I am probably at least 40 years younger than he is and that he was acting like a dirty old man. That made me giggle, because I dont think he is too much older than I am. The only thing is that I dont care for men my age, because they act and look too old.

My friend Mary is still busy getting her old home ready for the new owners. She ran into some of her old poetry. Looking through your old stuff is like finding yourself again and remembering how far you have come. I wish I hadnt given my old poetry away when I was in high school. One of my old classmates took my poem and had it published, but he didnt put my name on it. You can find my poem at almost every Christian bookstore. I wonder how much money he made from my poem. I can remember it as fresh as the day I wrote it...

What made us good friends, you and I?

I think I know the reason why.

The best in me and the best in you

Held each other, because they knew

That always and always since life began

Our being friends was part of God's plan.

<FONTSIZE=4>I wonder how much money I would have today if I had published my poems. I have had many opportunities to make a substantial amount of money in my lifetime, but I have always followed a different path. I wonder if that money ever finds it's way back to you.

The liquid diet never happened. It would help if I went to the grocery store, but it's too late to get out there now! Going out on a Saturday at this hour is like suicide around here, because there are too many people that come from across the border. Unfortunately, I had to wait for the plumber...  And so, I didnt get to get my car inspected, either. I dont think they do inspections on Sunday; do they?

Too much of a good thing is wonderful.~ Mae West

A man in the house is worth more than two men on the street. ~ Mae West


Friday, May 6, 2005

Reality Check

Marilyn Monroe in How to Marry a Millionaire

Must admit that I havent stuck to my diet as planned. I moved my full-view mirror to a different location where I can get a more honest look at myself. Scary.

I have been using Revlon Age Defying light makeup with Botafirm this week, and I must admit that it has helped my face to look younger after only five days use, because I have a large pimple in the middle of my forehead. =.)

My best friend's graduation is next week and I havent done very well. It has been too wet this week to go for walks.I got sick on Tuesday, which has helped, because I havent been eating as much. I have been doing some stretches and utilizing my free weights (3 lbs each) to do upper body exercises.  

Sometimes I get these gung-ho ideas in my head, but I fail to follow through. This week, I am thinking of going on a liquid diet for breakfast and lunch and eating a light supper until next Friday. Because it is only a few days, I dont think it will be very hard, but only my willpower will tell.

"I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food."Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Eating for Good Health


Looks like the vote was unanimous. I was going to order the checks when I discovered that my bank card has expired and they havent sent a new one. Ughhh... Will need to go to the bank at lunchtime today. Thanks for your help, girls.

I was out sick yesterday... tummy problems. Could I be lactose intolerant or do I have a virus?!  I'm still feeling kind of sick, but I cant afford to stay home another day.

I caught Oprah yesterday. Dr Oz talked about poop. He said meat stays in your tummy until it rots and then it is digested. Sounds disgusting; doesnt it?! He also said that we should poop once a day or at least every other day and the poop should fall into the toilet bowl like a Brazilian diver. He says the poop should be shaped like an S or have a curve. If you do not poop like that, you need to add more fiber and drink more water. Note that there was a previous study that says that drinking eight glasses of water is a false myth.

This show might be disgusting for some people, but it was good information for me, especially because of my thyroid which causes me to suffer from chronic constipation. That is why I try to eat healthy and that is why I feel that it is important to add fiber to my diet.


Powerhouse doctors Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen describe each integral part of the body (including organs, bones, and immune system) in terms that readers can understand and use. This is a health book like no other.

Nuts, bread, fruits and vegetables

Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember- the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you. ~ Zig Ziglar

Monday, May 2, 2005

Need New Checks

Time to order new checks. I like both of these. Which one would you choose?!

 Cant believe I slept all day yesterday. A single person has no one to go to the store for them~ not even to just buy toilet paper or a bottle of aspirin. No wonder I'm worn out. I'm a superhero to all, but not a superhero to moi. Sighhh... Must include myself on my list of people to help.

As for the diet~ what diet?! This past week has been food, food and more food... Oh, how people always have to celebrate with food?!  We'll see what this week will have to offer.

Yes, I was able to go to the store to pick up that toilet paper last night! All those people staring. It's so hard not to be cute. ha ha

The sleep I got yestereday appears to have done me some good. I woke up before the alarm clock went off and I almost got on the scale, but I didnt want to scare myself.

The week is off to a good start with a fruit smoothie this morning. I'll be having some boiled chicken and a salad for lunch.

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Too Sleepy for Words

I woke up in time to get ready for church this morning, but I turned over for what I thought would be about 5 or 10 more minutes. Needless to say, I woke up too late to attend church. Not good. Not good at all. It is so hard to keep my eyes open. Could it be allergies or could it be something else? I need to go buy toilet paper, but I'm too sleepy to get dressed to go out. Going back to bed.