As I drove into Corpus Christi, the first place I wanted to see was the house where I used to live. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I drove the all too familiar streets. There was Lexington Elementary and South Park Jr High, and then there it was. As I made the turn, the heart in my earring flew to the floor of the passenger side of the car~ not the whole earring, just the heart. Could that have been symbolic? As I drove by the house, I could not believe the ugly turquoise color that the new owners had painted it, and in the driveway was a barrio car. The house looked so ghetto. It made me realize that the house I lost might not have been that great after all, but it was the only place I have ever been able to call home... Perhaps, someday God will give me another place where I can call home?
As I continued to drive around my old neighborhood, I couldnt believe how overcrowded the area was with so many new businesses. I can only imagine what my life would have been like if I had stayed. My tears continued to flow, but I wanted to see the place where I almost died. I kept on driving and as I kept on driving, God kept speaking to me with one sign after another:
Expect a Miracle.
Child of God, Come Home.
It's a Small World After All.
A Future with Hope.
I love it when God talks to me. God talks to all of us. It's a shame that we dont always stop to listen.
I know it sounds odd, but I went to visit the employment office, wondering what it would be like to return to work there. It would be nice if I could just transfer, but who knows what the future will bring... The bad part is that if I return there, I will need to accept entry-level pay.
Of course, I had to go to Half-Price bookstore to get an Iced Mocha with whipped cream, chocolate chips, cinnamon and nutmeg. Yummm...
I visited Selena's grave. They put white silk roses everywhere. I spent some time with her and we had a little talk.
And I drove up to the ocean and just sat there, absorbing all it's serenity. Oh, how I miss living by the sea.

It was after five when I pulled into my best friend's driveway. Her home was so orderly, as always. I helped her to stuff envelopes for an event for her work. Then we went out to dinner, and she invited a coworker to join us. We ordered an appetizer and I was pretty full with the appetizer and all of the glasses of Iced Tea, so I wasnt able to eat the food I ordered, but it wasnt very good anyway. I drank so much tea, though, that I was practically in the bathroom most of the night!
The next day, we drove up to Houston. I felt so honored to be a part of such an important event in her life. I do not know why her family wasnt there, but I didnt want to ask, because I didnt want to make her feel bad on her special day. Perhaps her family is as bad as mine?
She had purchased a disposable camera, and of course, she assigned me as "head photographer." It might not mean much to be head photographer with only a disposable camera, but this was such an important event that I hope her pictures came out nice. My friend received her Master's in Social Work from the University of Houston. I was surprised that the ceremony was so simple. Supermodel Emma was the speaker, but my friend said she was not very impressed with her. Actually, I wasnt very impressed, either. She is a plus model, but this was such a special event, that she should have dressed nicer.
After the graduation, there was a reception with Mariachi. We had cake and snacks, and then, we went shopping in Sugar Land and ate at Red Lobster's. I had a margarita, but the price of the margarita was incredibly high compared to the small size of the drink. We shared with the bartender that my friend had received her Master's at the University and he gave us a free appetizer, so that made up for it. =.)
My friend lost the extra weight she had gained since the last time that I saw her. She looked great. As for what we did, well, mostely, we ate a lot and talked a lot and we ate some more! Not a good weekend for dieting! I felt so chubs.
On Sunday, I went to my old church and I visited with the statue of Jesus of Nazareth that changed my life. He wears a crown of thorns and a purple robe. His wounds are so life like that the first time I saw him, my eyes filled with tears at the thought of all that he suffered for me.
As I was walking to the parish hall, a black homeless man approached me, asking me if I had some work for him to do. As he shared his troubles, I shared with him that he was on holy ground, suggesting that he pay a visit with God. I told him that I could help him to find a job but I live very far away. I gave him a few referrals in town, but suggested he visit the employment office the following day. I told him that they were selling breakfast at the parish hall, and that perhaps, he could buy a taco there, but the man didnt go to the parish hall. Because he didnt look like he was an alcoholic or a drug addict, I gave him a dollar to buy something to eat.
I was going to go have a bean taco at one of my favorite restaurants, but I decided to eat at the parish hall instead. The bean taco there was not as good as the one I coud have had at the restaurant, but it was for a good cause. An old woman gave me her blessing and she complimented my eyes. It is said that it is always good to have an old woman give you her blessing.
My heart continues to be by the ocean. My greatest sadness is not being near the sea, but I have not lost hope, for with God, all things are possible.

It takes a lot of strength to show your dreams to someone else. ~ Erma Bombeck
If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. ~ Jim Rohn