I am very upset about Hillary winning 73% of the votes in the Valley where I live, but even more disappointed to hear that she won Texas. The woman plays dirty at any cost. She says she wouldn't mind a ticket with Obama, but it is clear that she would rather be above him than below him.

Patrick Swayze has been diagnosed with cancer. Makes me sad when bad things happen to good people...

Not much in my life has changed... I continue to have money problems... The check from one of my readers has already bounced twice and I continue to have to pay the price for the extra charges... money that I do not have...
I am unhappy in my new job... I have always had jobs where I can work independently, but I do not think that I will be able to do that in this job... Everything I do is carefully watched... So far, everything I have done is clerical... I didn't go to college to do clerical work... I have always looked for more in my career and I am not talking money here... although a bigger check than what I am getting would be greatly appreciated at this time in my life....
My new boss is a perfectionist... We have had problems with communication... She says that she does not know yet if she will be sending me to training in Atlanta... I think she is having second thoughts about hiring me... I hate feeling inadequate... I hate feeling that I have to watch my every step...
I want to stand strong in my Faith... but I must admit that I feel frightened... It took me so long to find this job, and even though I still have applications out there, no one else has responded...
Satan has been working overtime in my life.

It is without a doubt
that when the devil knows you are capable of great things,
he will do whatever it takes
to take away the confidence you have
in yourself
and make you feel
and vulnerable...
I don't want to feel like that... I want to believe that God will see me through this...
We have been through things so much worse than this, Lord... Surely, You will see me through this, too. Wrap your arms of comfort around me and help me to feel loved and confident to conquer what lies ahead.

I feel so sorry for you , I have suspected that the job hasnt been going as well as you hoped ,I do hope things change for the better for you ,and soon ...love Jan xx
I'm sorry this job is not everything you want it to be. You hang in there until something better comes along (and it will). Maybe you should sit down with the boss and tell her how you feel. Sometimes clearing the air makes everyone feel better. At least then you would have a better sense of how you stand with her and she with you. Just a thought girlfriend. I will keep praying.
Hugs, Joyce
I felt down Tuesday night, also. The election seemed like the top of the cake of other things not working out quite as I'd hoped.
I'm sorry that your boss is a perfectionist who is expressing / implying second doubts. Of course your confidence can flag, but, you have a great way of keeping your spirits up. God will help you. You're there for some reason, whether to keep you in some sort of paycheck until something else comes along, or ? It's not me who knows the why, but I do pray it becomes easier for you.
As for Obama and Clinton -- of all the delegates that evening, Clinton's net was only 4. Four. Washington, D.C. is 9. Yes we can:)
And, yes YOU can, too. There is not yet a suspension of hope, eh? Even if we get down occasionally.
A check from one of your journal readers? That is awful.
I'm sorry this job is like that. Maybe they are doing it on purpose to see how you handle the pressure. Just stay confident even if you have to pretend that you are and you'll make it thru. You're the new person so everyone will be watching for a little while. :-( Hugs!!!
That pic of Hilary clinton is sooo funny! I was surprised to hear she won Texas also. BUT, going back.....Texas was known to be a "Red State". I was really hoping Obama would get the delegate votes ::sigh::
hang in there at work...and keep your eyes peeled for something more suited for your needs.
hugzz, Bethe
Hi There. I am just back from a trip to visit a dear friend in Scotland who is very poorly and getting down to reading the journals. Your on top of list so open first ! I am a bit tired having driven from 7am till about 4pm today. I am sorry that you are not so happy in your new job...but after all my dear it is a job and that is all we asked God to provide for you...perhaps you will just have to grin and bare it till something better comes along. Sometimes it is easier to get a job whilst you still have one ? Hope so anyway. Don't give into that old Devil man who keeps telling you to go something else..just you settle down never mind if the job is below your expectations....something WILL come along in due course. Have agood week my love Love Sybil xx
Stick with it Win, and you never know you might see another job advertisied in the meantime which would suit you down to the ground. You are strong Win, just remember you are better than they are xx
Wini, don't give up. Keep searching for jobs while working at this one. There are bosses and jobs that are just not meant for you. This is meant to tide you over until a better one comes along. I know full well how it is to feel inadequate. It's other that make you feel that way because they are miserable and there is no pleasing them.
I was shocked that Hillary won in Ohio. I'm hoping that Pa. goes to Obama. I was also shocked to hear about Patrick S. Pancreatic cancer is the pits. HUGS Chris
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