Someone told the landlady that I am working! OMGG @ the questions just keep coming... Where are you working? What are your hours? What's your number at work? I heard you take off early and don't get home until after 6... The questions just don't stop...
EXCUSE ME... Your NOSE is showing!!!!
Whenever someone comes looking for an apartment, they want one with a balcony... They always ask about your apartment but I tell them you have been there forever... and they ask who lives there, because they never see anyone in that apartment... and I tell them the blonde girl with the curly hair... That's how they know you, by your hair...
What gives?! Why is the landlady so nosey?! And what right does she have to tell anyone where I live?! Isn't that a breach of privacy?!!#

What is a movie star? A movie star is many things. They can be tall, short, thin, or skinny. They can be democrats...or skinny.
~ Steve Martin
First... the Bad News: Hillary's anxiety continues to show big-time... She continues to fight a dirty campaign in Texas.
Now the GOOD news: The way my clothes fit makes me feel as if I have either lost a few pounds or I have at least lost a few inches. (smiling, smiling, smiling!) I may still have a long way to go, but the little changes I have made are giving me a little bit of encouragement to keep trying...
I've seen Hilary on the News, she seems to be in a "state of panic", rather than the state of Texas.
BTW, good for you....looser clothes feel sooo much better!
Nosy neighbors or land ladies in your case, are usually really bored and think your life must be far interesting. I always say "I'd love to talk, but I've things to do and places to be" and smile as I disappear into the apt or car. Just keep moving. Smile, but don't stop.
~hugs, Bethe http://journals.aol.com/sunnybethe/palm-harbor/
P.S. I love the "Cookies & Alcohol" tag in your previous entry
You should tell that landlady that it is not safe for strangers to know where you live... and that she shouldn't be telling ANYONE ANYTHING about you!!! THEN you can tell her that you aren't going to answer any more questions.
good for you for lighter fitting clothes!! I think the landlady is over-stepping her boundaries just a bit! why does she need your work number?
Geez, nosy landlords can be so damn annoying. I think that it's time for you to take a trip to your local law libabry and look up the housing laws. There should be a local organization in the phone book or you can look online.
I guess the best advice is to answer her questions but keep them vague " Yeah, I guess I do leave early. New job, very busy, I love it, so many interesting people..."
What do you do ? "I work with many people, give them customer service" (we all work with people, lol) If you make her ask more questions without really answring them, she'll probably get tired and leave you alone. And while you're busy giving vague answers, look at your watch and tell her you've gotta run and make a call.
OR, when she asks you so many questions and won't leave you alone until you answer them, politely ask if there is a problem with the rent check you gave her, or if someone complained about you. Try and quietly make her feel ashamed of herself.
Here I go again..second time round first time I was switched of by AOL grrrrr
Anyway I think I kind of agree with Sunnybethe Poeple who are always asking questions probably live such dull lives that they really want to perhaps live through others. I know that privacy is very important to you and it is difficult.. However I don't think your landlady is asking out of malice..is she..just out of curiosity I expect..and whether you work or not is not relevant. Just imagine she does notice you come and go at regular times and one day you can't get up you have had a stroke, fallen during the night..now if she knew when you went out and came back if you were missing for a couple of days she might come to your door to investigate..would that be being nosey ? or just being concerned. It is a funny old world we live in isn't it. anyway however it is we all have to live in it !! with the nosey ones or not !! Good you have your ob and wonderful if your wight is coming off. Much Love Sybil x
Your landlady is nosey to the point of invasion of privacy. Don't answer questions you don't want to answer. None of her business.
It sounds as though your landlady is asking un necessary questions however Sybil does have a point ,somtimes its good to have someone looking out for you ,so pleased your clothes are fitting better ,hope the job is going well ..love Jan xx
Glad your clothes are fitting lighter..that's always nice :) I think the land lord was nosey, but not for bad reasons, I think she's just the kind of person who want to know everything. I have a neighbor that is the same way, I just look at it like if something happenes at my house and I'm not home.....she will know and call the police!!! That's not always a bad thing :)
Pooh Hugs,
Thats ridiculous how nosey your landlady is!! I'm relieved I never hear from my agent lol..........The last flat i was in the agents wanted to come and check on things every month but that wasn't too bad. Well done on the weight loss xx
YEAH about your clothes!
And, isn't it nicer when someone asks as they seem happy for you, not as if they wondered if you were moving out?! Oy.
I do believe Hillary was feeling desperate, and resorted to, well, less high road ways of fighting politics. I used to like her (while still supportint Barack Obama as Presidential Candidate), but gosh. To me, it's as if she's not running a good campaign now, as if she's playing politics like so many others. I'm saddened by that. I still hope Obama wins it all.
Your landlord does all that???? Yuck, she is definitely stepping into your privacy. Ya know, Hillary didn't bother me at first but now she does more than ever and just because she is a shrew, plain and simple. HUGS Chris
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