The dream took place in a large building with very high ceilings... I was working for a man boss and his desk was so untidy that I put things in order for him.
What was strange is that there was also a bed by his desk. The bed was a mess. I didn't make the bed. I took the sheet off and threw the comforter on the bed and put the pillows on top of it, so it looked as if the bed had been made... The man came in and asked what happened there... He was surprised that when he arrived his bed was made... I was afraid that he would be angry because I didn't make the bed right... I told him that I had not made the bed; I had just cleaned things up a bit... The man seemed impressed. He gave me some instructions and the next thing I know, I am driving a car with two women passengers in it... I felt that I was helping these women, but I was also instructing them...
In my dream, I was working and I was traveling... For me, the high ceilings indicate that the salary will be good... and the fact that the man didn't get angry because I failed to make the bed correctly demonstrated that I went beyond the call of duty even though it was something that was not required of me and he was pleased with it, so he promoted me to higher responsibilities...

This image would not upload onto my Photo Image site... So sorry that I had ot resize it, MCC, but I still wanted to use it, because I like what it says about the vacuumed dreams...
I have hada few dreams this week each time I am woken up though and I don;t find the out come!
I wish I could go back to sleep and pick up where I left off!
~~Make It A Great Day~~
Speaking of dreams...I seldom dream but last night was certainly the exception. I loved my dream too. I woke up feeling all warm and happy.
Hugs, Joyce
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