1. To always have everything I need. There are many things that I have had to live without, but I have had everything I need so far... Well, except for Richard Gere. (sigh)... I need to go buy a few groceries tomorrow. I hope I don't spend more than $20. April starts next week... and so do the bills... God, please make my money s-t-r-e-t-c-h! The one bill I always forget about putting into the budget is AOL... I hope I can get through April...
2. A successful career, doing what I love. I started a new job in February and it only lasted about a month. At least I earned a little bit of money, but I wish I had been able to make more... I am back at looking for work. This week was like a dead-end... no interviews. I hope next week will be better.
3. To never have to worry about money. No job is secure... but an insecure job is better than no job... God, it would be nice to have a career but if I can't have a career, at least find me a job soon.
4. To be healthy and fit and at my ideal weight. I have seen a slight difference in the way my clothes fit. I had started to change the way I eat, but I am without a job again, so I will need to go back to eating what is most economical... and I have been a naughty girl at not exercising at all... and I wonder why my waistline won't go down. lol
She's such a cute girl... too bad she's got that huge tire around her middle!
OMG @ I had never heard anything like this before, but my "friend" Daniel said he got mad at God, because he gave up eggs and tortillas for lent and he fasted and he still couldn't button his pants... Of course, I scolded him for being mad at God, but how strange to hear a man talk like that about his weight...
5. To have a bigger place to live with room enough for company and where I can have all of my things in one place. Will this ever happen?! I hate not being able to take my things out of storage...
6. New eyeglasses and contacts. No money to do this yet... My glasses are so bent out of shape. God help them to hang on until I can get the money to buy new ones...
7.To fix my car and save for a better one. My poor Jones... He is so beat up, but he continues to be faithful to me... Like his owner, Jones has a lot of mileage on him already... I hope God will give me a job that does not require travel...
8. To rebuild my savings. It is sad not to have income coming in. (sigh) I wish the world did not revolve around money...
9. To replace my worn-out clothes, purse, and shoes with nicer ones. I have not been able to replace my worn-out clothes or buy new shoes, but I did buy a new black purse...
10. A new romance with a single man who loves me and whom I can love and admire. I never called the coach (the guy I met on the last day of 2007) and I haven't contacted the man who wanted to give me a dove. I did find my old bird cage, however, so I will give the man with the dove a call tomorrow. No, I am not attracted to the dove man at all. Sigh...
11. To spend more time with family and friends. Continued lack of money has kept me from visiting... I am really disappointed not to be able to visit with my grandchildren, especially little Bella who asks me when I am coming to see her... I wish they were not so far away... It's funny that when you have the money you don't have the time, and when you have the time, you don't have the money!
But I did have a pleasant conversation with my mother this week... That is a break-through... Also, my older daughter finally gave me a call... She has secluded herself from us ever since she had the baby last year. I am saddened that she has fibrosis, but I am happy that she finally called me.
12. To win the pending case with the man who is suing me for over $3,000. I have not heard from those people. I guess no news is good news... I continue to leave it in God's hands...
13. More bubble baths, manicures and pedicures. I did take one bubble bath this month and I did give my feet a good scrub and trimmed my toe nails. The nails on my hands grow so fast that I have to trim them regularly... I have not taken the time to polish my nails or my toe nails, however. I need to give myself a french manicure, because I love the way it looks when I'm wearing sandals... It has been so long since I did it that it might be difficult to do, though, especially since it is so hard to bend all the way down to those toes!
14. To go to Youth Leadership camp this summer. I already received the details for this year's summer camp. I don't even have a job, yet, but if God wants me to go, he will make it happen.
15. To get in the ocean this year. I have not gone to the ocean because of Spring Break, but I may have to do it soon! Washing yourself in the ocean water is good luck, because that is where Jesus walked.
16. A dresser to put my clothes in. I have no dresser yet.
17. A table and chairs where my family can all sit down to eat together at Thanksgiving. I am still using a small table for two. It would be nice to get my table out of storage. It is not a big table but it is bigger than this little table.
18. New pots and pans, a toaster, and a crock pot. I am still dreaming of these...
19. To be free from pain. Someday.
20. For my legs to be strong enough to dance... Still dreaming of this!
The top tag and the Gorjuss signature tag were both made by Steph, one of the leaders of my graphic group. They put my tags to shame, but what I make, I make with no instructions from anyone, so I guess they are not so bad...
P.S... I have already completed the tags for next week, but I will wait to put them in my journal after everyone has submitted their entries... I am very proud of the way they turned out. I wish I could put them in here already, but then, it won't be a surprise; huh?!
When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one and a lily with the other. ~ Chinese Proverb
love ur tags
ok got the link to work lol i have added you to my alerts so i will be back
You have wonderful goals Wini. Keep the faith. I just know good things are coming your way. Continuing the prayers for you.
Hugs, Joyce
Wini, amazingly many of your goals are mine also. Money is a huge issue for me. Yep, I have a job but I'm among the working poor. I rob Peter to pay Paul each month and float constantly. It sucks but I do pray each day that I manage to become self-sufficient and my children also because I don't let them know it but the two youngest are still an enormous burden to me. Their dad is useless and always has been. Anyway, I pray that you find some employment. I know God will sustain you but it's still a huge burden. BTW: I love your tags. I have basically taught myself with PSP with lots of help from D/Donna and Shelly, Roxymama. Tutorials to me are a nightmare. I always end up doing things a little different. There is always more than one way to do the same thing in PSP which is why experimenting for me is the best. So keep up the good work! Love ya, Chris
Ah, yes, we require both bread and roses...... so to speak, to not just survive, but to LIVE.
Some of these are goals for me, too, and all of these, I wish for you to ahve happen!!!
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