Monday, June 6, 2005

Girls Day Out


My ex-coworker Blanca showed up at work today, and she took me to lunch. It's only been two days on the diet and I already messed up. Sighhhh... but I havent seen Blanca since last year! It was good to spend time with my friend and catch up on what has happened in her life since I saw her last.

The time I spent with Blanca brought back memories of my conversations with my best friend, Belle. We always joke about what we will be like when we are cute little old ladies~ going to lunch together and holding cute little purses on our arm. ::::Smile::::


BUT eating that food left me so bloated. I was feeling so much lighter yesterday. The people in the Valley do not know how to eat healthy. They eat as much Mexican food and fast food as they can. What has happened to Americans that the only vegetables in their vocabulary are french fries?!#

Thank God that I did my Salutations to the Sun this morning. Most exercises are only for the body, but Yoga exercises the body and the mind.

Tomorrow is another day. Must presevere and get back on track.


You do not have a weight issue. You have issues that you cover up with your weight. ~ Oprah


We had a meeting with the big boss at the center where I worked at last. Unfortunately, I was late, because I went to the wrong place and there was nowhere to sit. I had to sit in front of my ex-boss who hates my guts and the feeling is mutual. The room had no air conditioning and they signed in on a yellow sheet of legal paper. What is that?! The rest of the building was air conditioned. They could have put us in another room. Why didnt they bother to print out a real sign in sheet?!

I hate going back to that place and I hate being addressed by the big boss. They are people that come from another population. They think they can mold the people of the Valley to be like regular people. It's not going to happen. They are running scared, because they might not get the contract, and they are trying to turn that scare on US to make themselves feel less scared. The big boss says we will be doing MORE work and that if we do not perform up to par, we will be history. The catch is IF they get the contract. I am praying so hard that we can get rid of him and that stupid lady who made my life so miserable. Unfortunately, she bought a house in the area and she recently bought a brand new car. That means she might reapply to be able to stay in that job if they lose the contract. How is it that bad people always get away with things?

I hate being threatened. I hope they dont get the contract. Oh, did I mention that I hope they dont get the contract?! Well, guess what! I hope they dont get the contract! Even if that means that I get laid off. We would have to reapply for whatever company gets the contract anyway. How dare they try to scare us into doing even more work than we already do.

"I am being fair to you," he told us. "I am giving you four months warning."

What a crock!

If I had a magic wand, I'd turn them into frogs. Whatever happens to them afterwards is not my problem. =.)


                                      First, one...


And then the other....                                                          Frog animated pictures, frog images, frog, frogs, frog picture, frog pictures, frog animated pictures of all kinds!


Teehee... Ahhhh... journaling...

Journaling is cheaper than therapy and it's fun, too! =.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that the rest of the week with your diet goes well, but I don't blame you for going out with your friend at all.
Yes, I agree, journaling is fun and less than therapy!