Thursday, June 30, 2005

Body Signals

               Angel Therapy Healing Messages for Every Area of Your Life by Doreen Virtue

Review of My Medical Problems:

1. Hypothyroidism
2. Broken bones - face, neck, upper and lower back, hip, ankle
3. Broken jaw - both sides - TMJ
4. Herniated disks (lower back)
5. Heart problems
6. Hiatal hernia
7. Acid reflux
8. Digestive problems
9. Dyslexia
10. Poor circulation
11. Water retention, esp in feet
12. Inflamation of muscles and joints - arthritis
13. Allergies - watery eyes, always congested
14. High blood pressure
15. Migraine headaches
16. Obesity

Obesity does not help my medical problems. Obesity adds to my problems. I pretty much ignore most of my symptoms... much as I ignore "that number" (my age). Sometimes, it helps not to give in to the pain, but sometimes, the pain takes over. If I was healthy, I would have more money and I would not have to take as much sick leave.

If somebody handed me a check for all of the money that I have spent on my medical problems and prescriptions, what would I do with the money?!

1. Put some serious maintenance on my car: washed, waxed, replace the missing hubcaps (stolen), add more freon to air-conditioning, change the oil, tune-up.
2. Find a cute little cottage to live in the Rockport area.
3. Hire someone to help me clean my apartment and to help me pack my things.
4. Rent a U-Haul truck and hire someone to help me move back to Rockport.
5. Get my things out of storage and put them into my new home.
6. Take some art lessons.
7. Buy some art supplies and that beautiful easel I couldnt take my eyes off of at Hobby Lobby.
8. Create an art portfolio of my work.
9. Write a children's book and illustrate it.
10. Buy a good digital camera.
11. Hire a nude male model.
12. Have nude model fall in love with me
13. Fall in love with nude model.
14. Take daily moonlit walks along the ocean with my hunky model.
15. Visit Oprah and give her a hug.
16. Live happily ever after. =.)

It will be good to be healthy again.

Blessed are the flexible for they never bend out of shape.


Anonymous said...

Medical expenses are out of sight.
I never thought of making a list of what I could do with the monies spent.
I really don't even want to think about it.

Niki  =)

Anonymous said...

Paying for medical expenses are crazy, even when you have "good" insurance.
I hope you have a good weekend!