Sunday, June 19, 2005

Beauty and the Beast


              photograph of Jane Seymour as Elise McKenna in Somewhere In Time

Our ancestors had tiny waistlines, because it took so much time to get food, and it was just as hard to store it and to keep it fresh.

In today's world, it is so easy to pick up food through a "drive- thru" window, which is somewhat like a "drive-by" shooting for my body. And in today's supermarkets... well, let's just say that the plentitude found in each and every aisle would most definitely outshine the magic and imagination of any Genie found in a bottle or in a magic lamp.

I have the power to choose what I put into my mouth and what I eat should not be limited to oral gratification. Eating without thinking is not a good thing. What I put into my mouth should be a conscious effort that focuses on good nutrition to nourish my body. Eating the right things can provide my body with the power to magically heal itself... and if that food helps to enhance my beauty, that is like an extra reward for myself, for my body, for my very soul.

  CLEAR SKIN... Calcium-rich foods like skim milk, low-fat cheese, and yogurt can help keep your skin pimple-free.   

  WHITEN YOUR TEETH... sodas, coffee, tea and sugary foods can stain and discolor teeth.  But crunchy foods like apples and celery help clear stain-causing substances off teeth enamel.

 ELIMINATE UNDEREYE PUFFINESS...  Vitamin C reduces inflammation and can help send your bags packin'.   Bell peppers are great for this since they're super-high in the vitamin.  Oranges, spinach and grapefruits are also rich in vitamin C.

   STRENTHEN NAILS...  Keep nails strong and moisturized by eating lots of protein.  Protein is what builds up keratin; the substance nails are made up of.  Skinless boneless chicken breast, lean turkey, tuna and beans are all good (and tasty) sources.  

LOOK YOUNGER... Almonds have amazing anti-aging properties.  Not only do they contain a lot of Vitamin E (you know, the vitamin that's often listed as an ingredient in anti-wrinkle creams), but it also contains high amounts of fatty acids (which help keep skin plump and supple), as well as the antioxidant selenium.  Just be sure not to eat too many of these crunchy beasts. They have great beautifying properties, but they also contain a whole lotta calories.  A handful is plenty!

   SHINY HAIR...    Foods rich in vitamin B are fantastic for making dull hair shinier.  You can get a lot of "The B" (our affectionate nickname for this vitamin) from eggs, milk, green veggies, and poultry.  Silica is also very important for keeping hair elastic, shiny and healthy.  Raw oats, cucumber skin, onions and bean sprouts are all major sources of this mineral.

  ELIMINATE DRY SKIN... Faced with dry, flaky skin?  Have fish for dinner!  Fish (especially oily fish like salmon) contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for hydrating and nourishing skin.

When I was a little girl, no one ever told me I was pretty. Every little girl should be told she is pretty, even if she's not. ~ Marilyn Monroe


I havent been able to keep up with writing in my journal every day. My job has become so exhausting. Being short-staffed has made it so hard to keep up with the multitude of people that walk through our doors every day. The stress causes me to eat more than I should sometimes, and other times, I just want to eat all the wrong foods. Fortunately, I am slowly making a more conscious effort to eat a light supper and to make better choices about what I eat.

The foods listed above are foods that I usually eat, but this research has earned them a permanent place on my grocery list and a permanent part of my weekly menu.

Thanks for stopping by!

Win =.)


Anonymous said...

Just found your journal. Looks like I have some catching up to do but I love what I see so far.
Thanx :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all this information. I have really shiny hair and now I see why. The things that you listed are all things that I eat on a regular basis. I do need some stronger nails, so this helped me.