Sunday, February 8, 2004

The Miracles Room

Night Entry: Walked six miles.

Also today, I went into the Miracles Room after I lit my candle. There was a letter there, written by a woman named Mona, who couldnt make up her mind about what to do with her life because she isnt getting any younger. I dont know if Mona will be back at the Miralces Room, but I left her a little note to come see me and left my business address.

Then I was approached by a tall slender woman with dark hair who asked me where I was from. People come to the Basilica from many places because they believe that many miracles have happened through the intercession of the Virgin of San Juan. The woman gave me a Miracle Prayer and a picture of the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who stood before me. She said that she believes in Him and that He will help anyone who asks for his intercession, and so she has made it her mission to spread copies of this prayer and pictures of this statue to others. She says that one of the pictures she took of the statue shows the blood in His heart and also the blood on His fingers and that it looks very real.

Thank you, Lord, for showing me today that when I saw only one set of footprints, it was then that you carried me.


Anonymous said...

I am inspired by your words. What and where is the Miracles Room?
I had a great time shopping--at first I was ashamed to buy things because of my belly-- but got out of my way and bought six types of tops and 2 pants a-n-d a jacket!! I am still fat but I felt nice.--"Footprints" is Awsume.

Anonymous said...

Mary! Thank you for your kind words. So happy you decided to reward yourself for your hard work! Will be answering your question about the Miracles Room in next entry. =.)