Took meds at wrong time and fell asleep when I should have taken them!!! I'm wide awake. Ughhh...
Rec'd an E-Mail from AOL Takes It Off. They say they love my journal and would like to feature it.
I have been asking around for the past week, trying to figure out how I can get a picture for them. My computer is not the greatest and it doesnt have much memory. Also, I was looking for my scanner but think I must have thrown it out because it didnt work. Not even my printer works. Oh so sad.... Surprised I didnt throw that out!!! ha ha...Called WalMart tonight and they say they can make a CD from a negative.
Afraid to gain weight before I take this picture!! I have only lost 0.5 lb in the past 10days since I discovered this heart problem. Will continue with heart meds and will start on very low dosage for thyroid until I reach the dosage I need to keept it under control.