The Taj Mahal in this graphic looks almost as if it is under water... much like the Valley after Hurricane Dolly paid us a visit this week...
The helicopter flew overhead yesterday exactly at the time when the radio announced that Texas governor Rick Perry was going to come to check us out... I wish I could remember how much money they said it would take to repair the damage... Yes, we are a natural disaster... LOL @ makes so much sense to me!
I was without electricity for two days. I put the milk in the freezer so it would not spoil, but it took up so much space in the freezer that I had to eat all of my birthday cheesecake! LOL... I feel so fat...
After the battery on my computer gave out, I had no computer to play with and no TV to watch, so there was no other choice except to sleep!... which really makes no sense, because I was up so late last night making up for lost time, watching TV... LOL
I lost most of the week because of Hurricane Dolly, but I was lucky to find some jobs to apply for today. I keep going down on salary. I keep going down on qualifications... I don't know how much lower I can go. I feel as if I am playing a game of limbo sticks with my job search. Grrr....
I wish I knew where God wants me to apply. That would make things so much easier! I do not know the plans He has for me or why He is keeping me waiting... Summer camp is right around the corner... Does He want me to participate at camp?! As long as He continues to take care of me, I have no right to question Him.
As you may remember, I joined FlyLady in attempts to make peace with the chaos in my apartment. This week, I was supposed to be in Zone 4~ The Bedroom. LOL @ I didn't do anything on the list. OMGGG @ will I ever get to the bedroom?!# I am going to try to see if I can do at least a little bit of housework in the bedroom this weekend. If I get avalanched in all that clutter, forward my mail! LOL @ talk about a natural disaster!
Glad to hear your safe hon. Sorry to hear you lost computer time and your electricity for a couple days. (hugs)Indigo
I'm so glad you are safe. They kept showing your town on the weather channel and I knew you were getting lots of wind, and rain. AND then the humididtiy gets 10 times worse. Ugh! Just what you need for your naturally curlly hair : ) ((HUGSS) Bethe
Gla dthat all is well and that you are safe that is the main thing. I am just back from my bitter sweet journey to Scotland arrived late last night so just catching up on teh journals...all 105 of them since Tuesday !! will take me ages so sitting here a bit like a zombi..Love SYbil xx
Very relieved to see you posting again. You could have sent some of that cheesecake across the pond lol. Maybe do a course or two?
nothing worse than power outage. enjoy your weekend.
Glad you're okay hun...wondered about ya...
Well...I am a flybaby too...LOL..so we can fly together...that is why I am off the puter and on the puter...tee hee...I think you will much like her concept of things and how much it does bless your life to get things in order...I still have to get myself focused..I fell off the wagon not too long ago...LOL..psp what an addiction..ha..glad that you are back up and running I think I am now if I can just figure out this 10.0 aol and I will have it made..ha..have a good week..Hugs,TerryAnn
Natural disasters indeed:)
Sometimes I have motivation and not time, sometimes I have time but so need to relax, or I only have a short bit of time. Glad to hear life is returning to normal, so to speak.
I'm glad you came through it ok hun xxx Especially with the loss of electric and the computer :(
waht a beautiful tag! glad that you made it through the storm. much love, entsala
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