The Good Ole' Days... (Another Survey from Sandra.)
How much was gas when you started driving? little over $1.00 & I was complaining then! LOL
Did you ever own a record player? Yes, still have one!
What year did you graduate high school? don't ask me now! I just had a birthday!!! LOL
Do you own any Oldies Music? If so, what? Oh, YES! I still have albums, too. Lots of them! Wish I had more CDs with Oldies music because the sound is crisper but at least there's radio!
Where did you go on your first date? to the movies. (blush)
Do or did you own a pair of roller skates? No, we were too poor.
Have you ever played skip-it? Had to look this up on the Internet to see what it is. What does that tell you?!# LOL
Do you remember moon shoes? Another one to look up on the Internet. LOL @ omggg what are they thinking?!
Did you ever do the Macarana dance? Yes! Try doing this attached to another person where each person does half! LOL
What was your first pet's name? Snowball
Have you ever dyed your hair a weird color? Not really. Sometimes it just looks weird. LOL
Did you ever play four square? Ah, whatcha talkin' about here?! Grrr
What about Hopscotch? Finally a game I can understand! LOL
Or Dodgeball? YES! Was the best at this in high school! LOL
Have you ever won a goldfish atthe fair? NEGATIVE
Where did you meet your bestfriend? I met Belle at a workshop.
Do you know how to do the Electric Slide? Girl! I am still trying to get that one right. I am so dyslexic! LOL
Did you like strawberry or chocolate milk better? CHOCOLATE lol bright enough for you?!
What was your favorite food as a kid? Avocado since before I could talk!
What was the 1st video game console you owned? Never owned one of those.
How old were you when you got your first car? 25 or 26?
What was your 1st job? I picked cotton in the cotton fields
Have you ever had a fuzzy steering wheel? LOL... was it Purple or Leopard?!
Have you ever made rice krispy treats? Yes. When my kids were little.
How old were you when you got a house key? does a padlock count? LOL... If so, 17. If not, 21.
Ever met Geoffrey the giraffe? Who dat?!
Did the robots on the chuck-e-cheese stage scare you? Never been to C-E-C. Just the name grosses me out. LOL
What was the first roller coaster your rode? It was on a date with my boyfriend. We were at a fair in Mexico. It was scary because it came apart and we were at the top.
What is your favorite arcade game? DIDN'T PLAY ARCADES
Who was your first sleep over with? It was when my mother would go dancing with her girlfriend. We stayed with her niece and nephew. I don't remember how old we were. We were little, but many years later, that boy gave me my first kiss. Refer to first date above & later date on roller coaster. LOL
Have you ever won a really big stuffed animal from the fair? NO!! Not even a little one. LOL... but they made my name out of wire. It is a pin. I still wear it sometimes.
If so, who won it for you? Refer to inquiry supra. LOL
What is your favorite ride at the fair? Well, it used to be the flying swings... LOL @ drooling over memories... wonder if they still have those...
What's the best fair food? foot long hotdog with grilled onions! YUMM!
How old were you when you got your piercings / tatoos? I got my ears pierced with a needle when I was visiting in Tampico (ouch)... and two more times in the States (I wanted 3 holes in each ear)... but they were never pierced correctly & the 2 top ones have closed.
What were your high school colors? black & gold
How long can you make it on a pogo stick? Are you stupid or something? LOL@ not gonna do that!
Did you have a red wagon? No, my brother got the boy toys. grrr
Did you have a motor powered fisher price car? Ah, I told you my brother got the boy toys but we were too poor for anything fisher price.
Did you ride the school bus? YES, but the kids were so rough that I preferred to walk to & from school. In high school, I would walk home for lunch as well. That was a total of eight miles a day! Whew! Guess that is why I was the fastest runner at school.
What was your favorite toy as a kid? I only had one doll ~ a stuffed doll named Teresa. As a child, I liked Little Golden Books with art by Eloise Wilkin because I wanted to be an artist & I like to draw... When I got a little older, I liked to read superhero comic books under the trailer when we took our lunch break when I used to pick cotton. I also liked to draw from the art in the comic books.
Do you remember the 'My Buddy/Kid Sister' theme song? Never heard of it.
What do you miss most about your childhood? My Grandfather and playing in the meadow, catching fireflies and butterflies, & making mudpies to decorate withlittle flowers... although it was more fun baking cookies in the oven because I could eat them.
What friend of yours have you known the longest? How long? Belle... about 28 years.
Have you seen every episode of Full House? No. Full House was never a favorite of mine.
Where there any shows you were forbidden to watch as a kid? The ones that had kissing. We would cover our eyes. LOL... Oh, so innocent.
Do you have a limit as to how much tv you could watch per day? No, but I was too busy cooking & taking care of a household as a kid. Whatever time I had, I'd rather be with Grandfather or playing in the meadow with the butterflies when Grandfather would take the goats to pasture.
Were you allowed to have sweets before dinner? We rarely had sweets as a kid... a freshly cooked tortilla with butter was our special treat. MMMM... For the past two weeks, I have been making fresh homemade tortillas... Makes me almost wonder why I ever settled for store bought. LOL
Did you parents tell you the walking barefoot, up and down the mountain in the snow to school story? No. I was the one who walked all those miles back & forth to school! LOL...
P. S. For those of you who are still looking for 1953 coins for me, I am still looking, too! I never thought it would be so hard to find them!!! Grrr... Where oh where are they hiding?! Let me know if you find any!
LOL, Wini, I know the year you graduated from high school. I have to laugh because most of the stuff you never heard of, I have, but only through my kids. Love, love that blinkie you did! HUGS Chris
lol at the question about limited TV time as a kid. When I was a kid there were only 3 stations and they didn't run all the time. And, after the night news you heard the National Athem and the station went off the air. Nice blinkie BTW.
Hugs, Joyce
Cute Win! I should do this one. I looks fun! hugs, Bethe
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