Thursday, July 31, 2008
Madame Butterfly

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cherish, Dream, Live!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Summer Is Here!

Tags: !winivere-mm-Summer
Monday, July 28, 2008
Just A Little Fun!

My online friends make life special.
Just a little something to make you laugh!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Under Water

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dolly Comes To The Valley

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A Whisper In The Wind

Monday, July 21, 2008
The Magic Is You

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Last Week's Dish

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!

It's just another day!
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tags: !winivere-Hathor-MyHeartBelongsToYou
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Marilyn & James

Tags: !winivere-Marilyn&James
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Alyssa Milano

Tags: !winivere-AlyssaMilano
Living In A Man's World

Friday, July 11, 2008
At the beginning of the year, I sat down and just wrote some random thoughts for 2008...
1. To always have everything I need. Three cheers for this so far! Yay!
2. A successful career, doing what I love. Still LQQKing for a J-O-B.
3. To never have to worry about money. Been worried for half a year but even without a job, I am still here!
4. To be healthy and fit and at my ideal weight. Oops... this one pretty much flew out the window so far, because it is not easy to eat healthy when you have no job, but the year is not over yet so you never know!
5. To replace my worn out clothes, purse, and shoes with nicer ones. Received a second hand suit, purse, & shoes from dress for Success but the purse comes apart & the suit is too hot because it is lined. (I live in Tropical Weather!) What I didn't expect is that one of my silent readers sent me a black purse! That was so sweet. Thank you so much for thinking of moi!! It came in the mail today.
6. To spend more time with family and friends. This hasn't happened physically, because I haven't had the money to go up to see my girls & my grandchildren, but I have spent time with family and friends through phone calls and emails. There has even been some improvement in my relationship with my mother. That alone is a miracle!
7. To win the pending case with the man who is suing me... Never heard from them again after the letter I sent. I assume the matter is closed.
8. More bubble baths, manicures and pedicures. I received a manicure this year when I went to a conference. That was sweet and it was free.
9. To go to Youth Leadership camp this summer. I have been accepted to participate as a volunteer facilitator in August. Will I have a job by then or will I be able to go? That is the question.
10. To get in the ocean this year. I already went into the ocean this year. Yay! Hope to go again before the year is over.
11. For my legs to be strong enough to dance... Still hopeful for this. The year is not over yet.
12. To do something creative... I have learned some tricks in PSP this year and my skills are improving.
I would have to say that, even though I am without a job, I have nothing to complain about, because so far, it has been a very good year for me... I hope that things will continue to get better and that God will continue to provide for me until I can provide for myself... Makes me feel at peace that God is so good & that I can trust Him completely.
P.S... For any reader who is trying to find some 1953 coins for me for my birthday, I have decided to look for them from now until July 2009 because I haven't found any yet! LOL... So please keep checking your coins! Thanx a mil. =.)
Another Survey?!
Is REAL love indescribable? I WOULD SAY IT IS
Have you ever been in Love? Yes, but a man has never loved me back. They were only after my body or for what I had or for what they thought they could have if they were with me.
Ever get sick to your stomach because you love someone so much? Of course not. I think that is just silly stuff you see on TV.
Describe in 3-5 words what your description of Love is? LQQK at first question above! duh!
Is love sometimes misunderstood for care? Could be. If you have no idea what love is!
If you could make someone fall in love with you, who would it be? If you have to force love, it is not really love; is it?!#
If Love was a potion what ingredients would it compose of? RICH DARK CHOCOLATE and something really wild, passionate and full of magical sparkles. ;.)
Do you tend to enjoy the game of getting someone to love you back? I have never had anyone love me back, but I love the game of like.
What age were you when you had your first kiss? 16
Is love worth dying for? YES, in the movies. LOL
Is love worth losing everything you currently own? I have lost everything I owned because of love. It wasn't worth it.
Is love always enough in a relationship? No. You cannot live on love alone and it takes two to make a relationship flourish.
What item you own do you Love the most? Why? I have two separate pictures of myself with each of my girls when they were little. They don't stay little very long.
Is the love for your pets same as the love for your family? OF COURSE NOT
A food you love? I love avocados and seafood.
Someone you love for making life so much easier? I have never had anyone make my life easier... You got me wondering what that would be like!!!
Would life be better or easier if we were all emotionless? I don't know... let's ask the men, shall we?!# LOL
Is black the never ending color of hate? Actually, black is not a color!
A law you hate? All is fair in love an war?! Who made that up an why do people accept it?!#
Someone that makes you sick? HAHA, NOT TELLING
A food you HATE!!? I only eat only what I like. =.)
Do you sometimes hate the ones you love the most? Hate is not in my vocabulary but their behavior is questionable!
The argument you hated having the most!!? My ex was always jealous. Serves him right for marrying someone so pretty. LOL
Something about life that you hate? It is the hard times that have made me the woman I am today and I am very proud of that.
A movie you hate? Whoever wrote this survey must be a hater. LOL
A band you wish would just SHUT UP? Just change the station or turn the radio off. LOL
A vegetable you hate? I like veggies.
Something a family member gives you on the holidays that you hate? LOL @ I am always the one doing the giving. I usually do not receive presents from family.
A word you despise? the F word.
Something your bf/gf does that drives you crazy? drink only to throw it back up...
Something a family member does that drives you crazy? My mother always tells me I am fat or a big girl (her polite way of saying I am fat.)
Special Events in your life!!
The happiest moment of your life? when my girls were born
The funniest thing that happened to you with your friends? I pledge the 5th. LOL
The nicest thing someone has ever said to you? It always makes me feel as if I have made a difference in the world when a previous client comes up to me and says thank you for all I did for them.
A school day that actually went well. What happened? Our homeroom teacher got after Tony and me because she said we were always looking at the clock so she put the clock away. The next day, Tony brought his watch. LOL
The best date you've been on? describe it. The man came to my door with flowers an a bottle of wine. He was very much the gentleman: opening doors, taking out my chair, very attentive. We went to a seafood restaurant where the food was excellent. He brought me home an gave me a good night kiss on the cheek. It was as sweet as the dates you see on TV. Left me on cloud 9. LOL
Your best/ funniest birthday? What happened? I don't think this has happened yet, unless if you count the time that my family celebrated my birthday without me. The pictures gave them away. Nope @ not the best or the funniest for me!
The best gift someone has ever given you? I am still waiting for someone to give me their heart.
A time you laughed so hard you peed your pants? what happened? My friends and I are always laughing, but I don't think this has happened yet. Maybe when I am older?
One of the best memories you have of a loved one? The times I would spend with Grandfather and growing up with my daughter. LOL @ we grew up together.
Best vacation with family? I spend time with family but I don't know if that would put it in the same category as a vacation... I don't think I have had an actual vacation, unless if you count the time that I had a summer romance in Tampico, Mexico.
The Nasty Tards
Do you get migraines? Sometimes, when I am stressed.
Do you get acne? Not usually... only when I am stressed. Are we leading up to something here?! LOL
Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? No. Thank GOD
Ever accidentally caught something on fire in your home? yes my hair LOL
Has a pet ever ran away? did you find them? No but a woman kept coming to ask me to give her my dog. To this day, I still believe that she was the one who stole him.
Ran into a see through door? LOL~ NO!
Slipped on wet floor? Yes, twice. I am still suffering because of this.
Ever found something disgusting in your fast food? Yes. A hair that was not my hair color.
Have you ever been diagnosed with something horrible? Yes. That is why I had to give up my uterus.
Accidentally slipped gas in public? LOL... not yet!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
dancing with wolves?!

Tags: !winivere-dancingWithWolves
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Prayer Request
Possible interview today? Got a message on my phone that people are coming down to the Valley this morning to interview for a position in a town that is about a 30 minute drive from here... My horoscope said to expect to be discouraged. LOL... I am used to rejection, I guess... a glutton for punishment. LOL
Wonder why interviewers like the rush of doing everything at the last minute (little or no notice for an interview), and then, they take their sweet time to make a decision!
Anyways, please pray that I am able to get into my pantyhose! Grrrr @ why do they make them so hard to get into?! I keep visualizing Tootsie. LOL... Stockings and a garter belt were always so much easier and sexy, too. LOL... Good grief @ I have to shave my legs, too! Grrr...
I really wish getting dressed for an interview was an easier task for me. By the time you get all your stuff on, you feel like a stuffed tamale and sit there trying to breathe, which makes you forget what to say in the interview!
So please keep me in your prayers for getting those pantyhose on and for not allowing my mouth to blow the interview!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Blessings From Heaven
My friend Bethe sent me a Money Angel, but as you can see, instead of forwarding it, I turned it into a tag. LOL...
I think it needs to be in my Journal... to bring blessings of all kinds to all who come here... Yes, even blessings to the "silent readers" who never leave a comment. LOL... blessings of health, blessings of joy, blessings of peace, blessings of knowledge and understanding, blessings of love, and blessings to supply all of our needs...
It has been raining for about a week already... On Saturday, it wasn't raining when Jones (my car) and I went to Mother's, but as soon as I got on the road, it started pouring cats, dogs, and all kinds of animals with paws! LOL... When I got to her house, I had to park in front, because the road that leads to her house looked very muddy, and I was afraid to get stuck in the mud...
I always worry about her place when it rains a lot, because I am always afraid that her home will sink into the mud, because it stands on blocks.
It was scary coming back from her home that day, because it kept raining and the roads were full of water... I was afraid that Jones was going to get stuck or that his brakes would get wet and leave me stranded with no cell phone and no way to call for help, but through fear and prayer, I made the long trip back to my apartment....
That was only Saturday. It is now Tuesday. I can only imagine how much more water is at Mother's and on the roads... The weatherman says people on the other side of the Valley are having a hard time with all the flooding... but it sounds as if the skies should start clearing up by tomorrow...
Regardless, I still love the rain... for it is God cleansing the earth and pouring His blessings on us...
I am still waiting and expecting my miracle...
P.S. My body keeps fighting against the housekeeping. Bending and reaching continue to be a challenge, but it feels awesome to have a clean kitchen... I wish my whole apartment was decluttered already... Babysteps, Fly Lady! Fifteen minutes at a time!
I found some job leads, but I need to use the computer at the employment center, because my computer cannot pull the applications or print... One day at a time...
Monday, July 7, 2008

Tags: !winivere-MaidForYou
Sunday, July 6, 2008
If so, what is it? CASE MANAGEMENT
What is your favorite instant messenger? AOL IS MY ONLY INSTANT MESSENGER.