OMGG @ how did Friday get here already?!
This week flew by!
Mothers Day is Sunday... I really should have made some mothers day tags this week... I guess I was too focused and stressed over the job hunt...
I didn't participate in this week's tube challenge... again, because of the time I spent on the job hunt... I have not seen any new scrap kits or tubes come in this week... I guess they are running behind.
I continue to be frustrated over this job hunt... I am so tired of doing it... The newspapers are bare, and I have already applied to everything there is in the Work In Texas, so there is nothing to match me with... unless if some new job orders show up next week... Grrr @ people should call me for interviews already... It just seems like a dead-end week when there are no interviews.
Changing the subject... I have been thinking about weight-loss, which is the main purpose of this journal (by the way)... LOL @ some people forget, because LIFE continues to take me in different DIRECTIONS... or they tell me to just accept my weight because I am already beautiful on the inside, which is just as frustrating, because I really would prefer some support towards losing the unwanted extra weight...
Just eating less and exercising is easy enough for someone in their youth, but as you get older, it is harder to lose the weight and exercise has been hard for me since the last fall... Even something as simple as walking has become too painful... Plus, I am having to re-train my way of thinking about FOOD and so I continue with the baby steps...
Rule 1: Drink enough fluids... I do very good at this... Sometimes, I can drink 2 quarts in
one sitting... which is probably not a good thing, but it gets so scorching hot here that sometimes, it is necessary. lol... Temperatures are up to 102 degrees with lots of humidity... and sometimes wind, which makes you wonder why you even bothered to fix your hair in the morning... And then, there are days when there is no breeze at all... It is hard to say which days are the worst...
It has been so hot that even getting up early in the morning is too hot...
Rule 2: Stop eating by 7 p.m... This has been a very hard thing for me to do, but I am happy to report that I have turned this rule into a habit! Hooray at all those extra calories after 7 p.m. that are no more... I do not know if I have lost any weight since I accomplished this task, but I am happy that it has become automatic...
Rule 3: Plan your meals and write them down on paper...This rule has been a bit frustrating... mostly because I am unemployed and I do not get food stamps... I have to buy whatever is economical so it has been difficult to add variety. Therefore, I do not think I am ready for that rule yet... and so, I will change it...
Rule 3: Take at least 20 minutes to eat, chew, and really enjoy my meal... There are many times when I do not remember what I ate because I ate too fast... Food is good... The meals that I prepare are delicious... Therefore,they should be memorable...

Rule 4: Learn the Salutation to the Sun. I don't know if I will be able to physically perform these yoga poses... especially the parts where you come down and extend the legs, but I have always wanted to learn this...
I think it is always a good idea to exercise in the morning, because you get it out of the way, but when you have to work, exercising in the morning will add sweat to your hair or it will take too much time from getting ready for work...
The Salutation to the Sun is a good way to start out the morning, because it is almost like prayer or meditation... That means that it is relaxing, it grounds you, and it prepares you to focus on the day ahead... And once I learn it, it will only take a few minutes to do it! That means that it will be easy to start the morning with exercise and get be ready for work on time or whatever I have planned to do that day...
AND SO... the next "mind trick" I will be working on are to accomplish Rules 3 & 4... No need to rush to accomplish them... The idea is to be able to do them without thinking so that they can become an automatic part of my life...

I have been extremly lucky all my life, I can eat what I like and never seem to put on weight ..love Jan xx
Go for it Win...you will get there in time. They say the longer that weight takes to come off the longer it will STAY of. The thing that I am short of is consistancy..If I could get into a habit..good one of course...like you I would do just fine. Like you I am not good on exersise. I keep saying it is not easy being disabled and not able to walk around and do this or that...but that is a good excuse I know I could maybe do 2 or even 3 minutes at a time and if I could do that every wee while it would be a good thing...BUT...you know what good intentions are LOL anyway keep going and you will WIN WIN... Love Sybil xx
It sounds like you are on the right track Wini. Making the rules a habit is the way to go. Then remembering them is not such hard work. Good job.
Hugs, Joyce
Some good tips there ~ I hope you manage to stick to it xx
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