amazes me that I have beenwithout
a boyfriend for ten years.It really doesn’t seem that long
until you take the
time to count!I just went into
my little shelland I
buried myself behind the fat.Yes, I buried myself
behind the
walls of GLASS…this place I call
The Glass Box…I
lost the weight,and then,
gained back the weightwhen a very
wicked manwas only after my body…
…I do not know if I am ready
accept a man in my life…I am so used to being by myself.
Not to have to answer to anyone is
really nice...Being able to just hang out in my apartment
without makeup or clothes
gives me such
great freedomto just be myself.
If I were to accept a man into my world,
it would mean that
I would have to give up a lotand if I pick Mr. Wrong,
I would also have to put up
with his annoying habits and quirks.
I have been in
love,but I have never had anyone
love me back.They only wanted to be with me
because of my body
because of what I hador because of what they thought
they could have
if they were with me.
I cannot say that I have closed my heart to love,
but how do you find that spark?
To be with someone who does not
make me feel that spark
would never be enough
for me to be with him.
Although I am grateful to be a mother,
my children were not conceived in
love,and it hurts that I was not able
to give my children
a good father.
Being raped as a child and as a woman
is hard.
They fail to see the person within.
They say that when you fall in love,
everything changes…
All I know is that if
true love
should happen to methis late in my life,
it would be a miracle.
He would have to be a
really great personfor me to
allow myself to say goodbyeto the
freedom of my solitude,for I would rather be alone
than to be
the Bride of Chucky.
In the meantime,
a little playful flirting
does not hurt…
I love flirting...
I guess it is
because I do not expect it
to go anywhere.
Is it any wonder that I am still fat?!#
I spent the whole day at the employment office.
I hate going there.
Doesn’t matter which one I go to,
because all the people I use to work with
are at any one of them…
Wish I didn’t have so much trouble
with my laptop.
I guess I could at least
find out how much it would cost
to get the d back,
even though I do not have the money
to get it fixed.
I have pretty much applied
for everything in the Work In Texas
that I qualify for.
There hasn’t been anything new
for quite awhile…
I was surprised to find one ad
in the paper, so I applied for that one,
but there hasn’t been much luck this week…
Oh, well,
there is still one more day in the week...
of all the men and women who gave their life
for my FREEDOM
and yours.
God bless them and their families
for their remarkable sacrifice
and their honorable, unselfish acts of courage
to keep AMERICA free.
We are forever indebted to you.
Another day of job search...
My feet cannot handle the heels anymore...
Today, I wore my red wedges instead...
And then, I ran into Mary...
someone who was jealous of me from the start...
for absolutely no reason...
She wanted my shoes because they match her blouse...
She has a job...
Why would she want to take my shoes when she can buy her own?!
I have been trying to complete an application since Monday...
but I do not have MS Word...
Tuesday was a horrible day...
I went down to the employment office to open the application they sent me,
but their computers are blocked...
The receptionist talked down at me as if I was nothing...
I wasted all day there just trying to get the application...
The guy was nowhere around...
There was no hard copy...
And the woman who took me to the back is not computer literate.
She wouldn't listen to me
when I asked her if I could go into my email account from her computer...
Instead, she tried to call everyone she could about the application...
but there was no one around to ask...
Finally, she allowed me to open it from my email account...
I couldn't sleep through the night, because I was so angry...
and I woke up angry, too...
I am not one to complain but I felt that I had to this time...
I called the center manager and I told him what bad services
I have received from the same receptionist every time that I go there...
and how the printer is always out of paper
and the copier is always out of paper
and how there is never anyone there to help...
I did not give him my name,
but I am sure that he figured out who I was...
Today, I went to leave him the application
because the guy who is supposed to get it
has not been there all week...
He asked me if I was alright...
I told him yes...
He asked me if I was sure...
I told him yes...
although deep inside, I was still very angry...
I was so angry that it took me two days to complete the application...
Stupid, stupid man who did not hire me...
He was never my supervisor but surely he knows my work...
I had the highest production in the Valley...
Stupid, jealous people who do not like to see some people get ahead...
When I got into my car and drove away,
the tears began to flow...
That stupid man is no one that I admire
and he is no one that I have any kind of respect for...
All he asked me is if I was alright...
How could his words cause the tears to flow?!!!!!
Some people are just mean.
Some people just like to throw around their power...
He doesn't deserve for me to work for him anyway...
but I know I am a good candidate for any organization...
so why is it that nobody wants me?!!#
I've done everything I know how to do
except stand on my head...
I hate job hunting...
Ahhh, Monday...
Seems as if everybody hates Mondays...
except me...
I wish I was among all those busy people
who are returning to work today...
This fairy is so blessed
to be among the flowers...
I wish I had a little garden to sit in...
I don't know of any garden in town
where I can just go
and enjoy the flowers...
Every time I drive in my car,
I look for a garden...
but I have yet to find one...
Even the parks are bare...
On Saturday,
I took a few cans from my humble pantry
and I donated them
to thecommunity food drive...
I love doing "little acts of kindness,"
no matter how humble...
My daughters called me on Mothers Day.
Makes me happy. =.)
I had bought a pair of shoes
for my grandson
when I was working...
I was shocked at the cost of postage
to send them,
but someone else had to wear my grandaughter Mira's little dress...
and I just didn't have the heart
for that to happen to my grandson's shoes...
so I sent them in faith
that God will continue to provide...
My daughter says
that my grandson was so excited
when he got the shoes...
They are Cars shoes
that light up
when he runs
and walks...
My daughter says
the shoes are still too big for him...
but he insists on wearing them
because he loves them so much...
Now, my grandson has his first
pair of light up shoes...
just like Nana's...
I was surprised
that he is talking already...
His voice sounds so much
like my grandaughter's
that it is hard to tell them apart
on the telephone...
And yes...
as usual,
little Bella asks:
When are you coming, Nana?
Aww, I wish I could hug them...
... One good thing that happened today
is that I got recieved an email
to file an application...
I think it is kind of stupid
because when I responded to the job order,
all they wanted was a cover letter and a resume
to be faxed...
But who knows
why people do the things they do...
The problem is that the MicroSoft Word
on my computer
has expired,
and it costs $300 to get an update,
so I will need to go
to the employment office
to review the application
and fill it out...
Here are a couple of more Mother tags... I didn't want to add "Happy Mothers Day" to my tags, because this way, they can be used any day of the year...
Wishing everyone a Happy Mothers Day... I will be taking a day of rest tomorrow... I hope you will, too...
Tags: !winivere-MotherTags
Here we are again in the middle of the week... I know I should be happy, but that means there are only three days left in the week for the job hunt...
I sent my application off for Summer Camp yesterday... I do not know if I will be able to go, but at least my application is in... just in case...
I have a couple of applications to work on... One that requires quite a bit of legwork to obtain all the documents that they need... I guess that one is the one that has me feeling anxious, because I still need stuff to add to it before I can mail it off... And the other will require some mileage for me to return it to Human Resources in a town that is somewhat far away...
The first application requires a copy of my transcript with the University seal on it... so I spent the entire morning yesterday, fighting with the University.
The person who evaluated my transcripts never listed what my degree is in. She listed it as a Bachelor of Science degree in "Unavailable." The information was right there. I have no idea why she didn't add it... I tried to correct it years ago, but they just brushed me off... This time, I had to get it changed for that application... But the people at the Registrar send me to the office for New Students... It was clearly going to be a day of getting tossed around from one office to the next...
When I got to the New Students office, I repeated my story...
"Well, ma'am," the young gay boy said, "your records are in storage... There is nothing we can do..."
So I said: What if I bring the copy of my transcript? Will you be able to change it?!
"Well, ma'am, we could look at it, but only Steve would be able to see if he can change it..."
So I walk back to my car to see if I have copies on hand... I do, so I walk back into the building and head to the New Students office... I hand my transcripts to the young boy, pointing out to him that they were evaluated by someone on their campus... The boy takes the transcripts to Steve's office... (I know I probably sound angry in all this, but I was actually very collected and very nice to the boy.)
I was surprised that I was not even allowed in the room with "Steve." I could see him looking at it and holding my transcripts up to the light... OMGG... I am still in shock to see him do that... as if he might not have believed that the transcripts were real...
So I was still standing there, waiting... Two college girls walk in and have to stand behind me and wait, too...
Tic Toc... Tic Toc... It was almost like watching Jeopardy...
The young boy, who was born in the year that I graduated from college, comes out of Steve's office and returns my transcripts back to me... He said that Steve was able to change it and that I could go back to Registrar to get my new copies...
So I go back to the Registrar, but the lines were long...
There was a young man in front of me... He was very tall and had a nicely stacked body and good legs. LOL... Sorry... couldn't help but notice... I did make a comment to him about his shirt... It was a cute T-Shirt with one of those video games on it, but I think it was the way it fit that made me notice how great that shirt was... All I can say is that it was worth the wait...
If I had been thirty years younger and thirty years cuter, that young man's virtue might have been in trouble... LOL...
And YES... I was able to get copies of the corrected transcript with the University seal...
Oh, the ramblings of a "how old am I now?!#" woman! Can't help but wonder if this is how men think... It is a possibility that those two young men might have been the same age, but their bodies made them look very different... It's funny that how a person looks can make you have very different opinions about them...
The little gay boy looked like a boy because his body had little or no form... but the young man with the T-Shirt was heavier, had a broad chest and nice limbs which made him look more like a man...
Is that how men see us?
Why do men think that all women are attracted to men who are skinny?
I like a man who looks like a man...
In our minds, women have been programmed to believe that men prefer the skinny or petite girls... Maybe it is because someone who is petite looks as if she needs someone to take care of her... Maybe she looks more submissive... Who knows the reasons behind it...
But even when I weighed 92 lbs., I never looked skinny. My body had too many curves...
Ahhh... once was a time when over-eating was not a problem at all... Life was good and there were little or no lemons in my life that I couldn't sort through... Perhaps it is because this job hunt has dragged on way longer than I want that is making life feel more intense... Perhaps God is being a little more selective about what kind of job I will do next...
Beneath this overweight body is an hourglass figure with a tiny waistline... I know wishing won't get it back... Just focusing on losing weight is one thing, but when you are stressed because you do not know from one moment to the next how you are going to pay your bills, all you can focus on is the job hunt...
One of my greatest fears is running out of food... I suppose that is, because there were many times in my role as a parent when I had to go hungry so that my children could eat... I think that fear is at its strongest when I am without employment...
This weekend, I did something that Nate Berkus would have a cow about... I made myself a mini-pantry by putting up a shelf on the side of the refrigerator... I know it is probably a decorator's taboo, especially since the only shelving I have is plastic (lol), but it makes me aware of the food that I have available to eat, it forces me to use the older items, items are easier to find because they are not in the dark of a cabinet, and it frees one cabinet so that I have more room to store kitchen items ... It is a humble pantry, but looking at it makes me realize that I do have food in my kitchen... I hope this little trick I have played for my mind will help to make it a little more conscious so I can fight through this fear ... Oh, I also left a space to put my bills, added my recipe box and cookbooks and a picture of Grandmother in her kitchen...
One good thing is that I have been faithful to stop eating by 7 p.m...
When it comes to weight-loss, reprogramming my mind while I am under stress is a big challenge, but that is the time when I have to focus on the little steps... It is important to turn them into a habit so they can become so automatic that I do them without thought. Yes, that is what it will take to get me there...
When LIFE hands you LEMONS,
Open a LEMONADE stand!
Poor little doggie! I can almost hear him saying:
What about me?!
Don't leave me!...
As you know, I have a friend who says he is psychic... When all this mess started, he told me that the reason why I am going through this is because of some guy that I brushed off...
For a long time, I have wondered about this... What guy?!
At first, I just wasn't ready, because I was still thinking about the guy who had the potential to make me happy but had big problems leaving the bottle... I have no idea what happened to him... I left him ten years ago...
Then, there was the big guy with the gorgeous body who had a wandering eye and nothing in his pants...
And then, there was David...
David was ok... He is a single parent... He is a high school graduate... He doesn't make much money and he is always losing his job... He lives a simple life with his son...
It might intimidate him to know that I make more money than him... It might intimidate him to know I have a college degree... But if any of that mattered, I don't think he would have sought me out.....
David seemed as if he wanted me to be his girlfriend... But the thing that turned me off is that it seemed as if he just wanted me for sex... There is nothing wrong with having a good sex life... Personally, I prefer a man who has a healthy sexual appetite, but it was as if he did not know what else he could do with a woman besides sex. I want to be appreciated for who I am... I want a man who really knows me... Why is it so hard for men to do that?!
The last time I spoke with David, he seemed very angry... I know it was his hurt feelings talking... because I broke his heart when I told him that I did not want to be with him... It wasn't that I did not want to be with him... It was that I failed to explain myself further...
But if it is God's will, we will meet again... and if not... perhaps there is someone else that I have yet to meet...
Today, I had two men flirt with me, and they were cute, too... That is a good sign that maybe the change in hair color is not as bad as I thought... I thought my hair was going to be brown, but it looks red...
I wish those men had given me their phone numbers instead of the toothless man I met last week... Too bad a woman can't run up to a man and ask him for his phone number... OMGGG... Did I say that outloud?! LOL.....
Well, I guess I did good to make a bunch of tags last week, because it gave me a little break... but it looks as if I will need to get busy and make some more. LOL...
I was looking for a new pair of pants at Stein Mart last Saturday... When I looked up, an unexpected mirror forced my reflection to tell me the truth... Shocking... The woman in the mirror looks so heavy and so tired.... My eyes no longer have that sparkle... They just look so tired... The new styles in the store were so pretty but they are not made for this kind of body...
Too bad that picture of reality doesn't stop me from over-eating!!!! OMGGGGG... What will it take? What will it take?!# I wish my body looked like the girl in this tag... except with bigger boobies, of course! LOL... Oh, gravity is not my friend....
There was a woman in the store who was very heavy... but she was wearing a top with slits that revealed her big arms... I was surprised that she was not afraid to show off her big body... and she actually seemed to be enjoying shopping for clothes for herself...
Then, some people that she knew stopped her and asked her if she had lost weight... It is hard to imagine what she must have looked like before... The woman told them that she had paid $65,000 to get some plastic surgery done in Mexico... She said that she got inplants in her breasts, lipo in her chin and in her arms...
Wow @ that is a lot of money. How long would it take me to save that?!# OMGG... Even $5,000 sounds like a lot of money to save... Wouldn't I rather have a car?? And at $65,000, isn't that more like the price for a house?!... And she says she is going to go back to get her tummy done... How do these people get so much money?! How? I want to know how!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, back to the mirror... I was SHOCKED at the way my hair looked... The blonde hair looked more like calico hair... And with this awful humidity, my hair just lies there... What happened to my hair?! What happened to the oomph? My hair has always been my crowning glory... so full of life... like the bedroom hair you see in commercials... OMGG... what happened to it?!!!!!
And so, the drastic change... I am now a brunette... I know... shocking...
Maybe after a few shampoos, my hair will look better... maybe... just maybe... Crossing fingers... LOL... What I really need is to see my hairdresser in Corpus Christi... The people in the Valley do not know how to cut curly hair... She is much older now, so I wonder if she still cuts hair... Maybe I will give her a call this week to find out...
Hummm... another thing to put on the list for President Bush's check... I hope it is a big check! LOL
1. Flowers
2. Chocolate
3. Fan
4. Haircut
So sorry for the attack on myself... My horoscope says this:
Dramatic reactions of delight and dejection can push you to extremes. What you like might not be as great as you think it is and whatever turns you off is probably not that terrible either.
I sure hope it is right about what turns me off might not be that terrible. lol
I am putting some big trust in the Lord by spending the money for a new pair of pants, but I only have one pair of work pants, so I really need an extra pair...
It was hard to find a pair of pants in the store, because even though the pants were at a bargain price, all of the pants that I liked were very expensive... I was surprised to find this pair at 1/4 the cost of all the other pants I saw... They are not pretty and the material is not that great... The pants are very basic... no pockets or anything fancy except that they have a tummy panel in the front that is supposed to make your tummy flat... Yeah, right! We'll see what they do for this tummy... LOL...
Still need to hem them up so I can wear them this week...
This is one of the tags that I made for the tube challenge, but I did not submit it, because they put a limit on the tags to submit... I didn't submit this one, because I was afraid someone might be offended by the male angel's butt... Personally, his butt does NOT offend me AT ALL!!!!! lol
Out of all the tags I made for this challenge, this is my favorite and the one with the Mother Duck...
Yesterday was another sweaty day... OMG @ all this heat and all this humidity! And it is not even summer yet... I don't even remember how many cold showers I took yesterday... Even when it gets cold, the cold only stays for a few hours or a few days... Since I have lived in the Valley, I have never worn a coat... I know I should be grateful not to have dreadful winters, but living here is like living right smack in the middle of the equator!...
I am a girly girl... I like to dress cute... Hot, humid, Valley weather is more for slutty or sloppy... Grrrrrrrrrrr @ that may be okay for people who do not work, but I have to work!!!!!! For me, heaven on earth would be to have cool weather all year around. (smile)... Oh, and lots of chocolate that will not make you fat. (ha! ha!)
When that check from President Bush shows up, I am going to have to buy another fan!! LOL @ how long is my list already for that rebate check?!#
There is an empty corner in my apartment now... I started out yesterday morning with a cold shower... Then, I got out my "To Do" list and started out the day by packing my car... After that, I had to come back into my apartment and take another shower and I got dressed in blue with my pretty red wedges... LOL @ I was wearing blue on a Saturday...
My "To Do" list was long... and most of it had to do with making payments... I wish I didn't have to give that money away for bills, but I had to pay the rent and my storage before they add late charges... and the water... and my car insurance... (which by the way, I didn't pay for last month! Me bad...) I do not have the light bill or the phone bill yet... so I couldn't pay those... It is sad to see my savings go down, down, down...
Then, I went downtown...
Last year, I had planned to donate my old computer to my friend's church, but Marty told me that they had enough computers already... So my old computer sat on the floor for almost a year...
Last week, I stumbled a list of community activities when I was reading the newspaper... There was a local agency that was looking for computer donations... OMGG @ I was so excited to find a new home for my old computer!
When I got to the place, I didn't have a quarter for the meter! I had to ask them if they had a quarter... Still a quarter is quite a bargain if you are going to get a computer for it! The woman was ever so grateful to get my old computer and printer...
She showed me around the activity center... and although they had plenty of room, there was very little in the building... It made me very sad to see that my old computer is the only computer they have... I wished I could do more, but I am so excited that my old computer will have a new life and a new job!... He will be helping others to learn how to use a computer!...
I will need to look around to see if there are more things that I can donate to the agency...
Also, Sharable Wearables is asking for clothes again... I do not know why they ask for clothes in May... It would be so much better for them to ask for clothes in the summer, because that is when the kids are looking for school clothes... but well, that is just my opinion... Who knows why they look for clothes in May...
We had a short PSP lesson yesterday, but I didn't write things down, so I don't remember what I did... I made a gypsy in the clouds, but I am awfully tired of those cartoon drawings so I may end up using something else, if I decide to post it in my journal...
LOL @ I found an old tag with Patrick. (smile)
I must have Patrick Swayze on my mind, because this is the second tag that I make this week that has him in it! With all the health problems he is having lately, it is a good thing to think about him and send him happy thoughts for all the happy times that he brought to us through his work... I love you, Patrick...
Yesterday, I had an awful time with AOL... I had to open another account just to get in...
I thought I was going to have to start a brand new diary, because I didn't have access to write in TheGlassBox...
And then, I discovered that I had two open accounts and was going to be charged for two accounts... It took six hours of being online, trying to resolve the problem so that I could come back to this account...
Thank God the mess was resolved in time for me to go to my interview yesterday!
Yesterday, I made a cake for Mother, because it was her birthday... I thought I had all of the ingredients, but I had to go to the store, because I didn't have any butter... so it took me a little longer to make it...
Makes me think about that song that says something about the rain and the cake that took so long to make... lol... The song is in my head, but I do not remember the words...
Anyways, it was a lemon cake with strawberry filling. I made buttercream frosting to frost the cake and to make the shell borders. I made the pink and purple apple blossom flowers out of royal icing. I placed some flowers on the top of the cake and some little purple flowers along the border... and I tried to write her name on the cake. The picture doesn't do it justice, but at least I got a picture of it before I took it to her... In the picture, the flowers look blue but they were really purple...and the leaves and writing was a pretty sage color...
That was my good deed of the week...
When I took it to her, she said she didn't want to cut it, because it looked so pretty, but when I cut the cake and she saw that it was lemon with strawberry filling, she couldn't resist... I left her the whole cake and asked her to share it with my brother...
It was late last night when I heard the phone ring... I almost didn't answer it, because I thought it was Daniel... BUT it was Ralph from Kelly Services... Ralph called to invite me to come in to interview with his boss and to take some more tests...
It wasn't really an interview... The woman just gave me the job description for two possible assignments that paid the same... They are both clerical positions for a bank... After the interview, I took four tests...
The woman's eyes lit up when she saw my testing score at 75 wpm. The test labeled me as Advanced and I scored Advanced in something else (numbers)... Intermediate in another and I don't know what I did on the last one, but I know I passed it...
I would have scored higher, because it didn't really feel as if I was typing that fast and I went back several times to correct some words, but there was a girl next to me who was very frustrated in the tests she was taking and she kept making comments of frustration... When her test came back, she scored 18 wpm... I was a bit embarrassed to have her know my typing score, because her score was so low...
On one of the tests, I was a bit frustrated myself, because I had no idea what the questions were asking, but I passed it, so the woman was impressed with all of my results and said that I would be going for an interview for a temporary assignment next week...
Hooray at a little bit of good news this week...
It's past seven o'clock, Winivere... Did you stop eating yet?!# Why yes, I have! LOL... but the night isn't over yet... OMGGGG... lol