Monday, March 31, 2008

At The Doors

Monday was another dead-end day of Job Search... So tired of job-hunting... The newspaper is a joke... Nothing in it but ads for people to buy stuff... How can they buy stuff if they don't have any money?!...
I went in to that telemarketing place, because they wanted me to do an application online... I really don't know why I couldn't have done it at home... The receptionist looked as if she was dressed to do her housework at home...It was a waste of time for me to get dressed just to do an application online... lol...
To top it off, their computer ate my application three times in a row... I went back to the receptionist to let her know that the computer was not saving my application... That's never happened before, she said... Well it is not unusual for it to happen to me! She put me on a different computer and I had to re-do the whole application again, but at least, the computer took the application that time... So much drama for such a low paying job...
Then I went to see Karl to see if he had any Chinese wallets at his shop... He didn't, but I got myself a few eye fulls of eye candy to last me for awhile... his face, his bod, and when he kept bending over to check out some boxes... lol... And check out those lips... Dang! So kissable... He is so YUMMM... He looks like that guy from the Doors... His skin is very white and his jet black hair is quite a contrast... He pulls his hair straight back into a ponytail... He is very SEXY looking... I especially love it when he is down on the floor, looking up at me... Oh my! Makes me weak at the knees...
Dang @ I can't even remember the name of the guy from the Doors right now, because I am still visualizing Karl... lol... I swear my eyes must have gotten really big and my breasts were probably standing at attention. lol...
Too bad there are so many young girls after him... If I were 20 years younger, Karl wouldn't stand a chance. lol... Oh, my... me bad... Ahh, now I remember... Jim Morrison! lol...
Oh, my! @ I had forgotten that Karl's brother was in the store! Oh, blush! I am sure his brother must have told him how I was drooling all over him, but then, Karl and I have been playing at this flirtacious game forever...
Still smiling at the sight of him...
Win =.)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Lady Sings The Blues

 I woke up with a long list of things to do yesterday morning, but I only scratched off about three things that were on my list... I didn't feel like doing anything...

I know I wasn't bored, because I always have something to do... 

My head hurt, my nose is stuffed up, and I slept a lot, so I told myself that it was probably a cold... but in the end, I realized that I was "singing the blues..."

I think it had to do with the review of my resolutions in the previous entry...

It frustrates me that I have not been able to  move forward... I took a closer look at my list, and I noticed that there are 11 items out of 20 that have to do with money or what to do with money... which I don't have right now, so... for now, I am going to put those items on hold...

This will be my revised list...

1. To always have everything I need.

2. A successful career, doing what I love.

3. To never have to worry about money.
4. To be healthy and fit and at my ideal weight.
5. A new romance with a single man who loves me and whom I can love and admire.
6. To spend more time with family and friends. 
7. More bubble baths, manicures and pedicures.
8. To go to Youth Leadership camp this summer.
9. To get in the ocean this year.
10. For my legs to be strong enough to dance...
I think this list will be easier to live with until I can finally  start putting money back into my pocket... It makes no sense to work on things that I cannot do without money... I think this list is pretty modest, although I know I can live without the guy. lol
Billy Holiday loved gardenias. She was known to wear them in her hair... My favorite flower is the gardenia... It is so much more fragrant than a rose... There is nothing like the fragrance of gardenias on a summer breeze...
I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered, but I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed but fine up against a wall.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, March 28, 2008

TGB Review

I haven't had a chance to check out what phase of the moon we are in... Judging by the waxing moon that I saw earlier in the week, we might be at a full moon about now...I am running behind in my rituals and in reviewing my 2008 resolutions... 

1. To always have everything I need. There are many things that I have had to live without, but I have had everything I need so far... Well, except for Richard Gere. (sigh)... I need to go buy a few groceries tomorrow. I hope I don't spend more than $20. April starts next week... and so do the bills... God, please make my money s-t-r-e-t-c-h! The one bill I always forget about putting into the budget is AOL... I hope I can get through April...

2. A successful career, doing what I love. I started a new job in February and it only lasted about a month. At least I earned a little bit of money, but I wish I had been able to make more... I am back at looking for work. This week was like a dead-end... no interviews. I hope next week will be better.

3. To never have to worry about money. No job is secure... but an insecure job is better than no job... God, it would be nice to have a career but if I can't have a career, at least find me a job soon.

4. To be healthy and fit and at my ideal weight. I have seen a slight difference in the way my clothes fit. I had started to change the way I eat, but I am without a job again, so I will need to go back to eating what is most economical... and I have been a naughty girl at not exercising at all... and I wonder why my waistline won't go down. lol

She's such a cute girl... too bad she's got that huge tire around her middle!

OMG @ I had never heard anything like this before, but my "friend" Daniel said he got mad at God, because he gave up eggs and tortillas for lent and he fasted and he still couldn't button his pants... Of course, I scolded him for being mad at God, but how strange to hear a man talk like that about his weight...

5. To have a bigger place to live with room enough for company and where I can have all of my things in one place. Will this ever happen?! I hate not being able to take my things out of storage...

6. New eyeglasses and contacts. No money to do this yet... My glasses are so bent out of shape. God help them to hang on until I can get the money to buy new ones...

7.To fix my car and save for a better one. My poor Jones... He is so beat up, but he continues to be faithful to me... Like his owner, Jones has a lot of mileage on him already... I hope God will give me a job that does not require travel...

8. To rebuild my savings. It is sad not to have income coming in. (sigh) I wish the world did not revolve around money...

9. To replace my worn-out clothes, purse, and shoes with nicer ones. I have not been able to replace my worn-out clothes or buy new shoes, but I did buy a new black purse...

10. A new romance with a single man who loves me and whom I can love and admire. I never called the coach (the guy I met on the last day of 2007) and I haven't contacted the man who wanted to give me a dove. I did find my old bird cage, however, so I will give the man with the dove a call tomorrow. No, I am not attracted to the dove man at all. Sigh...

11. To spend more time with family and friends.  Continued lack of money has kept me from visiting... I am really disappointed not to be able to visit with my grandchildren, especially little Bella who asks me when I am coming to see her... I wish they were not so far away... It's funny that when you have the money you don't have the time, and when you have the time, you don't have the money!

But I did have a pleasant conversation with my mother this week... That is a break-through... Also, my older daughter finally gave me a call... She has secluded herself from us ever since she had the baby last year. I am saddened that she has fibrosis, but I am happy that she finally called me.

12. To win the pending case with the man who is suing me for over $3,000. I have not heard from those people. I guess no news is good news... I continue to leave it in God's hands...

13. More bubble baths, manicures and pedicures. I did take one bubble bath this month and I did give my feet a good scrub and trimmed my toe nails. The nails on my hands grow so fast that I have to trim them regularly... I have not taken the time to polish my nails or my toe nails, however. I need to give myself a french manicure, because I love the way it looks when I'm wearing sandals... It has been so long since I did it that it might be difficult to do, though, especially since it is so hard to bend all the way down to those toes!

14. To go to Youth Leadership camp this summer. I already received the details for this year's summer camp. I don't even have a job, yet, but if God wants me to go, he will make it  happen.

15. To get in the ocean this year. I have not gone to the ocean because of Spring Break, but I may have to do it soon! Washing  yourself in the ocean water is good luck, because that is where Jesus walked. 

16. A dresser to put my clothes in. I have no dresser yet.

17. A table and chairs where my family can all sit down to eat together at Thanksgiving. I am still using a small table for two. It would be nice to get my table out of storage. It is not a big table but it is bigger than this little table.

18. New pots and pans, a toaster, and a crock pot. I am still dreaming of these...  

19. To be free from pain. Someday.

20. For my legs to be strong enough to dance... Still dreaming of this!

The top tag and the Gorjuss signature tag were both made by Steph, one of the leaders of my graphic group. They put my tags to shame, but what I make, I make with no instructions from anyone, so I guess they are not so bad...

P.S... I have already completed the tags for next week, but I will wait to put them in my journal after everyone has submitted their entries... I am very proud of the way they turned out. I wish I could put them in here already, but then, it won't be a surprise; huh?!

When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one and a lily with the other. ~ Chinese Proverb 


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tube Challenge 2

I thought I was doing good to start on next week's tube challenge, but after I had already completed my tags, they changed the rules and added some tubes... Oh, well...
I am adding my completed tags to my journal instead... These were completed with no tutorial... They are both animated so I hope they will not take too long to load...
To this tag, I added the man in the bottle and the woman behind the glass. They are not tubes.
To this tag, I added the butterfly and the woman with hammer and chisel. The woman is not a tube.
I am disappointed that my tags will not go into next week's challenge... I love the colors and it took so long to make them... sigh... 
Thanks for visiting...

Tube Challenge

I don't usually share the tags I make, because I am still in the process of learning, and I don't think they are good enough to share yet... Most of my work is by trial and error... more error than trial, actually, because I am self-taught... If it doesn't work, I just do it over...
I have missed out on a lot of the tutorials that my graphic group has been doing... I usually find the tuts difficult to understand, anyway, so I usually just do my own thing...
Last week, we received some tubes to see what we could do with them... The graphics below are the results of my tube challenge... no fancy animations... but the only rules were to use at least two of the tubes...
The only tubes that I used in this tag are a gray bracket, the fairy, the blue flower and a light blue flower, and the WordArt. The big image was created from the fairy. The multiple flowers were created from one flower. I am happy that they sent the Cancer fairy because that is my zodiac sign. =.)
The only tubes that I used in this tag were the light blue flower, the blue flower, the Word Art, and the girl in blue. The bubble and the other two girls were created from the girl in blue. The multiple flowers were created from one flower. P.S. I know the WordArt is misspelled! lol @ not my fault.
I don't think my tags are as good as many of the artists in J-Land, but I'm trying! LOL


   last week, I had two dreams in one week... that is very unusual for me... I was so busy doing other things, however, that I failed to write about it...
The dream took place in a large building with very high ceilings... I was working for a man boss and his desk was so untidy that I put things in order for him.
What was strange is that there was also a bed by his desk. The bed was a mess. I didn't make the bed. I took the sheet off and threw the comforter on the bed and put the pillows on top of it, so it looked as if the bed had been made... The man came in and asked what happened there... He was surprised that when he arrived his bed was made... I was afraid that he would be angry because I didn't make the bed right... I told him that I had not made the bed; I had just cleaned things up a bit... The man seemed impressed. He gave me some instructions and the next thing I know, I am driving a car with two women passengers in it... I felt that I was helping these women, but I was also instructing them...
In my dream, I was working and I was traveling... For me, the high ceilings indicate that the salary will be good... and the fact that the man didn't get angry because I failed to make the bed correctly demonstrated that I went beyond the call of duty even though it was something that was not required of me and he was pleased with it, so he promoted me to higher responsibilities...
   I love dreams where the boss is a man, because in real life, I prefer a man boss. Women bosses are always so hard to work with... Because of their own insecurities, women always seem to see me as a threat in the work place... Also men are ok if you do good, because it makes them look good and they trust you to grow and advance on the job... I hope my next boss will be a man like that...
This image would not upload onto my Photo Image site... So sorry that I had ot resize it, MCC, but I still wanted to use it, because I like what it says about the vacuumed dreams...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Unusual Day

I had been eye-ing a toaster oven at Walgreens for $20 ever since I still had a job... It grills, bakes, and toasts.... I wanted to get it for my mother, but I kept wondering if I should buy it, because I am without a job... Finally, I made up my mind to buy it for her...
So yesterday morning, I got up before the dawn to take out the trash and load the trunk of my car with some things that I had already bagged to donate to charity. That was a hard task for me, not only because of my back injuries but also because I had to go up and down the stairs to do it... but I did it! That was very unusual. Thank you, Abba!
When I finished, I flopped on the sofa... I was exhausted... I closed my eyes for a short break...
Then, I took a shower, put on some makeup, and an old black top and a pair of jeans. I got in my car and they were playing that song that says: I got in my car, put on the radio~ something something, but you know I'm a liar, ooo fire... Teehee @ I love that song although I don't know the words...
   And so, I drove off to deliver the charity items. I rang and rang the doorbell. It was unusual that no one showed up to answer the door, but I left the five bags there anyway, because it was clear that there was someone inside...
It is a large warehouse where they use the money for a children's home. Every time I donate things to charity, I can't help but think of all the people my donations will help... 
   Then, I drove over to my mother's house, taking a chance that she would be at home. She was still in her pajamas... She looks smaller now and thinner. I think she keeps losing weight, because she doesn't have her top teeth anymore... Everything that she eats has to be very soft...
She was surprised to see the toaster oven, but she put it away in the other room, just as she does with everything that I give her... She cooks on a hot plate because she doesn't have a stove, but I still have hope that she will decide to use it one day... especially since she likes to cook for my brother and take the food to him...
She took out some nopales that she had prepared from her cactus garden and warmed them up on the hot plate. I love nopales. I got a soda and she grabbed a cup of coffee. We sat down together in the two chairs and ate, as she talked and talked and talked, as if she were happy to see me... That is  very unusual for her...
   I asked her if she had seen my old birdcage. She has a dove in a very small cage that she places by the window, and she has a large cage that my daughter bought for her about ten years ago but she has never used it. There was also a little red cage that was smaller than the cage where she has the dove. It looks as if it was made in Mexico... I didn't see my old bird cage until I went back into the bathroom to wash my hands... It was in the window... It was so discolored from the sun that I failed to recognize it, but I was happy to find it and to bring it back with me...
I asked her about the 10%, because they had been talking about the 10% a lot at church... They say that if you are not true to give 10% of your earnings to God that everything that you do falls apart... Mother said that your 10th does not have to be about money... It can also be about giving of your time to God...
We talked on some other subjects, although I really do not remember what they were exactly... All I know is that it was very unusual to have a pleasant conversation with my mother, without criticism... She did mention my big stomach, but she was not as harsh about my weight as she usually is...
It is hard to believe that I spent the entire day with her and it was an unusually pleasant conversation... The whole time I wondered if she would wonder why I was there on a Tuesday, but she never said anything about it...
Before I left, I told her that I had lost my job... and I asked her to pray for me and for my older daughter who is in the second stage of Fibrosis...
I found it very unusual that she finally understands that it is not such a great luxury to have an apartment where they can evict you at any time if you do not pay the rent... It was also very unusual for her to show concern for my older daughter because she has always favored the younger one instead...
It was almost dark when I reached the Basilica. I was hoping to get home before dark, but I wanted to go to the bronze life sized statues of the Stations of the Cross to see Jesus in the tomb... I was hoping to sit in the cave, but it was wet from the rain... I spent some time, talking to God, and feeling the holes of the nails in his hands and his feet...
Then, I walked over to the Crucifiction and looked up at Jesus nailed on the cross to see what Mary and the apostle that he loved saw when they looked up at Jesus. It was very touching, very real... I wish I had remembered my camera... I will need to take it with me the next time I go...
When I got home, I walked over to the mailboxes to check my mail... There were two cards from my friend Belle... Belle never sends letters. She always sends little note cards and writes a brief little note inside it... But what was unusual was to get two cards that had been mailed on the same day... One of the cards was an Easter card... The other card contained a ten dollar bill and a five dollar bill.
OMGGG... It was as if I was getting part of my money back for buying that toaster oven for my mother... What a pleasant surprise! God is so good.
Yes, in the road of life,
there are many thorns along the way...
But at the end of that road,
Is a bloom as beautiful and fragrant
as a rose...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Journey

    At church, Monday is set aside as the day for Prosperity.  Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, everything that we  touch turns out wrong, so we did a washing of the hands and we prayed for a blessing of the hands...  Also, because it was Holy Week, we drank a little bit of milk and honey, because God promised Moses that His people would be going to the Promised Land, the land of Milk and Honey... the Land of Prosperity... 
   Then, we watched a little bit of the Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. It was the part in the beginning, where Judas betrays Jesus in the Garden with a kiss and he hangs himself because he realized that he had done wrong.
   Tuesday is set aside as the day of Healing... We are reminded that Mary Magdalene annointed the feet of Jesus with the finest oils and she washed His feet with her tears and dried His feet with her hair... Jesus told her not to use all of the oil... to save it for His burial... In the bathrooms were a wine glass filled with blessed olive oil from Israel and some little cotton balls for everyone to annoint the parts of the body that need healing... The oil was put in the bathrooms to allow for privacy... I am surprised at how little oil I used because all of my body needs healing. (lol)
   We continued watching another piece of the Passion. We watched the part where Jesus was taken back and forth from Pontius Pilate to Herod and back again to Pontius Pilate who gave the people the option of freeing Jesus or Barabas, the notorias murderer, but as we all know, the people chose to free Barabas instead of Jesus.
   Wednesday is set aside for the Word. We read from the Book of Revelations, and we received the sprinkling of the water in rememberance of the River Jordan...
   We continued with another piece of the Passion of the Christ. This part was the hardest to take, because the torturing of Jesus was very graphic. It reminded me of the first time that I saw a statue at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Corpus Christi, Texas... It is exactly like this picture... That was the first time that I realized this great sacrifice that Jesus went through for me... That statue made it real...
Many of the people at church seemed ignorant of what actually happened during Holy Week... At is sad that so many people are so wrapped up in their own lives that they don't take the time to know what Jesus was actually all about... He lived 33 years for one great destiny... to lay down His own life for us...
   One thing that I do have to say, however, is that many people think that the nails went through the palm of the hands. Mel Gibson did the same thing in the movie. If the nail was driven into the palm of the hand, the hand would not be able to sustain the weight of the body on the cross. The movie should have shown the nails being driven into the joints at the wrists, because there is more support...
   Thursday was my favorite day because just as Jesus washed the Disciples' feet, our feet were washed, too... I had washed and oiled my feet beforeI went to the service, because I was embarrassed by the miles of damage that my feet have had to endure in my lifetime, but when he washed my feet, my feet felt different... I cannot remember if my feel have ever felt as cool. The temperature of my feet was different and that cool temperature remained with me for the entire day! I was very surprised to hear that many times,evil does not come through the head but through the feet and it makes it's way up into the body producing illnesses, etc.
We continued watching the Passion of the Christ. This was the part where Jesus carries the sins of the world on the Cross, where Jesus meets His mother, and the part where Veronica wipes the face of Jesus...
Friday is usually the day of liberation from demons and witchcraft, but this Friday was a little bit different, because it was Good Friday. We nailed our problems to the cross and we received a gold-plated cross, in rememberance of the Power we have in Jesus.
   We continued to watch the Passion of the Christ... We watched the part where Jesus was on the Cross, reviewing the seven words that Jesus said while he was on the cross...
   On Saturday, we recieved a gold-plated key with the name of Jesus on it, symbolizing the Key of Victory. We are reminded how Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins to go into hell to get the keys of Heaven that Satan stole when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Although Peter denied Him three times, Jesus returned to earth and gave the keys to Peter. Peter holds the keys at the Golden Gates of Heaven. The keys are a reminder that Jesus is the key to Heaven... the way, the truth, and the life... 
   This morning, all of us walked barefoot into a replica of the empty tomb of Jesus. There were so many people at church today that the service took longer than usual, because everyone in the church went into the tomb one by one.  When we went into the tomb, we took our shoes off, symbolizing that we were walking on Holy ground... We all received a short prayer and a blessing for a brand new life, that through the cross and resurrection of Jesus, all that is dead in our lives may resurrect itself and become a part of our new lives in Christ....
This week has been a beautiful journey with Jesus... It's almost as if I were on a retreat... Even though I am unemployed, I wouldn't have changed anything about this past week...
Abba, you know my problems before I even ask...
You know that because I have always had to struggle in life all by myself, I am a strong person, but...
This past year has not been the kind of life that I want for myself... This past year has been nothing more than days and more days of living in fear... fears of not knowing from oneday to the next if I will have a place to live... fears for my health... fears of falling and injuring my body again... fears of falling in love with the wrong man... fears of failing... fears of being so fat that I will not have anything to wear... fears of running out of food... Living with fear is no way to live...
Abba, I no longer want to worry about such things... Take care of the little things, Lord, so that I can focus on the greater things that I have yet to do...


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prayer for Financial Blessings

I received the following email from one of my readers. Instead of forwarding it, I am adding it to my journal... Thank you for believing in me, Veronica...
An unemployed graduate woke up one morning and checked his pocket. All he had left was $10. He decided to use it to buy food and then wait for death as he was too proud to go begging. He was frustrated as he could find no job, and nobody was ready to help him.

He bought food and as he sat down to eat, an old man and two little children came along and asked him to help them with food as they had not eaten for almost a week. He looked at them. They were so lean that he could see their bones coming out. Their eyes had gone into the socket.

With the last bit of compassion he had, he gave them the food. The old man and children prayed that God would bless and prosper him and then gave him a very old coin.

The young graduate said to them 'you need the prayer more than I do'.

With no money, no job, no food, the young graduate went under the bridge to rest and wait for death. As he was about to sleep, he saw an old newspaper on the ground. He picked it up, and suddenly he saw an  advertisement for people with old coins to come to a certain address.
He decided to go there with the old coin the old man gave him.

On getting to the place, he gave the proprietor the coin. The proprietor screamed, brought out a big book and showed the young graduate a photograph. This same old coin was worth 3 million dollars. The young graduate was overjoyed as the proprietor gave him a bank draft for 3 million dollars within an hour. He collected the Bank Draft and went in search of the old man and little children.

By the time he got to where he left them eating, they had gone. He asked the owner of the canteen if he knew them. He said no but they left a note for you. He quickly opened the note thinking it would lead him to find them.

This is what the note said:
'You gave us your all and we have rewarded you back with the coin.'
God the Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
1 Kings 17:10-16; Matthew 11:28-30


Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God, I pray to you that you abundantly Bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all Who believe and trust in you.

Father, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the person who sent this to me, but for Me and all that I have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything.

I thank you in advance for your blessings.

Father God, deliver the person reading this right now and those who will read it in the near future from debt and debt burdens. Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me, Father, for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk in Your word and have the faith of a Mustard seed that You will pour out blessings.

I thank You now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know You are not done with me yet. In Jesus name, I pray,

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday 2008

Good Friday... Today is the anniversary of my death. Twenty-eight years ago, I was in a terrible car accident, and I was declared dead. Before I died, I heard the doctors say that if I survived, I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life...
It was my role as a mother that made me plead with God to return me to earth for my children's sake, and I asked Him to heal my wounds, because I did not want to be a mother in a wheelchair... God listened to my heart's desires, and He brought me back to life...
I only asked God to allow me to live until my children were grown... I never expected to live this long... I have been so close to death so many times that my daughter is convinced that I am invincible... 
So here I am... still... I have no idea why God still has me here, especially since I have been waiting so long for my next assignment, but if I am still alive, that means that God still has a purpose for me... I continue to put my life into His hands for I trust whatever plans he has for me are much greater than anything that I could ever plan for myself...
St. Patrick's Day fell on Monday. It seems only right that Holy Week should start out with an Irish Blessing...
I am a bit behind in my entries, but since it was the only St. Patrick tag that I created, I didn't want the week to go by without using it in my journal... 
I have spent every day this week strengthening my spirituality. I need to go to sleep now, so I will write more about it later...

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rains fall softly upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Life Is But A Dream

Last night, something happened that hasn't happened in a long time... I had a dream...
I think it was actually a series of little dreams, one after the other. When the morning light shone on my face, I could feel another dream coming into view, but I told myself that I had done enough dreaming already, and I woke myself up... Hopefully, I didn't interrupt something important...
The part that I remember most vividly took place in a house, which is usually the norm in my dreams... I remember talking with someone and that person told me that for this assignment, I would need to wear the clothes that were laid out in the other room. I really wanted to do the assignment, but I was afraid that with all of the weight that I have gained that I might not be able to fit in the clothes that I needed to wear for it...
I walked over to the other room and found the clothes, just as the person had said. There was a white, crisp dolman-sleeved shirt and a pair of pants. I loved the shirt, because it was a 1940's style, I love those kinds of shirts, but I have not been able to wear a white shirt after the weight-gain, because it will draw too much attention to "the girls." The shirt looked roomy enough, because of the style, but the pants looked really small.
I didn't think that I would be able to fit into the pants, but I put my legs into them, one leg at a time... praying to myself, all the while... to be able to ZIP them UP. 
To my surprise, the pants fit and there was no struggle whatsoever in zipping them up! I had the same look of amazement as America did when she fit into the pants that her skinny friends fit into! In my dream, the pants fit and it was amazing!
I unzipped the pants, put on the crisp white shirt, put the shirt tails inside the pants, and I zipped up the pants. The shirt and the pants made me look as if I had a tiny waist. I walked out of the room into the other room and the person who told me to put on the pants said I looked good...
"I do look good; don't I?" I said... and I smiled in my dream and I was still smiling when I woke up...
In my dream, I had a little miracle... I do not like to dream because my dreams always come true, but this time, my dream is something that I want to become a reality... Thank you, Lord, for my little dream of HOPE...
This is Holy Week...It is a Special Week...
Just as you expect someone to acknowledge your birthday...
or to get something special on your birthday
from family or friends...
God is waiting to give you something special this week...
Watch for it!

Palm Sunday

This past Sunday was the start of Holy Week. We remember Palm Sunday as the day that Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. People laid palm branches on the road before him and greeted him as the long-awaited Messiah, shouting, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!"
  In ancient Roman times, palms were a symbol of Honor and Victory. Some crowns were made from palm leaves, and when a person of honor returned from war or a King came into town, palms were laid on the road before them, much as people today lay out a red carpet. 
   It is Unfortunate that some people only show up to church on Christmas and Easter... Going to church on Sunday is supposed to give one strength for the rest of the week, but people who do not attend church regularly miss out on the church's teachings and traditions. I think this is sad, because they are missing out...
  Some people play with the leaves, braid them into different shapes, etc, but after that, heaven knows what they do with them. Some people discard the palm leaves as soon as they turn brown. It is a shame that fewer and fewer people fail to recognize the traditions of the church...
 Remember that before you receive the palms, they are blessed and consecrated before God as a symbol of our Faith... When you receive the palm leaves, arrange them into a cross and put the palm cross over the front door on the outside of the door as a symbol of your Faith and trust in God...  Doing this, symbolizes that you welcome Christ and peace into your home, it is a symbol of Honor and Victory for the lives of the people who live there, and because Christ goes before you, it is also supposed to help to keep evil out.... 
  I lost my job last Tuesday. It is no accident that God freed me just in time for Holy Week. In Texas, I am supposed to receive my final paycheck by the sixth day. It is already the seventh day and I have not received anything...