I am usually overweight when I live close to my mother, but I am slim when I live far, far away from her.
FACT: I usually overeat when someone hurts my feelings, and usually, that person who hurts my feelings is my mother.
It's taken me a few days to get over my mother's harsh words. I am pretty stressed out because I still have to entertain her during the Christmas holidays. Lord, help me! My diet and will-power went out the door. I ran a bath last night, allowing the warmth of the water to caress my body, and I had a good cry. I am really surprised that my eyes are not puffy this morning, but the tears continue to flow.
A friend invited me to lunch yesterday. We ate Chinese. I had two snickers bars yesterday and a hamburger for supper. LOL... Chocolate cures all ills? Must presevere and get back on my diet.....
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
I feel the same way about my Grandmother as you do about your Mother. If I had my way about it I would never have another thing to do with her. I stay away from her as much as possible. I even thanked her on Thanksgiving for recking another holiday for me. I dread the holidays with that old bag.
LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh, Kathi. Besos, Win =.)
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