Sunday, December 26, 2004

Words of Ram

Woman & Glass ~ Alan Goldstein Photography

My friend, Ram, is always playing the clown. It is a rare to none moment when he says anything serious. Much to my surprise, on Christmas Eve, he told me this...

There is something very different about you. You are very selective about your friends. You take your time to get to know someone until that friendship is earned, but once that friendship is earned, you become a lifelong friend. I never know when you are going to call, but it seems that you always call at just the right time.

What I have noticed about you is that no matter what happens to you, you always have hope. I really admire that.


Anonymous said...

that is truly something special.

Anonymous said...

that was a very nice and sweet thing ur friend Ram, said...I'm glad that he can see what a great person u r.

Anonymous said...

My body, my brain, and my heart are at battle.... Yes, Ram's words were exactly what I needed to be reminded of! Must keep focused. Must presevere. Mustnt give up hope.... Win =.)