Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Christmas Story, Part 2.


When they were at the Census, it was time for Mary to give birth. Joseph and Mary tried to find shelter for the night.  Arriving at Joseph's ancestral home, they found it already full of other family members who had arrived earlier. While the exact reason space was not made for a pregnant woman is unknown, it probably indicates the house was full of elder members of Joseph's family, who had priority.                               

Mary and Joseph spent the night in a stable, surrounded by the ox and the ass, in a room that stenched of manure and filth.

And so, the Virgin gave birth to the Son of Man in the filthiest place in the world. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and she laid him in a manager where the animals chewed the cud of the miraculous flowers of spring. 

Up to this time, the kings of the earth and the people who were materialistic worshipped the oxen and the ass. On this glorious night, the first to worship the baby Jesus were the oxen and the ass.

Oxen Birth of Jesus by Powell Onager        

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