Weekend Assignment #10: Congratulations! You've been given one million dollars. What would you do with it? But wait! There's more -- seems you've been given two million dollars. Would you do anything different with the second million than you would with the first?
For the purposes of this assignment, assume that you've got two million after taxes -- so you don't have to worry about Uncle Sam and your state and local governments dipping into your pot of cash. Also, you've got it all at once -- no installment plans.
(Extra Credit: If you had two million not to keep but to donate to a charity, which charity and why?)
Ironic that this weekend's weekend assignment is exactly what I had been thinking about, because it has been prophesized recently that I will be receiving some money! Normally, I would think one million dollars is a lot of money, but after watching Austin Powers, it seems that Dr Evil was laughed at because he thought it was a lot of money. =.) Still... What would I do with it?!!
1. Quit my job.
2. Go out to eat seafood. =.)
3. Hire someone to clean my closet. =.)
4. Pay off my debts and get my stuff out of layaway at Wal-Mart.
5. Put money away for my grandchildren's college education.
6. Build a house in Rockport, Texas, with a library loft and a skylight in the bedroom so I can sleep under the stars.
7. Get my things out of storage and find a place for them in my new home. =.)
8. Buy a new car.
9. Lift all of my body parts that have been affected by gravity. =.)
10. Take a real vacation that doesnt involve cleaning closets. =.) I would love to see Egypt and Michelangelo's work @ the Sistine Chapel.
11. Buy art supplies and an easel. Take art lessons. Maybe open up an art gallery with a coffee shop and a live jazz band.
12. Write a book or several.
13. Learn sign language.
14. Start sewing again. Make myself some new clothes. Maybe open up a boutique and antique store where people can meet to quilt and sell their homemade items.
15. Spend a day with Oprah and give her a hug.
16. Meet Richard Gere and ask him if he would like to come over to my new home to eat seafood and look at the stars. =.)
17. Meet some of my AOL journal buddies and invite them over for a pot-luck barbecue or something. =.)
18. Build houses for my children and their families.
19.Do volunteer work.
21. Invent something?
22. Make a will.
23. Start a support group for millionaires who dont know what to do with their money. Learn about investments and see how I can prosper from that second million.
EXTRA CREDIT: When I did investigations in child abuse, I saw many children who's faces were disfigured from abuse or neglect. I would donate to Changing Faces. It is a charity that helps people who's faces are disfigured. To learn more about Changing Faces or to donate to Changing Faces, click on the green Changing faces above and it will take you there..
{{{{{Win}}}}} I loved your list! I love the thought of sleeping under the stars... Hey three entries today...will there be a 4th? :)
I love the idea of sleeping under the stars & donating to Changing Faces. You have such a good heart, never change.
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