When AOL first approached me about wanting to feature my journal, I was excited, but it seems that everytime I write about AOL wanting to feature it, the people I have met along my journey disappear. I cant help but wonder who will disappear this time. Perhaps they feel that I dont deserve it?
Personally, I am flattered that AOL would even consider featuring my journal, but it would have been better if they had featured it when the progress was phenomenal. And getting someone to take the time to take a half-decent picture of me has been impossible. I cannot begin to tell you how much film I have wasted, because they took my picture so far away that you cant tell who is in the picture, they have chopped off my head, or they have left me out of the picture entirely. Perhaps I should tell AOL to forget about featuring my journal? Would that help me to hold on to whatever "friends" I may have left?
For the past few months, I have remained at a plateau. I keep trying to remain positive and I keep seeking to be inspired, but so much has happened during the past few months, especially with my health, that I cannot possibly see how I will be able to continue to be an inspiration to anyone who is experiencing their own difficulties with weight-loss.
{{{{{Win}}}}} Please go on...go on because you had a goal and you deserve the success of reaching that goal. Go on because it is good for your health. Go on because it's for YOU...not for AOL...not for blogging...not for any friends that you have or don't have THIS IS FOR YOU!
As for the AOL blog feature, I think you should let them feature you blog. Choose the best photo that you do have and send it....after all, it's not about the picture, it's about the message. You may be inspiring people that you don't even know about. Some people are either just too shy about commenting or they don't find/take the time to do it.
PLEASE GO ON WIN!!!!! And congratulations for the progress you've made. Isn't a plateau stage part of every weight loss regime?
Never stop trying. I know it's frustrating to stay at the same weight for such a long period but maybe if you change something up it will shock your body out of the plateau.
Hi there :-)
I just came across your journal, and I think it is awesome :-) I agree with you about AOL when they say they're going to feature you, it's sometimes a while, I received an email about a month ago, and now TODAY they featured my journal, I didn't think they would feature it, but I guess I was wrong :-) I'd love to help you along the way with your weightloss. :-) It's hard at times, but you have to stay strong. If you mess up dust yourself on, and Keep on Goin'. I believe you can do it, and I'll definitly be coming back to hear your progress. Keep up the great work, and YOU CAN DO IT ;-)
I can't stand the thought that you would stop journaling. You have inspired me ever since I first read your journal. I think you are an incredible woman, who has already attained most of your goal. Being at a plateau is veru frustrating. I am there too. But you must go on. Even though I sometimes don't leave a message for you I am always thinking of you...refer to the e-mail I recently sent. If journaling has helped you in the past, go on. But if is something that you find does not help you, then you need to do what is right for you. But if you choose to go, my friend, you will be greatly missed.
I say GO FOR IT! Not just the AOL feature ... I had several letters from editors wanting to feature the journal ... when they did it was a surpise to me cuz I thought they moved on.
Go for it with your goals ... it's for YOU, for your health. OR, are you looking for an excuse to give up? Do you really want to give up having got this far? All those things you need to ask yourself.
Wishing you the best
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