Monday, March 22, 2004


WHEN GOD CLOSES ONE DOOR, HE OPENS ANOTHER. Trust in God to make things right in your life. Today, your life may not be what you want it to be, but God has a great sense of humor, and sometimes, He has a surprise for you right around the corner. Listen. Take heart. Watch for it. Miracles happen everyday.

Hold true to yourself and remember that the miracle is YOU. Think of how blue and miserable you feel when you are overweight. Think of all that you are missing when you continue to allow yourself to remain in the Glass Box. You have to be brave enough to stop taking back the pounds you have lost.  You have come too far to keep opening and closing and reopening that door.  You are already halfway. Dont turn back. There is a new door waiting to be opened. Keep going and you will reach it, too.


Anonymous said...

Wini, that is so inspirational & just what I didn't this morning. Thank you for your friendship.

Anonymous said...

winivere---God is good--I was waiting for that surprise and found it when I read your wonderful words.
Your are a great!!--Mary

Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks, you'all. I am trying hard to stay positive, especially during lent. =.)